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Assessment 2:

1. Coming out of the pandemic, what can we do make the role of head more sustainable?
 Several strategies can be applied to increase the sustainability of a head's work. Getting
people to live more sustainably is one of the most important strategies. This can be achieved
by giving people the needed knowledge, helping them digest it, using leaders, making action
simpler and more enjoyable, and considering involving others in tasks.
 Incorporating diversity, education, and thinking into the company's ethos is another way to
incorporate sustainability. By doing this, businesses may teach their leadership teams to
embrace sustainability as a core value.
2. How can we move toward true distributed leadership to increase balance and capacity?
 by establishing avenues for the company to find and develop future leaders. By practicing
leadership, creating their networks, and making smaller judgments, distributed leadership
enables gifted individuals to get ready for the big, crucial decisions that lie ahead.
 In an organization with a distributed structure, all members contribute to the corporate
vision, generate new ideas, and exchange ideas rather than simply a select few or a group.
These leaders must have adequate resources to generate concepts and carry out
3. What can we learn from hiring and turnover trends in other industries?
 through giving useful information about the labor market and assisting businesses in making
wise choices.
4. How can we regain the balance heads need between their personal and professional lives?
 We must prioritize, keep work and play distinct, manage our time well, and take care of
ourselves. These represent what we refer to as a healthy balance between private/
personal and professional affairs.
5. How can we address head’s feelings of isolation?
 It is necessary to attend to feelings of isolation, particularly in heads or leaders. One's ability
to lead, make decisions, and maintain general well-being may all be interfered with by a
sense of isolation. Making a difference starts with recognizing and accepting emotions of
loneliness. Normalizing the problem might occasionally be beneficial. Acknowledging that
you're not the only one who feels alone can motivate you to take action. It's also important
to voice any concerns.
6. What can we nurture the leadership pipeline? Identify and encourage interest?
 To keep up the leadership pipeline, we can put in place a variety of methods to identify and
pique interest in potential leaders. One approach is to teach the power of narrative, which
may help translate complex ideas, promote trust, and spur action. Another tactic to help
high-potential individuals develop the confidence they need to progress is to present them
with a challenge. Organizations can also start a mentorship program to encourage
involvement and leadership development at every level of the leadership pipeline. For those
who want to become leaders, it's also essential to continue developing essential skills like
emotional intelligence. Finally, but just as importantly, offering opportunities for cross-
training can help aspiring leaders understand the full extent of the organization and obtain
firsthand knowledge of every component of the business engine.
7. Grow internal talent? Improve our hiring process?
 For me, it'ss both. Why? One strategy is to create an internal job advertisement that is
distinct from the one you post for external candidates. As a result, it will be simpler for
current workers to search available openings and submit their applications. Developing and
implementing clear selection criteria might help to avoid bias and decrease speculation
among applicants. Interacting with employees and providing financing for their professional
development can help improve the efficiency of internal hiring processes. The creation of a
succession plan will help you identify and nurture internal talent.
8. How can we enhance mentorship and sponsorship opportunities, particularly for heads and
administrators whose identities are traditionally marginalize?
 A good way to increase opportunities for mentorship and sponsorship for department heads
and administrators whose identities are traditionally marginalize is to formalize sponsorship
and mentoring programs. These programs might be specifically designed to support diverse
talent development, encourage minority employees to stay or grow within your organization
and foster inclusive work cultures. A more senior employee trains a junior employee's career
and provides direction, advice, and help in navigating their professional development in a
mentoring relationship.
9. How can we support new heads in their first year?
 By cultivating a culture of trust and confidence among your team, focusing on student
learning, establishing real professional relationships, being aware of your obligations, and
building effective teams. These are helpful for new heads or leaders to succeed on their first
day of work.
10. How can we make the board/head relationship a true partnership that sustains overtime?
 To make the board/head relationship a true partnership that sustains over time, it is
important that the board must prioritize governance over management, form committees to
help carry out its own duties rather than the head's, recognize that the head of school
reports to the board as a whole, evaluate the head through the Executive Support and
Appraisal Team, and conduct an annual self-appraisal.

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