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After reading all the materials, I realize that there are still many things that I need to know.

Information Technology
is that the deep understanding of the said platform makes it considerably more dynamic than anticipated. First, the
second part presented in the module made me realize that before, I think it has only two components, but there are
more than two components that information technology infrastructure has. There are five components that work
together to achieve a better competitive advantage. Such that my background knowledge wasn't enough for me to
accurately define what Information Technolgy is. Another is understanding IT makes people's life easier, especially
those people working in the medical industry. Also, in the context of the pandemic, the majority of us are able to
quickly adjust to our new normal because of IT. It is considered one of the most important things because people can
not detach IT into their daily routines. IT is already part of people's lives, though; there are difficulties in
understanding and working how deep and dynamic IT is. By that, we still need to acquire more knowledge and have
a better experience since it really helps in the near future as we go along in our different journeys. 

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