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A Research paper Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department

Silliman University

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for

Immersion/Research/Capstone Project

Jac Nicolo T. Abella

Jeffrey Liel V. Ferrer

Mac Philip G. Flores

Jerdie Rose M. Octavio

Ken B. Shiraishi

Ronald O. Tomarong

Zach Eleazar M. Toñacao

December 2020
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Objectives of the Study 3
Hypothesis: 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Limitations 5
Definition of Terms 5
Chapter II 7
Rise of Renewable Energy Sources 7
Negative Effects of Using Non-Renewable Energy Sources 8
Greenhouse Gas Emissions 8
Air Pollution 8
Water Pollution 9
Land Pollution 9
Accidents 10
Limited Power Supply 10
Abundant Supply 11
Positive Effects of Alternative Energy 11
Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Pollution 11
Economic Status 12
Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy 12
Turbine Generator 13
Kinetic Energy 13
Janicki Omniprocessor 14
Theoretical Framework 15
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework by Baker et al. (1996) on their study titled “Modelling
Students’ construction of energy models in physics” 17
Conceptual Framework 17
Figure 2: Conceptual Model 19

Chapter III
Research Design 20
Research Environment 21
Respondents and Sampling Procedure 21
Research Instrument 22
Data Collection Procedure 22
Data Analysis Procedure 23
Ethical Considerations 23

Bibliography 25


Background of the Study

In day to day lives, electricity has played an important role. Electricity, the lifeblood of modern

society; it is in homes, it runs through cities, and is arguably one of the most important

discoveries of every individual People have learned to be dependent on electricity that it would

cause a shock if the supply is irregular (Electrician Sources 4U, n.d.). According to Richardson,

the World Net Daily (2012) conducted a poll whether people will or will not survive without

electricity and 50% stated that if there is no electricity for two weeks, they will not be able to

survive and the percentage of people who stated that they will be dead in two months is summed

to 75%.

On the other hand, electricity is incorporated in gadgets such as smartphones and computers that

are proven to be an advantage in the field of education (Smythe J., 2019). Silver (2019) stated

that people who possess mobile devices, which half of these are smartphones, is estimated to

more than 5 billion.

It has shaped the world into what it is now and because of this, the community consumes

massive amounts of electricity. In 2017, the world's electricity consumption amounted to

approximately 22.3 trillion kilowatt-hours (N. Sönnichsen). To put that into perspective one

kilowatt equates to charging a cellphone for 2 hours each day for a month. According to the U.S.

Energy Information Administration the breakdown of sources is as follows: Coal (38%), Natural
gas (23%) Hydro (16%), Nuclear (10%), Wind (4%), Oil (3%), Solar (2%), Biofuels (2%), Other

(2%). Therefore, the dominating sources of energy are fossil fuels, like coal and natural gasses.

In 2016, the global population of those who have access to electricity increased to 81% from

71% in 1990 (Ritchie H. & Roser M., 2019). The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

projects that world energy consumption will grow by nearly 50% between 2018 and 2050. Even

though there is a vast amount of energy, it is still not enough. Demands are getting high, yet the

supply falls short. The Philippines’ Department of Energy reported that the Philippines’

consumption of electricity increased from 82,413,213 MWh (2015) to 90,797,891 MWh (2016).

Ako Bisaya Rep. Sonny Lagon stated that during summer there is an increased demand for

ventilation such as cooling thus power interruptions are expected (Cervantes F., 2020). One of

the countermeasures would be to use fossil fuels in reserve to meet the quota, but the problem

with this is that one, it is unsustainable, and two, it is detrimental for the environment.

This study aims to create a Crank-Motor Generator that is much like an electric generator,

converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. This generator is smaller in scale and employs

the use of dynamos and a pulley system to generate electricity. The premise of this machine is

similar to a wind turbine, wherein, " ... its blades capture the wind’s kinetic energy and rotate,

turning it into mechanical energy. This rotation turns an internal shaft connected to a gearbox,

which increases the speed of rotation by a factor of 100. That spins a generator that produces

electricity (, N.d)." The crank-motor Generator aims to use another dynamo to power

the main dynamo to produce electricity. Similar to bike-powered generators, where the

"Rotational energy of the tire can be used to pump water out from the well, to drive a washing

machine, to operate blender/grinder etc. These applications can be of very great use in

un-electrified places (Chakole A., Dhotre V., Raut P., 2019)." The power generated by this
machine should be able to charge a cellphone, power a small fan, among other things that require

a minimal amount of energy. Moreover, by creating a power generator made of motors and crank

mechanics that have the capabilities the same as a power bank that doesn’t rely on ready to use

energy, energy is conserved and there will be less pollution emitted by fossil fuels therefore

preserving the environment.

Statement of the Problem

This study is designed to determine the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy,

discover the frequency of energy that the crank-motor generator produces and give attention to

the importance of alternative energy.

Objectives of the Study

1. To determine whether or not the crank-motor can generate electricity from

mechanical to electrical energy

2. To determine if the crank-motor can be a reliable source of alternative energy.

3. To determine if the crank-motor will be of use by students.


1. 2. H0 = The crank-motor is not a reliable source of alternative energy

H1 = The crank-motor is a reliable source of alternative energy.

3. H0 = The crank-motor will not be of use by students.

H1 = The crank-motor will be of use by students.

Significance of the Study

Since electricity is considered as one of the most essential energy, it is important to determine

possible ways to conserve this energy. This study is important because it will open doors for a

much greener and sustainable way of obtaining energy compared to what is being commonly

used today, the non-renewable energy. Alternative energy reduces the risks of greenhouse gas

emissions, air pollution, acid rain, water pollution, land pollution, waste generation, oil spills,

and other events that harm not just nature but individuals, as well. Therefore, the people will be

given a more reliable source of energy to depend on. The findings of this study can benefit the

following stakeholders in the community:

People. The study proposes a way that is not the usual in generating electricity and once this way

is done, the surrounding will be cleaner, making it a safer place for the people to live. In

addition, this study benefits the people as the device is beneficial in times of emergencies when

electricity is needed.

Companies. The study can provide useful data which will be beneficial to companies,

specifically the ones in the business of renewable energy. The convenient higher supply of

energy can be made possible.

Department of Energy. The study can aid the DOE in finding a way to address the problem with

the electricity’s supply.

Economy. The study of renewable energy requires labor. This means that job opportunities will

be more prevalent compared to non-renewable energy labor.

Future Researchers. The study can serve as a reference for future researchers and with much

acquired knowledge to pursue this study, a larger scale will be met by improving what the

researchers had started.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy, limiting it by

using a crank-generator device. The participants of this study will only be the researchers. The

research will be conducted within the researcher’s homes. The research starts from the 1st day of

school year 2020-2021, until the last day of the school year. This study can help the researchers

determine if the device can sufficiently produce electricity through mechanical-to-electrical

energy methods.

Definition of Terms

Renewable Energy – Energy that comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly

replenished, also known as clean energy.

Mechanical Energy – The energy produced by an object due to its motion or position.

Dynamo - A machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy; a generator.
Rotational Energy - Kinetic energy due to the rotation of an object.

Kinetic Energy - The energy an object has because of its motion.

Turbine - A machine for generating rotary mechanical power from the energy of a stream of

fluid (such as water, steam, or hot gas). Turbines convert the kinetic energy of fluids to

mechanical energy through the principles of impulse and reaction, or a mixture of the two.
Chapter II



Rise of Renewable Energy Sources

In the 21st century, the human consumption of energy sources has changed from

non-renewable to renewable. Unprecedented rapid growth in the renewable energy market has

changed the environment for the energy sector in terms of investment, new capacity, and high

growth rates in developing countries (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 2020).

Renewable energy is the fastest growing energy source in the United States, increasing 100

percent from 2000 to 2018. In recent years, globally, the development of hydropower has

skyrocketed. From 2005 to 2015, the overall installed capacity grew by 39 percent, averaging at

nearly 4 percent every year. Hydropower does not only offer clean energy, but also provides

water services (World Energy Council, 2016). It is estimated that 99 percent of the world’s

electricity storage capacity is in the form of hydropower, including pumped storage. This type of

energy stores potential energy that can be kept for a couple of months. On the other hand,

although the use of renewable energy sources is rising fast, as of 2016, China contributes 50% to

the worldwide market for coal and later on transitioned to clean coal technology.
Negative Effects of Using Non-Renewable Energy Sources

The cons of using non-renewable energy outweigh its pros. While there may be a lot

available, it may be easier to find, and it may be more efficient, but the reasons why humans

should stop using non-renewable energy is a lot more because this type of energy source is not

stable to meet the demands of the people and will eventually run out.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The use of non-renewable energy releases carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses into the

atmosphere that are the main contributors to global warming. According to the World Energy

Council (2016) coal currently fuels 40% of the world’s electricity and is forecasted to continue to

supply a strategic share over the next three decades. Various types of fuels release various

amounts of greenhouse gasses — coal generating the most amount.

Air Pollution

Since the use of non-renewable energy releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, as

mentioned in the previous paragraph. Then, it is inevitable that this type of energy can cause air

pollution. When coal is being used, it releases mercury into the air, which individuals will inhale.

Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can also be produced by fossil fuels, both of which may

cause various health issues (Greentumble, 2017). In the US, CO2 emissions from the electric

power sector, calculated in 2015, indicate that 71 percent were attributable to coal. Green Tech
Talk (2019) stated that as more non-renewable energy is burned, the quality of air will continue

to decline, forcing more and more people to otherwise take unnecessary measures to protect their


Water Pollution

Due to the toxic chemicals rising through the air, it will take its part in the water cycle.

This is why Earth occasionally experiences acid rain. Acid rain is when Sulphur and other

various types of chemicals are added into the rain cycle and makes the water more acidic causing

the ecosystem of the place it has poured upon to degrade. Thermal pollution is a type of water

pollution that is caused by the use of fossil fuels such as coal and nuclear energy. Since fossil

fuel and nuclear energy plants need cooling, they use water and when the water is sent back to

the rivers and lakes, the quality of the water is intoxicated, affecting the quality of life in the

environment where it was dumped.

Land Pollution

As a result of the exploitation of non-renewable resources or the disposal of the waste

they produce, there are a variety of environmental consequences. Excess soil is discarded in

places near land and water environments greatly affecting the ecosystems. Due to mining, places

are left with poor soil quality and because of the chemicals used, the soil becomes contaminated

or polluted.

The use of non-renewable energy has high risks for accidents such as oil spills. In

October 2020, a Venezuelan oil tanker carrying 1.3 million barrels of crude oil 24 miles off

Venezuela, a region home to economically vital marine life, was stuck tilting. This event caused

a huge potential risk that would cost millions of dollars and negatively impact the ecosystem of

the place. Back in 1986, in Chernobyl, a city in Ukraine, a nuclear reactor exploded. It is

considered one of the worst nuclear incidents to ever happen. Thousands of people were affected

due to its radiation, increasing their chances of getting cancer throughout their lifetime. The

radioactive dust reached as far as Sweden and up to this day, the place is still highly radioactive

and is a ghost town.

Limited Power Supply

Using non-renewable energy increases the depletion rates of fossil fuel. Every day the

power supply demand around the world increases with no hints of slowing down or going down.

According to the Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, there is a slight

possibility that we will exhaust the entire non-renewable energy supply in the next 50 years. If

we lose all of our non-renewable energy supply, we as a society might have a hard time

recovering and trying to find other ways to fill the gaps made by the non-renewable energy. We

might have other sources of energy like Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal energy and etc. But it

is not enough to supply the entire worlds demand, according to, we only used 18.1% of

renewable energy in 2017, and used 81.9% of non-renewable energy, if we don’t develop new
ways to find renewable energy in the next 50 years the entire world might face a catastrophic

energy crisis.

Abundant Supply

According to Scholar Schools (n.d.), unlike non-renewable energy, the supply of

alternative energy will never run out for this energy is voluntarily generated by themselves, thus

considered as sustainable sources of energy. They added that since alternative energy does not

require greater maintenance, it’s cost is lesser than that of the non-renewable energy, too.

Positive Effects of Alternative Energy

Alternative energy, on the other hand, does not have negative effects the same as the

above-stated situations. This type of energy may have disadvantages such as it is not that easy to

find than non-renewable energy and requires greater work but its advantages are to be given

attention to.

Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Pollution

Alternative energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. It also

lessens air pollution. Alternative energy does not rely on fossil fuel and by using alternative

energy, the carbon footprint can be reduced. It can also replace carbon-intensive energy sources

such as electricity and can reduce global warming emissions. Alternative energy can reduce
pollution in the air and water emitted by coal and natural gasses which is linked to neurological

damage, heart problems, breathing problems, making alternative energy safe for the environment

and the people.

Economic Status

Alternative energy can also provide jobs and other economic benefits, unlike fossil fuel

technologies, alternative energy is not mechanized and capital intensive, instead, it is

labor-intensive due to it needing maintenance and installation. Furthermore, alternative energy is

affordable due to its declining and stable prices (Union of Concerned Scientist, 2017). According

to the Union of Concerned (2017) scientist, the American Wind Energy Association (2017) states

that over 100,000 full-time workers has been hired by the wind energy industry in different roles

such as “manufacturing, project development, construction and turbine installation, operations

and maintenance, transportation and logistics, and financial, legal, and consulting services” in

year 2016.

Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy

The discovery of DC Motors as a generator of electricity proves that mechanical energy

can be converted to electrical energy. There are three distinct phases in converting mechanical

energy to electrical energy. In the first phase, the mechanical energy is transferred to the

transducer by an interfacing mechanism. In the second phase, electrical energy is generated from

the transducer. In the third phase, the collected and conditioned electrical energy is to be either
stored in an energy storage device or to be directly charged to the device that consumes electrical

energy (Rastegar J. & Dhadwal, H. S., 2017).

The U.S. Energy Information Administration — EIA — Independent Statistics and

Analysis (n.d.) states that “in 1831, scientist Michael Faraday discovered that when a magnet is

moved inside a coil of wire, an electric current flows in the wire” and with this discovery, it has

been proven that motors can generate electricity which can be a subject to a substitution of

burning fossil fuel creating an alternative form of energy.

U.S. Energy Information Administration added:

“In a turbine generator, a moving fluid—such as water, steam, combustion gases, or

air—pushes a series of blades mounted on a shaft, which rotates the shaft connected to a

generator. The generator, in turn, converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy

based on the relationship between magnetism and electricity.”

Turbine Generator

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (2020), “Most of U.S. and

world electricity generation is from electric power plants that use a turbine to drive electricity

generators.” Moving fluid such as water, air, steam, and combustion gases pushes a set of blades

attached to a rotor shaft resulting in the blades to rotate. The mechanical (kinetic) energy of the

rotor is then converted to electrical energy.

Kinetic Energy

East Japan Railway Co. is a major passenger railway based in Japan. They have been

converting kinetic energy to electrical energy through the use of piezoelectricity. According to

Woodford (2019), “Piezoelectricity (also called the piezoelectric effect) is the appearance of an

electrical potential (a voltage, in other words) across the sides of a crystal when you subject it to

mechanical stress (by squeezing it).” The East Japan Railway Co. has been calling this “Ticket

Gate”. The piezoelectric pads are installed under six gates in the Tokyo Station. Each time a

commuter steps through the gate, pressure from the footsteps is turned into 100 milliwatts of

energy — enough to light a 100-watt bulb for 1/1,000 of a second. That can't power the turnstile,

but with 700,000 people using the station every day, JR East is monitoring the project to see

where else the power might be sent (So, A., 2007).

Lightning Packs, LLC is a backpack company that creates backpacks that convert kinetic

energy to electrical energy. The backpack has a steel spring attached to an external frame.

According to So, A., (2007) it works “As the load bounces up and down when you walk, the

motion of the springs gets transduced into power. It's ergonomic, but generating the 7 watts you'd

need to charge an iPod or cell phone requires packing 60 to 80 pounds.

Lucien Gambarota has created an aerobic equipment that converts kinetic energy to

electrical energy. Dynamos are installed in the internal generator of California Fitness’

Stairmaster, cycling, and elliptical machines. The kinetic energy that the gym-goers puts upon its
equipment is harvested and converted into electricity. According to Steve Clinefelter, President

of California Fitness, “One person has the ability of producing 50 watts of electricity per hour

when exercising at a moderate pace…. If a person spends one hour per day running on the

machine, he/she could generate 18.2 kilowatts of electricity and prevent 4,380 liters of CO2

released per year.” This concept both improves the health of the individual and the environment.

Janicki Omniprocessor

“The Janicki Omni Processor works a little bit like a steam power plant, an incinerator,

and a water filtration system combined - with all three of them working in harmony with one

another (Cashman, 2020).” It is a machine that is similar to the one that the researchers intend to

create, but more. In a way, it is considered as an older sibling of sorts. The Janicki

Omniprocessor consists of three processes and this study focuses on the steam power plant, more

specifically, the self-sustaining side. “The electricity generated is enough to power the cycle of

processes, meaning the Omni Processor [sic] is self-sustaining. And as if that wasn't enough, the

plant also generates additional electricity which can be distributed elsewhere… (Cashman,

2020).” The electrical side of the processor shares similar properties to this project, where it

creates enough electricity to sustain itself as well as excess electricity which can be used to

power other devices. The Omni Processor is a technologic marvel and its existence proves that

there is a need for self-sustaining renewable power supplies. This project is not as large as the

Janicki Omniprocessor, nor is it better, but they do serve the same purpose: for a better

Theoretical Framework

This section reviews all the theoretical framework relevant to the study to create an

understanding of how the process of using Dc motors affects the solution of searching for a

source of alternative energy.

According to Ravikumar et al. (2017), the use of Dynamo generates electrical signals by

continuously rotating the coil inside and using the magnetic field to convert mechanical twirling

into a pulsing direct current. This process follows the principle of electromagnetic induction

which is the process of using magnetic fields to produce electrical current. The conversion of

mechanical energy to electrical energy is the key concept to the theory of creating a source of

alternative energy that answers the societal problem of non-renewable energy depletion.

The use of Dynamo as alternative source of energy was also shown in the study of

Chakole et al. (2019), stating that “Dynamo can be used to convert mechanical energy to

electrical energy. Alternating current can be produced normally using the dynamo. This current

can power devices, which work on AC directly, can be converted and used for devices working

on DC.” This process is still based on the concept of electromagnetic induction wherein

magnetic fields produce electric current.

A study by Baker et al. (1996), examines how an object serves as a supply of mechanical

energy that connects to the motor to produce and transform it into an electrical energy that serves

as a source of electrical current and supply it into the light bulb emitting light and heat for the

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework by Baker et al. (1996) on their study titled

“Modelling Students’ construction of energy models in physics”

Conceptual Framework

It is evident that the shortage of the supply of electricity is seen as a problem by the

community, not just today but even before. For years, non-renewable energy has always been the

source of electricity but as the population grows, the supply of electricity becomes short. With

that, alternative energy is seen as a substitute to be able to meet the consumer’s demand.

The focus of this study is determining the significance of alternative energy. Further, different

factors why consumers should do so is also identified.

First, non-renewable energy is the very source of energy but also one of the major contributors

for the emission of greenhouse gases. With this, this study discusses the negative effects of

non-renewable energy to not just the environment but also the people’s health which is

considered to be very detrimental. Further, the effect of overusing non-renewable energy to the

supply of electrical energy is also discussed.

Second, alternative energy is considered to be efficient yet often neglected. This study aims to

give importance to alternative energy by stating its positive effects to the economy, to the

people’s health and also to have a more stable source of energy.

Lastly, mechanical and electrical energy conversation has been long proven to be an effective

way in producing energy such as electricity. The process of this conversion is expounded in this


The researchers came up with a conceptual model with variables that are significant in this study.

The antecedent variable is the supply or amount of non-renewable energy that leads to using

alternative energy as the independent variable. In addition, this alternative energy is obtained

through mechanical and electrical energy conversion, thus making it the intervening variable.

Since the result of this study is not yet fully determined, the conservation of energy is considered

as the dependent variable.

This study proposed suggestions in using alternative energy rather than non-renewable energy

that has an uncertain supply in the coming days ahead. It shows the positive effects of alternative

energy and the negative effects of non-renewable energy therefore encouraging to embrace

alternative energy rather than non-renewable energy. Below is Figure 2 where the conceptual

model is illustrated.

Figure 2: Conceptual Model

Chapter III


In this chapter, the researchers talk about the Research Design, Research Environment,

Respondents and Sampling Procedure, Research Instrument, Data Collection Procedure, Data

Analysis Procedure, and Ethical Considerations. The researchers will be discussing how the data
was obtained, what the researchers chose to do with such data, and how the researchers used the

results in terms of the thesis statement gathered from the certain methods that will be further

discussed later in this chapter.

Research Design

An exploratory research design is defined as "a research problem when there are few or

no earlier studies to refer to or rely upon to predict an outcome (University of South California

Libraries, 2020)." The purpose of this study is to explore the conversion of a self-sustaining

crank-motor generator that uses the basic premise of turning mechanical energy into electrical

energy. The researchers believe that this paper is exploratory because the goals that they have are

the same as an exploratory research: "Well-grounded picture of the situation being developed.

Generation of new ideas and assumptions (University of South California Libraries, 2020)." The

researchers aim to create a better picture of whether or not it is feasible to create a machine that

can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The researchers also have ideas in mind for

the future like turning the machine into a power bank powerful enough to charge a laptop.

Research Environment

The study will be conducted at Silliman University for the reason that the researchers are

enrolled in the said university and it would be efficient for them to conduct this in their own

school. Silliman University is a private school located in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental that

was established on August 28, 1901. Of its overall population of more than 9,000, over 200 are
international students from more than 50 countries in Asia, America, Africa, and Europe.

Granted Full Autonomous Status by the Commission on Higher Education, Silliman offers over

140 certificate, undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate programs in 19 academic units. It

also offers a strong Basic Education program from Early Childhood to Senior High School.

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The respondents of this survey will include Silliman University students because students

in the said university are taking up online classes which is essential for the study because it

focuses on clean and reusable energy. Students are the most viable respondents for this study

because of the amount of time and energy they use and consume for school and other activities.

The sampling procedure that the researchers will use is quantitative because the quantitative

sampling procedure will help in measuring data in the form of graphical methods. The total

number of respondents is 50 because the researchers want a sufficient number of respondents to

be able to have a better understanding and information about daily consumption of energy. The

researchers did not choose to have a large number of respondents because this research paper is


Research Instrument

This research will use questionnaires and checklists as their tool to gather data. This

would contain questions about the student’s usage of gadgets such as smartphones, tablets,

laptops, and computers. This would also contain questions about the student’s source of

electricity for their devices, as well as its importance to their lives. The researchers came up with

the questionnaire and checklist with the thought of acquiring data to end up with results that
would complement their thesis as well as with the guidance and approval of Mrs. Granaderos.

The questionnaires and checklists will be in English.

Data Collection Procedure

For the research procedures, questionnaires were used to survey the target population.

The researchers used questionnaire checklists to gather the data. The researchers constructed

their survey questionnaire checklist with acquiring data in line with the thesis presented. They

did so by formulating questions that would best gather results that they could later use through

analysis and implication to support their argument. With approval from Mrs. Granaderos, the

researchers then proceeded to distribute their questionnaire checklists to Silliman University

students through Google Forms. The researchers chose this type of tool to distribute the

questionnaires and checklists because considering the current situation, it is near impossible to

physically hand out the papers to the population the researchers will survey. With the collected

data, the researchers proceeded to tally up the numerical data and formed an analysis and

implications from acquired results.

Data Analysis Procedure

The analysis of the data will be done through Google Forms. The reason for this is that

Google Forms can convert the data collected from the questionnaires directly into charts that are

easy to read and review. Another possible way of analyzing the data would be by tabulating and
reviewing it in Microsoft Excel. Regardless, to analyze the data the researchers collected, they

would have to tabulate it.

Ethical Considerations

A letter would be attached along with the link for the survey stating that the survey is

voluntary and that the respondents can withdraw anytime they want. The respondents' answers

will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and the data will be available exclusively to the

researchers. The identity of the respondent will be anonymous when data is collected and

interpreted. At the end of this study, all questionnaires collected will be erased and deleted

according to the process set by the University Research Ethics Committee of Silliman University.


1. How often do you charge your gadgets, your phone, in particular, in a day?

> 3 Times a day = 2 Times a day < 1 Time a day

2. How often do your gadgets' batteries run out in a day?

> 3 Times a day = 2 Times a day < 1 Time a day

3. Do you own a battery/power bank? If no, skip #4

Yes No

4. If so, does it fully charge your device?

Yes No

5. Do you often experience power shortage?

> 3 Times a week = 2 Times a week < 1 Time a week

6. Does power shortage affect your daily life?

Yes No

7. On a scale of 1-10, with one being the lowest, how severe is the impact of power shortage?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. In your municipality, what is the source of electricity?

A. Non-renewable energy (Oil, Natural Gas, Coal)

B. Alternative energy(Generators, Solar Panels, Thermal Energy)

9. Are there any other sources of electricity than stated above?

If yes, what? No

10.Would it be convenient for you to have your own source of electricity during times of power


Yes No


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