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Why vacuum is important for the synthesis of the nanostructured material?

In most of the chemical reactions vacuum is used to avoid using higher temperatures and to remove
oxygen and secondary products resulting due to oxidation.
System selected:
• To design an efficient vacuum system for evaporating coating Chamber having the cubic
shaped chamber.
Therefore the desired vacuum pressure of working place will be in the range of 10-2 to 1 torr.
Vacuum system Components:
1. Cubic shaped working space is selected for the evaporative coating of substrates.
2. Rotary vacuum pump:
• This pumps operates in the range from atmospheric pressure to 10-4 torr.
• It is a mechanical type pump. The pumps contains the eccentrically mounted router
with spring loaded vanes. When rotation occur the vanes moves in and out causing the
flow of gas inside, compression and discharge through the exhaust valve to the
atmosphere. This pump can be operate for continuous system. It is also not sensitive to
any type of gas flow, can be used for variety of gases. The main limitation of this pump
is that they are not clean, as oil flows inside the system as the lubricant agent.
• Reason for selection:
This pump is selected as it is not sensitive to gases, can be used continuously and in
addition provide the require pressure range for the selected system working space for
evaporative coating.

3. Sorption Pump:
• This pumps provides the vacuum in the range of the atmospheric pressure to 10-3 torr.
• This pump is a rough pump, uses a sorbent material for the gas compression. When the
inlet gas is chilled by passing across the tubes of liquid nitrogen temperature, gases in
the system are physical absorbed by the molecular sieve.
• Reason for selection:
For the e-gun working area high vacuum are require that cannot be achieved directly,
thus before cryo pump sorption pump was installed. In addition these doesnot require
the oil trap just like the rotary pump and a clean pump.

4. Cyro Pump
• Its operating range is between 10 m torr to10 -8 torr. This pumps seems suitable for
the high vacuum requirement, comparatively to diffusion pump and turbo machine
it has simple operation mechanisms. The major drawback is the regeneration after
the saturation that requires the additional time.
• Reason for selection:
This pump is highly clean and is sensitive to less number of gases that’s for high
vacuum pressure it was selected.
5. Ionization gauge: This gauge is selected for measuring the pressure of the cyro-pump
stream that is a high vacuum pump.
6. Rotary gauge: This gauge is selected for measuring the pressure of the rotary vane stream
that is a low vacuum pump.
7. Rotary Gauge: it can also be used for measuring the stream of sorption pump, as it’s a low
vacuum generation pump.
8. Oil Trap/ Baffle: It is used here to avoid the back pass of the lubricating oil of the rotary
pump in to the vacuum area. It will improve the efficiency and cleanness of the working
area vacuum.
9. Valves:
Usually all the installed pumps and gauges require something to control the air in and out
flow rate, therefore valves are used for the air control in and outside of the vacuum system.
• Valve bodies are usually constructed from aluminum or stainless material.
• The gate valve is selected for the flow of stream into the pump as it has less leakage
• For the fore line connection, angle Valve is selected. This valve is operated
pneumatically, cannot allow the back pass of any water vapors or the lubricating oil.

Figure 1 Schematic of designed vacuum system for evaporative coating process

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