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(Module 1)

According to Wikipedia a Christian mission is an organized effort to spread

Christianity to new converts. Missions involve sending individuals and groups, called
missionaries, across boundaries, most commonly geographical boundaries, to carry on
evangelism or other activities, such as educational or hospital work. Sometimes
individuals are sent and are called missionaries. When groups are sent, they are often
called mission teams and they do mission trips. Some people choose to dedicate their
whole lives to mission. Missionaries have the authority to preach the Christian faith (and
sometimes to administer sacraments) and provide humanitarian aid. For me, Justice,
peace and integrity of creation gives me a lot of learning especially in this time of
pandemic. Because this will challenge our faith to Christ as we are facing the crisis not
only in the Philippines but also the whole world.

The Catholic social teaching is the foundation on which to form our conscience in
order to evaluate the framework of society and is the Catholic criteria for prudential
judgment and direction in developing current policymaking. With knowledge of these
social principles, in combination with our faith, we will be more armed and informed as
to articulate the Catholic vision of reality, the truthful nature of the human person and
society, to apply and integrate the social teachings in our everyday administrative and
clinical encounters, and through the virtue of charity take action within the social,
political, and economic spheres in which we have influence. The Church's social
encyclicals are a reflection upon the issues of the day using the light of faith and reason.
There are 7 principles of Catholic Social teaching; Life and Dignity of the Human
Person, Solidarity, Care for God's creation, Call to Family, Community and Participation,
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, Rights and Responsibilities, Dignity of Work and
Rights of Workers. Besides incorporating what our expert and individual carries on with,
our confidence turns out to be completely alive in assisting with bringing the Kingdom of
God at this very moment, however not yet, through using these standards in our ranges
of authority. we can offer a Catholic vision of reality as the establishment and measures
for dynamic in defying the issues, for, we, as the common people, are called into the
open square.
Moreover, teaching is relevant because individuals realize that there is
something else entirely to life than quickly moving over the phase of life. Faith in God is
very important. Sometimes, when things don’t go according to plan, we lose faith, not
only in ourselves, but also in any potential outcome in our lives. Failure will do that to
you. When we experience life’s monumental failures, it’s easy to lose hope, and even
faith. Faith, at its core, is deep-rooted in the expectation of good things to come. It goes
beyond hope. While much of hope lives in the mind, faith is steeped in the heart and the
spirit. It can’t be explained away by reason or logic or be understood through a single
dimension. Catholics believe that the purpose of life is to have life and have it more
abundantly. Faith isn’t just a notion that some people hold onto in tough times; faith is
an important element to all human life on earth. Life is precious, but it can also be
remarkably difficult at times. Faith is what helps to get us through, illuminating the
pathway in times of darkness, helping to give us strength in times of weakness. Without
faith, we are nothing.

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