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As I process through the information i read from chapter 1 , I have realized how the idea and

definition of Information technology goes a long way. As we already know how it revolutionized
how we process information and tasks, it is imperative to know its underlying concepts-it's
history, function, components, characteristics and the like, as through this we will be able to
broaden our knowledge about it and be able to identify the type of infrastructure components that
will best align with the certain objective a user have. Also, by learning through it we get to know
and discover sophisticated processes that will make task efficient and more effective, increasing
users capacity to be fully competent in this era of fast-paced technology. 

Having that said, the rise of information technology can be seen as a complex matter, however,
seeing it in a parallel perspective, not only did it revolutionized the society at large, but up to
date it created a realm where it continously adapts to the demand of the users in which in that
sense making it ever prevalent and relevant in all realm be it economical, environmental,
political and societal.  

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