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Finals Activity # 2

1. Filename: LASTNAME, Firstname (Finals Activity 2)

2. Create a table with the following fields and its corresponding data type
a. Student_ID – AutoNumber (Primary key)
b. Lastname – Text (Short/Long)
c. Firstname - Text (Short/Long)
d. Middlename - Text (Short/Long)
e. Birthdate – Date/Time
f. Program - Text (Short/Long)
g. Year_Section - Text (Short/Long)
h. Picture – Attachment
3. Input 10 records to the table above.
4. Save the table with the filename Personal_Info.
5. Create a Personal_Info Form using all the 8 fields and 10 records you have inputted in the Table.
6. Try to arrange the layout of the form.

7. Try to apply additional formatting on the Personal Info form by increasing the fonts, putting effects etc. to fields
and records.
8. Import the attached excel file in the classroom as the second table and rename it as Enrolled_Units.
9. Insert 1 field between the program and year_section. The field is called Tuition/unit.
BSCS = 543.98
BSIT = 562.75
BSA = 786.55
BSCrim = 489.99
BSBA = 520.34
10. Create a query that will compute for the tuition fee of the 10 records by multiplying the
tuition/unit(Personal_Info Table) and the Enrolled Units (Enrolled_Units Table). The calculated field will be
named as TuitionFee. The query should also display the fields namely: Student_ID, Lastname, Firstname,
Middlename, Program, Tuition/unit, Enrolled Units. The computed field should be the last field that will display.
11. Change the dollar sign into a peso sign in the Tuition/unit field and put also a peso sign in the calculated field
12. Insert another field in the personal info table. The field will be Address field with text as the data type.
13. Create another query that will display the following fields:
a. Student_ID
b. Lastname
c. Firstname
d. Middlename
e. Address
The criteria should focus on Address field. Choose one address in your record that you will use as a criteria.
Save it the filename is: Address Query
14. Create a form using the TuitionFee Query. Apply formatting.
15. Create a report of the following:
a. Personal_info table using the fields namely: Student_ID, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, Program,
Picture in a Tabular format. Orientation: Landscape. Apply formatting.
b. TutionFee Query using all the fields in a Columnar format. Orientation: Portrait. Apply formatting.
16. Insert slc logo to all the reports as presented in the recorded lecture.
17. Duedate: Thursday (BSA 1B – 3pm)

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