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Enterprise Web Software Development

COMP1640 (2020/21)

[ BSc (Hons) Computing (Information System_4)]

Individual Report

Table of Contents

1. Group Work URL ............................................................................................................... 3

2. Presentation PowerPoint .................................................................................................. 3
3. Screen Cast ....................................................................................................................... 3
4. Introduction About group coursework ............................................................................ 4
5. Roles and Tasks performed in the project ...................................................................... 4
6. Participation rate in the project ....................................................................................... 5
7. Evaluation Report For each Group Member.................................................................... 6
a. Group Evaluation .......................................................................................................... 6
b. Self-Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 7
8. Issues Faced during the project implementation ........................................................... 8
9. Functions in the program and its uses............................................................................ 9
10. Lessons Learn from the group project .......................................................................31
1. Group Work URL

2. Presentation PowerPoint

3. Screen Cast
4. Introduction About group coursework
The system to do in the coursework is a website that collect student contributions. This
coursework specifies the requirements required for each user. There are 5 users in total.
First, the manager should be able to see the system as a whole. He can view all
selected contributions, but not edit them. He must also be able to download selected
contributions. Another person involved with the backend system is admin. The admin
has to set final deadlines, create accounts for student, edit data or delete. Another is the
marketing coordinator. Each faculty has one coordinator, and they can only accept the
contributions of the student in their respective faculty. As a student, he must submit
articles to their faculty. They are allowed to submit move than one article. But new article
can only be posted before the closure date. After the date, student can only edit the
uploaded articled. Editing is allowed before the final deadline. But also after the final
deadline, updates are not allowed and cannot be updated.

5. Roles and Tasks performed in the project

No Member Name Responsibility Banner ID

1. Phyu Sin Win Scrum Master, Tester, 001139805


2. Shin Thant May Product Owner, Tester 001139734

3. Nann Yord Phway Pai Web Designer 001139750

4. Myint Myat Database Designer 001139465

5. Oak Soe Min Khant Information Architect 001139724

6. Moe Khant Zaw Developer 001139465

6. Participation rate in the project

Criterion Phyu Sin Shin Thant Nann Yord Oak Soe Min Myint Myat Moe Khant
Win May Phway Pai Khant Zaw
Quality Of 8 8 8 4 7 8
complete work
Attendance in 10 10 8 8 6 9
group meeting
Problem 8 7 6 5 7 9
Solving Skill
Communication 8 10 8 10 8 5
Independent 9 7 7 3 8 8
Group Work 8 8 7 6 7 6
Accuracy 8 7 6 6 5 7
Total 84% 81% 71% 60% 68% 74%
7. Evaluation Report For each Group Member

a. Group Evaluation

1. Shin Thant may (Product Owner, Tester)

Shin Thant May took the role of product owner and tester. As a product owner,
she wrote the user stories, wrote the product backlogs and reviewed
requirements. She also tested the half of the system. Although the system
process is very large, with her help, the coursework complete on time. She also
assisted the information architect for preparing the PowerPoint presentation.
She has good communication skills and attends every meeting and also knows
how to do his job neatly. She gave good advice for the system. She really
helped a lot in this coursework.

2. Nann Yord Phway Pai (Web Designer)

She was responsible for prototyping the screen design. The program design
required for the system was carefully drawn and did not procrastinate her work.
Both High level and low level were released on time. It produces high quality
creations. His weakness was that he could not attend meetings regularly.

3. Oak Soe Min Khant (Information Architect)

He took on the role of information architect. He drew and information and did a
screencast and a PowerPoint presentation. But he could not do the work in his
role without the help of someone else. He gets the help of two members, but he
also had good communication skills and always attended meetings.

4. Myint Myat (Database Designer)

He is a database designer. His work included drawing initial classes diagrams,
detail classes, use cases, and work flows. The diagrams were optimized to the
best of his ability. He is not very good at communication but he does his job
well. But he had a few problems because he took the long time to do the work.
5. Moe Khant Zaw (Developer)
He took the developer role. He specializes in coding and write systematic
programs because there are two developers, he wrote half part of the program.
He can do it on time and solve problems well. He wrote many of the key coding
parts of the program.

b. Self-Evaluation

1. Phyu Sin Win (Scrum master, Tester, Developer)

At first, I took the role of scrum master and tester for this coursework. Due to a
situation, one member left the group so I had to take the developer role instead
of him. As a scrum master, I wrote the sprint backlog, created the meeting
minutes and sprint burn down chart. And as a tester, this role is divided into parts
so I tested the rest of the program. As a developer, I created the design of the
website and created a report and some entry forms. As I am a team leader, I
review member’s processes.
8. Issues Faced during the project implementation
Here are some of the issues I encountered in this coursework. Although understanding
the responsibilities of the scrum master, it was difficult to do the daily meeting. Because
we do the meeting online and sometime, we have class to attend. So, most of the member
can’t join. So, we rescheduled the meeting from day to day for our convenience. Another
problem was that a team member left from group, some of his circumstances. So, it was
the effect to the coursework. The rest of the people worked harder than before. But our
group course work completes on time. And as a team leader, it was difficult at first to
review all the necessary documentation.
9. Functions in the program and its uses
I also explained how this program work in user manual in the group report. I will clarify
here again. The design and functions of the program are the requirements of this
coursework and the website is written as a responsive design so it can be easily used on
any device.

User1- Admin

This is a user guide to make the program easier to use. First of all, it needs to login as
manager to the program.

To use this program, we need to login first. This is how to start a program. First of all, we
need to start using it as a manger.
You need to enter your email and password and then choose your role.
And then click on the check box to agree terms and conditions and click the login button
that will take to the admin dashboard.

If you login as a manager, it will reach to this page. You can see seven tabs next to it.
Manager profile is for showing the data with the list. And then there is also edit link to update
his information. But email is disable to edit. Email is important for user data and cannot be
deleted or edited frequently.

Under the Mange profile, it has student list from all faculties. As a manager, he can see all of
Another one is article list from the student. Here, manager can download the files as doc
or zip.

The next tab is faculty list and their manager can see the Faculty name and ID.
And the last one the number of contribution report page. This is to show the contribution of
each faculty by academic year.
After that, click the sign out and return to the login page.
User 2-Admin

Another user is an admin who perform most of the functions of this system.

Fill the email, password and choose admin user role in the text box and click the agree
terms and conditions check box. After that, click login and go to admin dashboard.
This is the admin dashboard. This tab is the student register that is to create the student
account by admin. Here, admin need to fill student name, email, password, phone, faculty,
academic id, year, address and image, and then, click the save button and save
The next tab is marketing coordinator for registration. It also needs to create an account
for coordinator by admin. So, admin need to fill name, email, password, phone, user role
and faculty, address and image same as creating the student account above.

This form is to add the new faculty type. As the id is auto, admin only need to enter the
name. And the click saves.
This academic entry form is to define the upload deadline, edit deadline and academic
year. So, admin will need to enter year and choose the upload and edit deadline in the
calendar. And then click the save button. Reset button is clear the data in the text box.

Admin can see the student list like the manager. It will be easier to look at these lists
This is the faculty list. Here, admin can edit and delete the faculty name. After clicking the
update link, it will reach to the faculty update form.
This is the coordinator list in each faculty. And then click sign out tab and return to the
login page.


Fill the email, password and choose coordinator user role in the text box and click the
agree terms and conditions check box. After that, click login and go to admin dashboard.
This is the view profile page of the coordinator. And click edit here and coordinator will be
taken to the update form. And there, he can edit all data from the text box except email.
After that, click the update button and profile edit successfully.
This is a list of feedback within 14 minutes.

This a no-feedback list within 14 days. Coordinator can see these list and he can give the
feedback again.
This is the article pending page. In this page, coordinator can do article approve, reject,
and retrieve by clicking the link. After that he can sing out and return to login in page.
User4- Student

Fill the email, password and choose student user role in the text box and click the agree
terms and conditions check box. After that, click login and go to admin dashboard.
After login, student will reach to article upload page. Here he can upload his article.
Student needs to fill the article title, comment and Choose the file and image to upload.
After that, click the upload button and it will show the complete message.
And then, this is the slide navigation for student home. Here my profile is for edit profile.
And article list is the list of his uploaded article. Article upload page is to article upload
entry and the last one is to sign out from account.

This is my profile page and here student can see his user name and email first. Under
them, it is the article list that he uploaded. After that click the update your profile link and it
will reach to profile edit page.
This is the profile edit page for student. Here student can edit only his name and click
update. After that he can sign out and go to home page.


This the guest login form. Guest has his own login form and no need to choose the user
This is the register form for the Guest registration. Guest need to fill the username, email,
password. After that, click the register button and account create successfully.

This page is an edit profile page for people who already have an account. Guest can edit
his profile in the edit page.
This the article displays page and the image is used as a cover by the image of the
students when the article was posted.

After click the detail button in the display page, it will be taken to the article detail page.
And guest can see the detail of the article in this page.
10. Lessons Learn from the group project
The lesson learn from this group coursework is that I got the way how to control and
audit team members as a leader. I also learned about meeting in a meeting. And I
learned how to talk and live when we work with group. And the program flow was
different from the system flow I was writing so I got some idea for new functions that
should be included in a program. I learned new code that was not being written. In
addition, I was satisfied that the design was done by myself without using template. I
was able to write a responsive website myself. This is all about of lessor learn that I got
from this course work.

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