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Nguyễn Hoàng Nam

Task 1:
The map depicts the modifications of Queen Mary Hospital when it
was first contrusted in 1960.

Overall, the data indicates that there had been several changes
occurred during the period of 40 years, from 1960 to 2000, however,
the Hospital remained the same.

Between 1960 and 1980, the Shopping Center on the left of the
hospital was reconstructed to two buildings, namely the Cancer Centre
and the Pharmacy. The farmland on the left of the Car Park, which
was located behind the hospital, was demolished to build the Nursing

In the next 20 years from 1980 to 2000, the Nursing school was
merged with the Cancer centre to form a larger L shape building,
which was the new Cancer centre. The car park was halved in area to
make place for the new smaller Nursing school on the left, which was
located between the new Cancer centre and the car park.

Task 2:
It is a common belief that some of our activities have had a
detrimental effect on the earth, whereas others think that human
actions have made our planet a much more appealing worth to survive.
I agree with the firstgroup’s view for several reasons.

In the firstplace, one of the most commonly cited reasons for this is
environmental contamination. To put it another way, human activities
have adversely affected the earth by making its environment more and
more polluted. To illustrate, these movements like automobile
utilization and building industrial factories are the primary causes of
air pollution that could contribute to different respiratory diseases. As
a result, occurrences of natural disasters such as floods, prolonged
droughts, and tsunamis are becoming frequent and widespread. This
convincingly demonstrates that our actions have severely harmed the
planet and can destroy it.
Nguyễn Hoàng Nam

In the secondplace, another significant reason for this is resource

depletion. In other words, human actions have had an adverse impact
on our asteroid through depleting natural resources. These movements
are the result of the expansion of cities and the rapidly growing human
population that more and more space is needed to make area for living
and farming. Therefore, this will create some problems to nature like
deforestation that could bring to species extinction and contribute to
greenhouse effect, according to The New York Times.

In conclusion, although many people believe that our activities have

made our globe a more alluring place to live, I support the idea that
human movements have devastating influenced the planet by
contaminating the air and exhausting natural resources.

The rhino is majestic in size but is not an attractive animal. It looks
odd because its huge body is held up by short legs. The rhino can hear
and smell very well. However, it has poor eyesight. The rhino is also
surprisingly agile. It moves fast and confidently. The rhino is quick-
tempered yet it can be easily tamed. Some people, especially Asians,
think that the horn has medicinal properties. As a result, the rhino is
hunted. The Sumatran rhino is now extinct even though it was a
protected species. The African rhino is also in grave danger now. 

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