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Chapter III


 Materials

o Software

 XAMPP (version 7.2.32) by Apache Friends is used in developing the

system locally by making use of PHP, a server-side scripting language

and MySQL for a relational database management.

 Brackets (version 1.12.1) an extension or third party software of Adobe

which is widely used in web development served as text editor for writing

the source code of the system.

 The operating system being used on the development is Windows 7 for

desktop version and any Android for the mobile version using chrome as

the web browser.

o Hardware used

 A windows computer (laptop) with i3 core is primarily used on developing

the system but any windows computer regardless of its architecture

whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit will do as long as it can run a web browser.

This hardware specification also applies to the one used by the staffs in

the clinic.

 A smartphone is used for testing the mobile web view. This also applies to

the patients or prospect customers for accessing the website in seeking

information about the clinic services they provide and for setting an

o Data

 The data in this study were collected by the researchers from the

respondent: medical practitioners and other staffs in St. Therese Maternity

Clinic. It is obtained through their records of logsheets or forms acquired

recently in the past few months this year 2021.

o Systems Environment

 The system is for St. Therese Maternity Clinic which is located at Brgy.

San Jose Dulag, Leyte. Below is the organizational structure of the clinic.

Figure 3.1 – Organizational Structure

 The population of the study covers those who are working in the clinic

because they will be the primary users of the system. And a random

selection of patients from different barangays of Dulag or nearby towns

will also be part of the population.

 The way that the clinic delivers their services is not much suitable

nowadays. They are not integrating the use of technology. They still use a

traditional method which is manual.

 Thus it limits the digitalized or electronic method which is much more

reliable in terms of record management. A database-driven system would

be useful for the clinic. Since manual procedure has a lot of drawbacks

like it takes a lot of space for filing records and uses a lot of materials,

damaged or misplaced paper or forms, and the human error which might

consume more time.

 Methods

o Experimental Design / Model used

 The model used by the researchers in this study is the Waterfall Model.

This Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is widely used in software

development for it is easy to understand and very simple to apply. Every

step has its own input and output where it is sequentially needed for the

next phase.

 The Waterfall Model is divided into five (5) different phases as shown in

the SDLC Model, Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 – Waterfall Model

o Procedures for the different phases

1. Requirements

In this phase, the researchers gathered data from the client through

interviews and surveys. The requirements captured will be used for

the documentation and development of the system.

2. Design

After acquiring the requirement, the next phase will be taken which is

to design. Design here means both the physical and logical design of

the system which is based on the requirements. Physical design is

about the specification of hardware to use while logical design is

about how the system will work. So the researchers analyse and
come up with the system architecture. Hardware and software

specification already mentioned. Below are the System Analysis and

Design (SAD).

 Analysis

 Context Diagram

Figure 3.3 – Context Diagram

The context of the St. Therese Maternity Clinic Management System is about the User

Registration and Login where the clinic owner registers clinic personnel such as midwife, doctor of

paediatrics, doctor of obstetrics and gynaecology, utility or maintenance personnel, and IT staff.

Then the midwife and doctor manage forms for his or her patient. On the other hand, patient may

set an appointment online. While the utility will only manage inventory of utilities used, damaged or

disposed. In addition, the owner and IT staff are capable of all record management of the system.

To go on next layer of the system, the Data Flow Diagram is illustrated below.
 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3.4 – Data Flow Diagram

The diagram above shows the flow of data in the system. As it is illustrated, the patient

may set an appointment where the system can get information. It might be from the online

appointment of patient or in an interview by the midwife, pediatrician or ob gyne to the patient. All

the inputs from both end will be saved to the database then update the data in the patient

information as part of the system process. In speaking of the system process, the midwife or doctor

and the utility will have an activity log for using an item or for returning/adding an item. This will

lead to the inventory which will be saved also to the database and the database updates the said

inventory information. On the other hand, clinic owner and the IT staff will have the direct contact to

database so it means they have a full access in the system in terms of storing and retrieving data.
 System Flowchart

Figure 3.5 – System Flowchart

Figure 3.6 – Website Admin System Flowchart
Figure 3.7 – Inventory Management
Figure 3.8 – Manage Labor & Delivery
Figure 3.9 – Newborn Screening
Figure 3.10 – Ob Gyne
 Program Flowchart

Figure 3.11 – Login Form Authentication

Figure 3.12 – Adding Module
Figure 3.13 – Updating Module
 Design

 Database Schema

Figure 3.14 – Maternity Clinic Database Schema

 System Architecture

Figure 3.15 – System Architecture

 Algorithm

The algorithm of the system is an Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP) which follow the

DRY method or simply Donot-Repeat-Yourself as it is based on objects. You just create an

instance of the object and access its data or properties and use its methods or functions. Another

key-algorithm of the system is the counting, sorting, and searching which is best use for record

management in knowing the length or size of records, ordering records ascending or descending,

and parsing or matching records based on keywords.

3. Development

In this phase of development, the programming part takes place.

 Programming Environment

 Front End

Since the St. Therese Maternity Clinic Management System

is a web-based application, the front end of the system is

made up of web elements and developed using HTML, CSS

and Javascript with the help of JQuery and Bootstrap


 Back End

The back end of the system runs through a server-side

scripting language PHP with a Relational Database

Management System namely MySQL.

4. Testing

After the development phase, the testing of the system will be done. In

this part, the developed system will be tested in compliance with the

system requirements. Every part of the system requirements or referred

as modules will undergo for testing. This is also known as unit.

 Test Plan

Figure 3.16 – Test Plan

 Unit Testing

User Retrieval Data Data Data User
Login & Filtering Insertion Modification Restriction



Table 3.1 – Unit Testing

5. Implementation

Implementation is the last part of the Waterfall Model. If the testing

passed, the proposed system will now be implemented to the research

respondent St. Therese Maternity Clinic.

 Project Implementation

The system will be installed to an online server and webhosting.

 Implementation Contingency

A contingency plan for the implementation is a backup of database

from the webhosting control panel so that if system fails, all the data

can be accessed in a locally hosted web-based application just like in

the development stage.

 Deployment

This is the part of deploying the system for staff users and patient

users which is also called the production because it is now a product

that provides service. It is live over the World Wide Web (WWW)

which can be accessed online.

o Evaluation

 User Acceptability

Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University
Dulag Extension Campus
Dulag, Leyte

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


This is to certify that the “St. Therese Maternity Clinic System” developed by (name of

proponents) gone through a User Acceptance Testing (UAT), evaluated and therefore accepted by

the clinic owner.

Approved & Accepted by

Clinic Owner/Midwife
 Software Quality Assurance

The system accomplished a Software Quality Assurance based

on different fields of quality:

 Usability – users all over the world (prospect or customer

patients) can use the system.

 Portability – the system is portable that it can be used with

any WAP/WEB enabled device.

 Reliability – the system is reliable in terms of data and record


 Flexibility – the system is maintainable and flexible since it is

developed and designed to be a dynamic web-based


 Efficiency – a one-time installation process of the system and

it is efficient for it can be used over the time.

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