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Carpio Centellas, Luis Ricardo


Sandoval Ayala, Cinthya Jesarela


When one refers to strategic thinking, it can be taken into account that it arises from a series
of experiences, both at an interpersonal level, as well as from external agents, in addition to
that this activity tries to “discover novel strategies and imaginative ones that can rewrite the
rules of the competitive game; and imagine potential futures significantly different from the
present "(J. Mason, 2001).

Bueno, E can be cited, who details that the study of the strategy can be divided between the
analysis of the content of the strategy and the definition of the process that is followed in the
company for the formation of the strategy itself. On the other hand, it can be seen in the
figure below, he divides strategic planning into four stages: strategic thinking and strategic
analysis, strategic formulation, strategic programming and implementation and control of the

As Goldman affirms, and demonstrates it in his research, he reveals 10 experiences in

strategic thinking that can be grouped into four levels of interaction: personal, interpersonal,
organizational and external, it is not uncommon to think that we have lived these experiences
many people, for which the reader can be identified, below is detailed:

Personal connotation
Interaction Experience

Family It influences the person from birth, promotes values

upbringing / and pre-gnosis judgments for their future development,
education it is their first contact
General work Both success and better opportunities allow us to
experiences develop a better alternative solution to situations.
Not only knowing, but sharing experiences, identifying
Becoming the best alternatives, allows us, this is allowed based
CEO on previous experiences and good strategies taken.

Anyone can provide immediate feedback (effective

Be a mentor
feedback) through their experience.
Being Sometimes the exchange of ideas allows us to know
challenged by much more and reconsider some key of how we can
a key better carry out a strategy and a complex analysis, with
colleague other approaches that could be avoided.
Results of Some of the notions were found with a marked
monitoring / segmentation regarding the market, since they focused
benchmarkin on an operational and market performance of their
g organizations.
Not only knowing, but also practicing it in order to have
Results of a better basis in our analysis, that is, to be more
monitoring / participative in processes, bibliographic and
benchmarkin educational support management teams and making
g known the results of the same for possible effective
Spearheading This type of experience will involve significant
a major complexity, in addition to the accompaniment of capital
growth and labor, as many as developing business or being
initiative part of an exponential growth in an organization.
Always be consistent with what we say about what we
Coping with a
do, in every company we must always seek
threat to
improvement and recognition, being solid in our
thoughts and critical, constructively speaking, that is, to
External help reduce negative impacts for our organization.
It will enrich us in knowledge, where it allows us to
Vicarious develop our capacities and in other aspects such as
Experiences personnel, learning behaviors and observing that of

There are 3 patterns that will help you have good strategic thinking

The development of understanding: here is essential experience in strategic thinking arises

from the culmination of several experiences, since these occur over years, and each is
fueled by the natural curiosity of each person.

The practice of rational planning: they are articulated to the theory of formal decision, which
are based on a given goal or on a function to objectives, they can be mentioned as the
optimization and analysis of a cost-benefit of what is seeks, efficiency; It's important to
understand where you are, determine where you want to be, and detail how to get there.

The completion of a hierarchy of challenges: that is, how this type of thinking evolves over
time, since not only the experience, but the accompaniment and enrichment of knowledge
that help to follow an upward line.

Consolidating our strategic thinking helps us to differentiate ourselves and achieve our
objectives in a timely manner, since the optimal result will depend on how we can achieve
our goals with a positive attitude, which facilitates our being efficient, optimizing resources, in
addition, that this allows us to achieve the commitment and identification of the members of
the company, this would also be accompanied by other skills.

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