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62. Luigino Bruni y Pier Luigi Porta, «Introduction», en Bruni y Porta (dirs.

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Happiness, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007, págs. XI-XXXVII; Bruno S. Frey y Alois Stutzer,
Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being, Nueva Jersey, Princeton
University Press, 2006.

63. Erik Angner, «Is It Possible to Measure Happiness?», European Journal for Philosophy of Science, vol. 3, n.º
2, 2013, págs. 221-240.

64. OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-Being, 2013, pág. 23.

65. Norbert Schwarz et al., «The Psychology of Asking Questions», en E. de Leeuw, J. Hox y D. Dillman (dirs.),
International Handbook of Survey Methodology, Nueva York, Taylor & Francis, 2008, págs. 18-36.

66. I. Ponocny et al., «Are Most People Happy? Exploring the Meaning of Subjective Well-Being Ratings»,
Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 17, n.º 6, 2015, págs. 2651 y 2635-2653, <

67. Alejandro Adler y Martin E. P. Seligman, «Using Wellbeing for Public Policy: Theory, Measurement, and
Recommendations», International Journal of Wellbeing, vol. 6, n.º 1, 2016, págs. 1-35,

68. Ibíd., pág. 14.

69. Thomas Piketty, El capital en el siglo XXI, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2014; Joseph Stiglitz, El
precio de la desigualdad, Madrid, Punto de Lectura, 2014.

70. Jonathan Kelley y M. D. R. Evans, «Societal Inequality and Individual Subjective Well-Being: Results from
68 Societies and over 200,000 Individuals, 19812008», Social Science Research, vol. 62, 2017, págs. 1-23 y 33,

71. Ibíd., pág. 35.

72. Layard y O’Donell, «How to Make Policy When Happiness Is the Goal», 2015, pág. 79.

73. William Davies, The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold Us Well-Being,
Londres y Nueva York, Verso, 2015.

74. Ashley Frawley, Semiotics of Happiness: Rethorical Begginings of a Public Problem, Londres y Nueva York,
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.

2. Reavivar el individualismo
1. Edgar Cabanas y Eva Illouz, «The Making of a “Happy Worker”: Positive Psychology in Neoliberal
Organizations», en A. Pugh (comp.), Beyond the Cubicle: Insecurity Culture and the Flexible Self, Nueva York,
Oxford University Press, 2017, págs. 25-50. Edgar Cabanas y Eva Illouz, «Fit fürs Gluck: Positive Psychologie
und ihr Einfluss auf die Identität von Arbeitskräften in neoliberalen Organisationen», Verhaltenstherapie &
Psychosoziale Praxis, vol 47, n.º 3, 2015, págs. 563-578.

2. Jason Read, «A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity», en
Foucault Studies, vol. 6, 2009, págs. 25-36.


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