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Problem Statement: Improving the Locker Rooms

Student Full Name

Institution Affiliation

Course Full Name

Professor Full Name

Due Date

Improving the Locker Rooms

The primary objective of the problem statement is to identify the current problem and its

state in the future. It is an exceptional technique to help everyone understand the primary

problem and how it can be solved. The topic area on this particular memo revolves around the

transformation of school lockers. The chosen topic area plays an integral role in solving the

problem. For example, the topic area catches the attention of the reader.

The topic area is a vehicle that portrays the actual image in the problem statement.

Additionally, it would be almost impossible to understand the problem without topic area. In this

case, the school needs to renovate the school lockers and shower rooms. As a reader, the topmost

item to pick is the problem statement in the topic area. Firstly, the client is interested in the issue

since it is a central problem at El Rancho Unified School. The school does not have the required

amenities to support students in the learning process. For example, there is no ventilation to help

students take showers after P.E. lessons.

The client is concerned about the well-being of the students both in class and in the field.

It is challenging for learners to excel in such environments. It is an exciting topic that will

capture everyone's attention since it affects a couple of generations. The issue of poor amenities

started in 1950, as indicated in the memo, reflecting the intensity of the problem. The problem

statement has adverse consequences to the government. For example, it will brand a bad image

from the global perspective. Policymakers should be interested in solving this issue because it is

their obligation. People waked up and voted for them so that they could bring change to the

community. In case they do not solve the issue, there are high chances of losing votes.

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