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186 TH] food CHI BUI DABH TOAN— PRAM TH] NGQC ANH — SINH THI HOA SEN — LUNG VER THUY CONG PHA TIENG ANH 2 CUOR SACH IOP EM TY TIN HON TRONG KY THI THPT QUOc Gia HHA MudT BAM BAI HOC QUOC Gla HA NOE LOI Né1 BAU BO CONG PHA TIENG ANH GIUP Gi CHO BAN? Quy thy 08, quy phy huynh va céc em hoc sinh dang cm trén tay cuén CONG PHA TIENG ANH 2. Bay 12 cudn thd hai trong bp séch gdm ba cudn do Lovebook phét hanh ah&m gidp e4¢ em hoe sinh chinh pphyc toan bd kién thde ting Ant hoc tir Kip 10 dén lop 12, ti a6 “cOng pha” thanh cong Ki thi THPT Que gia. KO thi THPT Qué gia 64 dude 80 Gido duc va Dao tao déi mOl céch thdc 16 chic ti nam 2017, va sé ‘duge duy ti én djnh trong nbiéu nam tiép theo. Voi céch thie 6 chic mdi nay, hoc sinh sé lam bai thi mn ‘ng Anh theo hinh thd trfc nghigm khéch quan, dé thi gdm 50 cAu hdi v6i thai gian tam bai 60 phat, Nam 2017, noi dung thi nam trong Chuong trinh Idp 12 THPT; nm 2018, ni dung thi nim trong Chuang tinh 1p 11 va ldp 12 THPT; ti nm 2019 rd di, nOi dung thi nm trong Chuang trinh cp THPT. ‘Nha dép (ng nhu c4u cia dng do cdc em hoc sinh, ode thay 0 gido va cdc bac phy huynh vé mot é sdch hé théng toan kin thi fing Anh cén thiét cho Ki thi THPT quéc gia ndi riéng va tt 08 céc i thi ting ‘Anh @ KiSi THPT in THCS, 1 ngO the gié Lovebook d& bién soan bd COng Phé Anh (gm 3 tip). Cy thé: Cong Pha Anh 4: HG thing toan bo Nod Phép Tiéng Anh cén thiét nhat trong chutdng tinh THCS tin THPT va céc dang bai tap phét sinh ti” NgZ Phép vi du nhu tim 18i sai, viét lai cu, n6i cu, dién t,.. Vay nén, ‘c&c em hoc sinh ti! l6p 8, 9 hoan ton cé thé sit dung cudn Gong Pha Anh 1 dé On luyén cho céc Ki thi HSG va Wi thi vao K6p 10, Ngodi hé thiing 21 chil 4 ngd php 6 dang, ching thi con bé sung phén phan th cf trie {6 thi THPT qu6e gia chinh thie cla BGD tv nim 2017 cho toi nam 2021 dya trén co sd céc chi a6 nga phap ge 48 c§p 8 du sach. Gén cudi séch 18 hé théng 30 dé én tap téng hop cdc chi dé,dang bai c6 trong sch em theo dp 4n chi tiét. Cu6l cing f& phn “Glossary”. Toan b9 hé théng ti vung quan trong xu hign trong sich du duge théng ké cy thé theo trinh ty a8 quy dc gia tén tra cau va khéc su thém tit wing. (Cong Pha Anh 2: Hé thong fal todn bo cdc dang bai tap xoay quanh ti, cum ti tigng An 8 hal khdi Iép 111 va 12. Cac chil a6 chinh duge ching t0i 48 cap trong sach nhu sau: Phat am & Trong am, Dién t vao doan ‘van, TU vung va két hop t0. Riéng phén tH vung, ching t0i phan Ginh r6 theo ting Idp, ting Unit tong SEK 48 ccéc em tn (6p ten theo déi va sét véi mu hudng ra 6é THPT quéc oa ca BGD trong nhing nam 161. Cing ing nhu Cong Pha Anh 1, 8 cubi séch Céng Phé Anh 2, ching ti cing b6 sung 10 48 én tap kém dp én ‘chi tiét dé cdc em hoc sinh cing o6 that chéc nOi dung kién thdc trong sch. Khéng chi mong muh céc em 6 viing vang hdn vdi cdc dang bai tip of trong dé thi THPT quéc gia, chang ti ciing tin tng chéc chan rang ‘v6n tit vung ca cée em sé trd nn phong phi va chic chén hdn rét nhiéu sau Khi doc xong Céng Phi Anh 2. Ging Pha Anh 3: HE théng lai tan bp cdc bai doc higy 6ién hinh nha, chi &€ thudng xuét hign trong 66 thi THPT qudc gia chinh thde cla BGD trong nhdng ram gan day. O cuGn thi 3, ching toi chia dang doc hidu thanh 2 phdn rigng bigt Phén bai 7 cdu va phén bai 8 cfu. Tét cd bao gim 125 bai éoe Cuge tinh bay chi ‘&, cy thé, cung ofp cho cac em Gay dl: nhing thd thugt, ti! wing cén thiét 48 c6 thé hoc t6t chuyén dé dpc hidu trong ce 1 thi THPT qué gia n6iriéng va céc Ki thi tiéng Anh nl chung. Ging ging niu cusn Cong Pha ‘Anh/1, phn cudi séch ching tdi cing bién tép thém phn “Glossary” dé quy dc gid tign tra ciu, theo dai. Ngoal ra, ching t8 cing b6 sung thérn rit nhigu tl liu, a8 thi dl kém sch bO sdch trong suét qué ‘tinh sit dyng sach. Quy thy c® va eéc em sau Khi nhin dude séch vui long Kal béo sch chinh hang theo hung dn tal dja chi website: http://congphaanh.comy ‘V6lI6i vid ¢8 dong, xic tich nhung luGn im bao tin chi tét nhat c6 thé (tt © bal tap trong bp Céng Pha Anh déu c6 Gép dn chi tiét dya trén co sd tit khGa trang edu hdi, suy Iuén va dich nghfa), ching t6i hy ‘yong rang cdc em hoe sinh sé cam thay vide hgc tidng Anh & trudng higu qui hdn, va thd vi hdn, Qua d6, cdc ‘@m S6 dat duge nhiing kt qué cao trong céc Ki thi tiéng Anh s&p 161. ‘THAY LOI TRI AN ‘Dé hoan thanh bp sch nay, ching toi 4a nhan duge rét nhiéu sy trg gid cia anh em, ban ba va ding nghigp. Déu én va trén hét, ching t6i xin gif Idi cm on, biét dn sau sfc nhét 16 gia din, nhdng nguol yeu ‘thuong a hang ngay, hang Gém la ligu gidp ching tai cée céng vigc gla dinh 4 ching t6i co thot olan tap trung hoan thanh dy én va an ti, dng vién nhing lde bé tie. Lol cm on tiép theo ching thi xin git tf hal em: "Nguyn Phung Anh — cu hoc sinh Nép chuyén Anh — kndi THPT chuyén Su Pham — Ha NOi, hign dang hc tal ‘rung Dai hoc Ngai Thukng Ha NOi K56, em Lé Mai Lién — cyu hoc sinh Ip chuyén Van — kn6i THPT chuyén Su Pham Ha_N6i — hign dang hoc tal truding Dai hoc Ngoai Thucng Ha NOi K56. Hai em da nhigt tinh gitp ching t6i rét nhiéu trong qué tinh tap hgp nd dung, di ligu phan Doc hiéu va Dién ti trong bg sich. Ching toi mong ¢éc erm mai luén nit tinh nhu vay va thanh céng hn nda & mdi trudng Ngoal Thuong. Tiép theo, chong tl xin duge git Iai cm dn tei céc 6 ché, déng nghiép dang cong tc tai S¢ GD — BT tinh Ninh Binh. Trong ‘hig dc khn6 khiin nht cla dy én, mol nqudl trong cd quan da khéng nging cé vé, dong vién ching 10. That 1 khGng of gi quy gid vay ngbila han bing ning lai ng vien, chia sé hang ngay cla chinh céc ang nghien ‘cla minh, Ngodi ra, ching ti cfing xin duige gif Iai cém dn t6it6 ting Anh cla cAc trudng THPT Nho Guan A, THPT Hoa Lit A, THPT Kim San A. Hoan thign xong ban thdo méi chi di dugc 50% chiang dung, chu thé hinh ‘than nén mot cudn sach néu khéng trai qua khdu doc duyét, “soi” ting trang, ting chd trong séch, Day c6 16 12 cng vige ti mi va 601 hoi sy tap trung cao nhat trong cd qué trinh xdy dung 89 séch Cong Phd Anh. Ching ‘01 64 rét may mén Ki nhan duge sy gitp 46 nhigt nh cia céc dng nghiép. Cui cing, chang toi mucin gdh cm dn t61 ce em hoc sinh trén Idp ma ching ti dang trys tgp lang ay. Chinh sy trai nghigm ban thao ban déu cla céc em da gidp ching thi diéu chinh va b6 sung G8 cho bj ‘sach thém gén gdi, 48 gp can nhdt 46i voi hee sinh. Can gi hanh phic hon kh b6 séch cia minh c6 du &n cota chinh hoc sinh yeu quy trén tp minh day 06. Mic dil da c6 nhiéu nB lye, cing voi mgt mong mu6n thiét tha mang dén cho quy dc gid mot tai itu tham ktdo bé fch, song ching thi ty nhan thde duge rang van khdng thé nao tinh khdi nhiing sal sé, c& vé Tigi dung va hinh thdc. Vi vay xin quy dc gid rong fong chia sé v6i ching t6i qua cdc Kénh lin tac: + Email: lovebook ~ Facebook: https /www facebook com/lovebookcaretienganh + Website: http://congphatoan.cony ~-Biga thogi: 19002825, ‘Ching toi vo cing cdm tal Chic quy d0c gid sé c6 ning play phi that sy thi vi, bé ich Khi dpc cudn ‘sich nay! Chic céc em hoc sinh, dac big fcc em hgc sinh ip 12 dat duge két qua thi THPT Qutic gia cao ‘ahd, 5 vao ngOi truding ai hoc, Cao ding ma minh hang mo ude! Riéng cae em hoc sinh lop 9 sit dung ccubn Cong Phé Anh 1, ching t6i cing chéc céc am sé dau vao ng6i trudng THPT mong muda cia céc em ‘ding nu gia dinh, : ‘Tran trong (Cong Pha Anh 2 More than a book MUC LUC Phan 1: Phat am 1. Khai quat kign thc... II, Bai tap tinh tay tir 48 thi THPT quéc gia .. IN, Bai tap cong pha .. Phan 2: Trgng am .. 1. Khai quat kigh thac .. IL. Bai t§p tinh ty ti dé thi THPT va tuyén sinh dai hoc IL, Bai tap cOng pha .. Phan 3: Ti vyng Idp 11 Unit 1: Friendship .... Unit 2: Personal experiences .... Unit 3: Pany . Unit 4: Volunteer work Unit 6: Competitions ... Unit 7: World population Unit 8: Celebrations Unit 9: The post office .. Unit 10: Nature in danger .... Unit 11: Sources of energy Unit 12: The asian games ... Unit 13: Hobbies .. Unit 15: Space conquest «verse Unit 16: The wonders of the world . Mae te : Phan 4: Ti vung Idp-12 |. Bang ttrtheo timg bai trong sch gido khoa .. IL. Bai tap vé cu tao ti va dang thifc ella tit (Word formation) «1... 1M. Bai tap vé chon ti (Word choice) ... 1V. Tim ti d6ng nghia (Synonym) .... V. Tim ti trai nghTa (Antonym) ... Phan 5: Két hgp tir 1. Cym dong ti (Phrasal verbs)... Hl. Thanh nga (idioms) Phan 6: Doc dién ti .... 1, Mét s6 van dé can hu y 1, Bai 8p tinh ty nid thi THPT va tuyén sinh dai hoc .. Phin 7: Dé luyén tap tng hgp evs... wesases 370 1-370 ssensernee 377 see 372. eee 373, 374 376 377 378 sseeenssastnetseentnserssnssssens 37D ‘Trong hg thdog nga am ‘Heng Aah of 22 mayen mya 24 hy Cong Pha Anh 2 More than a book PHAN 1: PHAT Am LL RMA QUéT HEN THEE ‘Céc cau Ndi v8 phat am trong céc 46 thi tric nghigm tiéng Anh kidm tra céch phat &rn ding céc nguyén am, phy 4m, hoge tap hip 4m, Dé lam tét dang bai tép nay, ngodi vibe tthude tit hge sin cén ném viing cdc quy the phat ém oa ban. ‘Mot trong nhing van 46 gay kh6 khdn trong qué tinh hoc phét &m 0 chinh la sy da dang trong céch thé hign céc dm trong ting Anh, MG; mt Am duge thé hin bang nti ‘ch cai Kc nau, va. mai mgt chd cial of thé diye doc thanh niu &m Kho nau, ‘Vi dy nh truting tgp ea chi cia vm fi @ hai bing dud dy: ‘2 dug phat arm fa: fe | fa |__| Ww Wel [tal ar dad |_father_; all vilage | any ae, ago | want ‘fi age th hign bing cde chi cal sax: e ee ee ea H ie me meet ‘scone deat machine Piece “rong cui Gong Pha Anh 2 nay ching i ktdng di sau phan ch ting am ma sé git tidy gt s& quy th nbn cign va phn bigt am ph bién nhdt tung ap dung trong cAe bal thi. 4. Nguyen am (vowel) 1.1, Gach phat m5 chacai (2,¢, ,0, U) _gntich, precede, employ, replace) ‘va tifp Gu ngd ex- khdng mang ‘rng 4m (explore, exam, explain...) LOVEBOOKWNI 13. LOVEBOOK.WNI 14 Phin 1: Phat am Nha séch Lovebook [dive ptm ie © BAITAP KHACSAU 1. A. university ~ B. unique 2 Aston 8. mne 3 Anew Bow 4 Amaser | BLBk 5 Aly B. lapel & Aemong Bgl 7. A umnibeelia B. union & At Bb a AGE 6. fve 1 Askn BL minor 1h, Apracion 8. dejo 32 ALbuter put 1 Acompige Benge 14 A oomb Scone 6 AU Bum ‘16. A ggnetics B. generate: 17. Algse B. chgse 18, A fase B. laugh 18. A ga@nmer B. damage a An oa Cunt Dune . phone D.none Cafow nephew C. aspect D. castle C. tabel 1, laborer caw O.guw usage used Cota, Dn Chive ode Cova 0. ial ¢, service D. office C. sugar 0. push G, beggar every C.dgme Dhome cain D. bury C. kennel D. gentle C.clse D, dose glass 0. ater Cmgmmal ‘B. drama C. bath D. sgt DAP AN ao 2p] ae fac] se [eal val] oc | 8A] wD we [wal iaa [ae [iso [ea] za | ian | 1.0 | 08 GIAITHICH CHITIET 1D phat am ff, cn bi pt im fj Anniversity (n) / jucer'vs:seti/ dal hoc unique (a) funk fa, Con rt unt (ny june? tn, bal ando(W)— fan‘duy dy, tho, ot 2D pt tm fal, cmb ptm four stone (0) fateon/ hin dé zon (0) eso ving, Ku wie phone (Y) fac’ gel tn none {a} fanny ‘hong mot cal gh 8. B phat im /ouy, obn lal phat arn jus! new fa) Ajo mh saw) oul tw) fuk nephew o) Foetal chdu trl 4.6 pat am fa, cnt ght fof master (¥)—mmasta(gy nm ving sk) Feld s8nect(\)Feepela/ mil ia oh egste (0) Pease albu ca 8.8 pata ff, cOn a pt am fed y@ Peni tt (Clog Phd Anh 2 ‘More than a book lapel (n) Ape wean. babel (n) eben nan, nn rb ‘eporer (n) Mleibara/ —_nguel lao ding 5.A phét mn Ja, con al ptt />u among (of) /o'man/ trang 96 rol deo oxhn, 6 wi fool hp OW CY) /oroo/ ‘tt, phat én TA pt n/a, con alpha sd unbretia (0) /aan'etad ci rion (0) /Jeajon/ sf gp ne usage (a) judy céch ding useful @) fest havich 8. ph am fe, capt dm ee! ca hed on mo tag (t) foe, tb wea) ew vpn tn) fren hay 8. pt i, cal ptm fs? ave) dan hia, cho, tang, te) ta nim hve ts) fed th ong Ge) Hawt Bn 10. B ph J, cel ptr ful iva (n)— Prarvte yl Si ih ‘trivial (a) Aerial inh thuting sim) fs itu minor (@) Praia nh “14. ptm fai, cOn el phat Am if practice (¥) pret! ‘Uwe Hanh sevice (A) far'var Et sence (a) ssi(vas! dich wy coffee (nt) Foy van pong 12. A phat m /af, cn ai phat rm fo! butter (x) batotey be at (¥) Ipoy i, a sagan in) foseiey tng push) poy ly 48.,A pt am fi, con ii pat dm fe! 1.2. Cach phat am cac cap chicdi ‘gc la fev kh ai ding ™ mise 1 phyamidr | complete (9) kam ‘ply hod tin sngine (n) ends’ my, ong e beggar (a) ("began vey (adv) veri’ rt 14,8 phat d/l, cn al phan foo! cab (re) osom) liye hd come) ham! i, ome (n)—éoomy avo frame (a) froom/ mai 5. phat ec pt rn af tum fes(em!—uay, ay bum) Pow(n/ eh chty coutan n) ex (o0/ rem oda buy) Peer chin oft 16.A phat i a, cr a ptm fe gnetes (9) fag2'nenie! ouyén hoe gnerte (¥) /'dgensren pt, sinh ra karma fn) keno bt chd carte (a) dgeanW du dang 47.4 pt m fu, bn i ph &m fot lose) ual mit cengse (vy) / feuz/ chon ha close V)—Maloue! tng dose () ood, toa thube 18. A phat am /ox/, c6n lal phat am fa: false fp) iol’ sai Jaugh (vy) foctf tt Glass (n) Jglo:s! thay tinh ater (at) PeciolcV sau 19, D phat am /a:/, com tai phat are fae! grammar (a) /*grema(y mgd phi damage (vy) /“deumdsy pha hy gmnnal (n)— mecm(eW dit dama(n) — Péromy keh 220. B pht Sm /o¥, cb lei phSt 2m fa! walt @) fra:l — métada ata) bv tel ath (n) Posy thm, chu td sat (y) Peace! bit ca froenl/ wend LOVEBOOKYNI 15 Phin 1: Phét am_ Nha sich Lovebook 7) 161m (de ta/s:/ trong hu | launch Asad! tra tna, be as east easy eat beam dream breathe asa LOVEBOOK.YNI 16 Meer Jerronti:| ‘rong, thy two ot sho mat tony im bdo Phin 12 Pht aon Nha sich Lovebook LOVEBOOK.VNI 18 DAPAN 4¢ [28] 3a | 4a | se oo | 78 | 68 | 98 | 100 110 [120 [ 130 | 148 | 158 | 160 | 178 | 198 | 190 | 0A GIAITHICH CHITIET 1. phat &m feof, cOn tai pidt am /sal ane (a) /o'un/ mot minh hear (Y) fils! gh thay 3.A phat m/l cn li ptm fd cea (a) ty Sach, sang bigot ft) Polngy baa (4) fete congfu—sinh sin pool a) pu sat) kat aitl food (nt) fwd then 2.8 phat dm a, cnt phi i ool toon) cargo oat (n) feo tau tytn 4A pit &m fay, cn i pht am fad bead (a) oral rong mouse (t) fmm con out coast (a) cous ba bién coud (¥) Aca ‘qua kt ca “can” LOVEBOOK.YNI 19 LOVEBOOK.VNI 20 Phin 1: Pht ‘woul (Avo) gu kd a “wat? Dutcher (o) /*bonf(ey — nguah ban tit 5. phat am fey, cin tl pt am fe fatal (@) esto trong thm ‘fale (0) fete ay tbl fay (atv) /feoteyiy Med fainted (Ved) /femd = bi ngat 6. ptm a, cn phat im ot ue fn) :Geh da hoe cut (n) ost tha dn pour) — foe Od, rot cayrage(n) kandy si'can Gém, ding kt 7.8 phat dm foul, cn a phat &m fd new (a) Aajcd ma sew (vy) load ‘may, kts fom (a) Gud it nephew (n) pefjuy — chu tral 18. phit ff, cn lel pit am fe as) = News 2, 08, WO tH sae) feet stays (V)— fotcaf a Plays (v) —fplem/ he, bit 9. B phat am fa, cn a hit dm i! bes (n) bit ‘oon ong Desr(n) — fonatey bia seem (y) fsa’ dng nh fea) [aid a trn, bd chay 10. phate ef, al phat fa! ‘bound (a) /baund/ bin QT gourd tn) /gracmy ni, ku at Dounce (¥) foaonm/ ny Hn, aby wt ra cough OY) Pol bo ‘1. phat im ou, com fl ptm fa how (adv) Pha nba! thi nd town (a) oun! ten Power (n) — pecatey ning kigng stow (a) aloe cht 12, C phim /i/, bn al pt dm Jed deat) Haeltf qua Wid cia “deal” Gryarnt (v) Javea) qué Kit cia “dream” heal) Abi han gn, tanh a Nha sich Lovebook teats @) dyed hen 13. A phat &m /au/, cdn lai phat dm foul fou (Ho ‘Drogch (ni) orestff trim, ghim hoa su) soo [ith bin, tien bbe toa ‘Hao ogitacon ‘14, B phat im fa, com fal phat rm ff twt) fo ub Kitch eect taughier (9) Placfiotey — Béng oxi Naughty (@) sot dong budng Staghter (0) Patoa(e/ sy tn sit “18. A phat rm fi, br tel ptm ef weasel (0) /'wiztsWV con chin breakfast (r) brekfosy boa sing feather (n)— /*febo(sy ong v0, bd anh ngasure (n) /'mege(ey gid php “16. D ptm of, cli pit rm feud ‘coward (a) /"ksoa(e}d/ nit, han nit flower(n) — / flave(sy bong hoa ‘shower (nt) /'facso(ey/ wan musa rao eowedge (0) Pokey Wa the ‘17.8 ptm fe, cn phn fed grat (a) fore) to ln, tye brsad {n) — fored/ bin my break (Y) free gy, WO. ‘steak (np /stesk/ ing thie rating 48. B ptm fa, cin ti pt nf! ‘woight (n)/ovemt/ trong huking, site ning ‘ngighe (n) Matt chidu €20, 69 620 sight (a) font thom var (t) fren? Srh mach, mach via 19. D phat dm fy, con i pt Am fc men) fay qu god (0) food tam trang gon (adv) fea’ ching my che pond (@) god 16k. Gop ‘20. Apt im od, cmb ptm fc would) vod gut atc wa about (pre) fa’baot/ v6, khoing Mars (@)—romdy tn ut av) feo ngodl, 8 ngodi Cong Phd Anh 2 More than a book 2. Phy am © Gach phat m cba mot sé phyam LOVEBOOK.YNI 22 if i isan Isolation misuse base basic case loose 3s is his Ngoai i ere gFy moe, ting ‘em mat en nae ma Kt qud ng dan sf 08 tp sit dung sai én tang, cn cit eg ban trating bp di lng ‘nba 14, DOL vi th hin tal ca “be™ cia n6, oda anh fy LOVEBOOK.VNI 23 LOVEBOOK.YN1 24 Phan 1: Phot asm Nha séch Lovebook © BALTAP KHACSAU 4. Room Bode oan Dow 2 Apromise Bisa Sse Darealse 3 Asut Bseven C.suger D.sun 4 Kaghe 8 chary C.artreoiony ——_—D.ghaos 5B Aare Bacgept C.aggent D. sugges 6 Aen, coun C.thoush rough 7. Rechooge Browse C.basge D.horge 8 Asouh 2B season ©. southemer D.nataem 9. Acheese B. choice G. chord D. chunk 10. Aswitch B. stomach C.match Di catch 14. mechanic 8. machioory Cachemist D. choera 12 Agate Bgem gam Digpucty ‘18. Ascholarship B choir C.cherish ‘D.chorus. 14, Ameagure ‘B. decision C. permission ‘D. pleasure ‘15. A.ggage B. fragile. C.general D. bargain 16, A.curicuam ‘B. coincide ©. currency D. conception 17. Advsbie Begin .dgsase Dacron 18. Ague B. soup sugar D.maghine 18 A-bought ‘B. daughter C.cough D.sight 20 Apotntial B. question Couture picture DAP AN 46] 2a] sec | ap [sa ac] za] sa] oc | 8 11.8 | 128 | 136 [ac | 0 1p | 17.0 | 128 | wc | ma GIAITHICH CHI TIET 4.8 pit am fl, on a pt am i 8. phat am fi, cin peta fea! ‘porn (n) —a:ttn? vit chal agguala @) (ekjored chin xéc gede(v) fei nbwiong fal agcept(y) fek'sepy chip hin gan (ory) Peal ‘célbinh— cb thé —— agcident (n) Pekaudfo)at/ vy tal nan amin) fap ‘tach, chén ‘2. phét dm /, cr bi ptm af promise (v) /prommy — iba devige (W) /ix'vaz/ sing cht ‘surprise (¥) /se(s)'praa/ gay ngac ahi reaiige (¥) = froalae/ = omhgnra 3.6 phat fm //, cde al pt 6m / sat (oy) feu’ bb com WB phd ep seven (a) f'sev(aya/ by Sugar tn) = ffogaey — atong sun (a) teal mat bot 4.8 pdt am Ag, comb phat fe! ache (6) feuk ay she ety (0) Perot sy tr ten ‘anaheeology /.cii'vleds/ Kibo o8 be ghaos(m) —'kem/ sv hn an ‘supcess (n) /sok’ses/ thant cing 6.C dmcim, cdn lal phat Am/f/ enough (a) /t'matf Gi, dy a cough () oto though Pout mic dit rough (@) asl gtx T.A phat drm fa/, cin tgi phat rm sy choose (i) Af! chan ‘nougs (n) fas! pi na basic (a) oemmik/ oo bin horse) Miosede! conn ‘8. A phat m /6/, can tal phat am fay soit (f) kava Nam ‘southem (2) P'ssdon/ — thue vé mién Nam ‘southomer (0) /saSenae/ ngudt min Nam ‘northem (a) /‘no:toa/ — thude vé mién Bic Phé Anh 2 9. phat im / 1, con al phat am / xf sheese () Afial pho wt holes (a) fous! sy chon bya chord (a) fass(nyey iy chomk (n)—Afaaky ie (95) 10. B pit am / b/, bn lai phat am / of / wich (0) lowes ta ‘stomach () stamakd da ty mach (oy) fey tin i - ghip cach) owl 11, B phat Sm {7/, cn Iai phat am fe ‘mechanic {(n) /rau'kecak/ tho may machinery fo) mo‘fnar/ may rac chemist (0) hems) sh hta hoc cholera (0) "kotara/ Denn th 42. phit im /as /, cn lal phat &m /a/ gate (n) igen én gem() Fagen dat goo gee (\) foen! nin chim ohm sudy @)— osd ——_e logt 118, 6 phat am Ay, con al pie fad Scholarship /‘skela(nyip/ hoc bing hoi (n) Pewais/ dm hp ca hersh (n) yen? ya a chorus {nl} /'kosree/ hap tong 44.6 phat dm ff, con ll pit m/s! meagure (n-V) /'mesa(ry gil php - ¢o decison (a) /Arsrx(o)e/—quyét din ‘permisgion (n) Ap2te)'maf(s)av sy cha phép pleasure (n) /'plesx{ty —s¥t vil hich ‘15. D phdt dm ff, con ai pt may ‘More than a book luggage (a) /lagedyy han ‘ragie (@) "free —rmdng man Sonera (a) /"dyen(s)ral/ hin chung bargain (%) be(ngm/ myc od ‘16. D phat m/s, bn ll ptm garculum (n) fka‘nkjokomy ‘chuldng trinh ging day Soincide (v)— /koum'sal/ trong khOp gumency (0) F'karonsiy tnt ‘conception (a) /con‘sep/{o)n/ quan nigrn 17. phat sf, cna pet am ff divsible (a) /a'wrzab(o) chia hét cho eign ()_/ae'zam ti ke sigease (1) fail Dent eat ‘excursion (n) /ak'sk:ford chuyéi tham quan ‘18 8 phat dm ef, cOn bi phat am 7 suet) fey tle chin soup (n) sup ‘sip, cath, chao sugar(t) —(/foget¥ — duting ‘maghine (n) /mo‘fi:n’ may 49. C phat am /f, on lai & dm cm dougnt tv) foot! mua. daughter (0) Pdacta(eyy con gal cough (¥) Aco ho sight (a) san ‘tém ntin 20. A phat am ff, e& lal phat am AP potential (a) fpovtenfa/ 06 tém nang question (1) fk°wedlond clit hdl couture (n) /*katay van nda picture (a) P-puklay bite tanh LOVEBOOK.YNI 25 STUDY TS 8 hs cy tem 1, i, Jol, 1, 16/ cheer ob thé ‘hip do ee TO: Khdag ‘Pai FD THiy. ‘STUDY TIPS: ‘Eh iy ch ei x, 55, 5, hy ch, 2 cc em ob thé ship vio oh "topXs ‘Sin-Sing Sia Sif Cito ar LOVEBOOKYNI 26 Phd 1: Pht am ‘Nha sich Lovebook: 3. Caéch phat am “sves” ‘'s’ hoe ‘es’ cd trong danih tl sO nhiéu, dong ti chia 0 ngol thi ba s6 ft, hogc sé hdu cach ‘thing duge phsit arm nit sau: + Trutng bgp 1: 's' dug phat ar a /s/ bi i saw phuy Am: /u, ie, él, Abe [even [omnia [opus | srw] | “Wemaeiete) | ca naes | eas, casas | aes _| | ong cafe) | tots es | — aus les | Fans | [ion ca.) | “maps capes “| sone cans | Fors _| [a erat ohh) nhs es | eiionats | crs | a = Trung gp 2: ‘es’ duce phat 2m 18 /ra/ nu tit c6 tan cng Ba cae m/s, AL, ff, Id), ‘] age thé ign trong nhding chi cai x, 38, , sh, oh, z, se, 92, 08 [eee | tami ab is | Cpu a SHH | Svc = Tring bgp 3: 's’ duge phét am ia /2/ néu ti 06 tan cling fa nguyén 4m va nhOng phy am ‘bal Pf, /al Vf Fa te, F. ‘© BAITAP KHAC SAU 1. Aros book: pods Daye 2 Ase B breatis ©. breaths i. ope 3 A sees B. spore ©. pools Da trang, 4 Atoms, Blames ©. brakes incites 5 Arse 8. vilages, ©. apples , matches 6 Koay 8. tapes rides . cooks 7 wakes 8. booing Chet, 2. cats, & Acoses 8. loses Cloves 0. chooses 3 Asom 8. laughs, 6. cooks. finds 10, A diseases 8. pleases Ces 0. eases 11, A languages Babies ©. assumes . consumes 2 Ram B suite ©. cag 9, boards, 13. Abas B classes ©. potions, Ditches 14. A. rolives B. invents Choe Ds deals 15. Adeams B.healg tg Dias 18. resources B. stages C. preserves, focuses 17. A cantoges 8. wists C. assures . costumes 18. Rote 8. mounts ©. poteng . swords 18 Ames B. words . accident D. names 20, A. spor Bbowsehoklg minds i. plays DAP AN 10 [28 [38 | 4A se [6c] 76 | 8c | a0 | too wa [ize [ase [148 iso | 16.0 | 17a | 108 | 18. | oA GIAITHICH CHITIET 4. phat rm fe, ll pat am sf roots (n) —/presiy’ bang chang books (n) fous sich pais (t-v)— fpomsy idm — cht Gays (n) Hien! = gay 2B phatam /e), con lal phat m/s asia) fasske! hi, yu cu ‘breathes (x) fbri:B2/ thd breathe (0) foreds/ sith hopes (ev) fsops/ hy vong 3. Bpdt m/s, cdr lal phiét Srvad sees) sid tn tly spots (n) apo th thao pools (ni) fowl} th ba voses(n) ——rouzm/ hoa hing vilages (n) "visa! tang applesin) —Peeployir/ qua tea maths (rv) /meefia! tan da -ghép 8.C phat am fo, con lal ptm fs! cas (0) Meets conto tapes(m) Resp’ ang ghi rm fides () rade! © hx ap, cut, cocks (mY) fuk! iu Dp = nu Bn 7.8 phat am /f, cn lal phat fs) ‘walks (v) fooks! — GD) begin) Por'gma/ lt dd helps (ey) Mhelpsf lp 6 cus) easy elt gid trang (0-1) Aremz/ ‘thu ado tao 8. C phat dr el, cn ll ght ar fat 4. A pit fl, cd lal ptm closes (i) Alacer ing ‘tombs (-Y) aces) chon oat foses (i) urze/ md, in mit tampa (nt) Amps) en foves() Avaya ‘rakes (0-¥) foreiks/ —cfipharh—tiim = choeses (VJ Afzal chon invites (Y) Amm'vartsy tt ‘5. phitam ff, cb ai phit sm fel 8. phat Am /z/, conte pt de fs stops (ny) /stps) ding LOVEBOOKYNI 27 STUDY TPS (DE nhd day chd cai ce, x, i, ch, Ot 8,16, hp, fk, Ph, ce em 06 thE ghép wae clu: “CO-Em Xai SH, ‘Siting SHE 89 FE THAng o, Fi Khp PHS. LOVEBOOKYN! 26 Phdn 1: Phat arm faughs (fay ath conks (6) ok’ eu bp - rs fede) tude thy 10.0 phat dm ecb ta pt m/s Gexagag (0) Jaana bin tt peammg (plz! tim ve Ong fosee(v) aml mi, rt mat elses () false ping thle, th 11 Apt tm fi, Ob al pt mf languages (V'iangeetga/ gta 1 rabien (1) reibiz! bean dat assumen ) f'gjum/ giiinn consumes (Y) fan'siema/ tu ding 42.8 phim /, coal pat em fof amg (6-1) fe:ma) chsh tay — tang bj WOK ‘ats (0-7) fours! 9 com iB - phil hp * chairg (0) feaaf ci ghd boards (0) bode! bing Sm vin 48. C pt ff, cl pt 3 find bows (0) Aroksc/ hip asses (0) fase! Kp hoe toa (1) /po'tetaox/ Koa thy feishes () imide the 4B pdt dm cn ptm fa releweg () /evtival gin bo am ds invent) fn'vents/ phat min burs (0) foam rut deatg (09) Mike! giao dich - GOL 18, D pdt dm ef, ntl ptm ff reams (0) Jécismef gle md - ma ‘4. Cach phat am ‘ed’ ‘Céch pit am du6i “ed” cia nhing dong ti cb quy tie 0 dang qué ki dim va qué kha phan ti upc doc nna ta mgt im t6t mc ‘uige phat la ki Ong tin cing ta] chalfed fet (Aba cho vu), chatod ‘am/sf (ong chd f, fe, gh. ph), /py (trong | /feitt/ (xoa cho Sm ten), chi p), /A/ (ong chi W, *ks/ (rong cho | laughed, paragrephed, coughed %, Ja! (tong chi s, ce), {7 rong chi} Uked, mixed, voiced, missed, 19,47 (rong cha sh), fof (rong cha th) | watched, wasted ‘dug phét &m la /d/ khi Gong ti tan cling | played, planned, called, offered, 48 céc am oda lal ‘bathed, borrawed... ‘duidc phat &m 1a /nd/ Khil G6ng ti t2n cing | needed, decided Baim A foong cha, (Pong ci vk Nha sich Lovebook, heats (v) Price! ‘han gin, Sani ta Wiis) Makita tasks (0) ask’ abl wy, tp 16. € phat am /2/, con tal phat om frat ‘fesourcaa (0) /ni'zo:(r)stz/ tal nguyéa Stages (n) —/stesdsra! ‘san Kod, gial Goan reserves (W)/pn'zs:(e)ved_ bio té, i gn fecuses () /fookema/ tp ung ‘TTA pt dr fe, a lp on fa cariages (0) Plaendsra! x8 me whist (0-4) ws(ojed ofl cht so assum (y) /o'fox/ dim bio costumes (0) Pensteme! trang pho 418.8 phit dm, cm phd rm fd fer (1) ofze/ 4) 8 gh mounts (nt) /mmaunts/ ni pollens (rn) /pokane/ phn hoa ‘swordg (n) — /so:(xyte/ gust, kiérn 19. phat m/e, cn lal ptm fa! miles (m) ‘rmathal tam words (nt) /w:(da/ accidents (n) ekcsd(s)ana! wy tal ran names (t-¥) fem ttn Bt ttn 20. A ht am fl, cn bi phat tm /a/ Sport (n) sporty tHE thao households (0) kaos howléa/ gla nh minds (mY) fonda tam tt - pid plays (t-¥) plea ‘vOKon - chal ing Ps Anh 2 More than a book ‘ge bit: Hu hat cde tinh tt dug tao thanh ti cdc dng tthi co cach phat rm. dudi “ed” gideg nh ing ti tén cig bing “ed*. Tuy nhién mot s6 tinh 18 66 tin cing bang “ed” vA mot $6 ‘rang ti 66 cfu tao tinh ti tn cing bang “ed” t“ed” dude phat Am fa Vi dy: raked (ad) ar ‘erabbed (ad) 16 tn, KB nk ‘crooked (ad!) cong, o& aged (adi) co tubi wretched (adi Kn kd deserved (adv) xing ding ragged (adi) ‘nhau, cl supposedly (adv) cho la Teamed (adi) uyén bée markedly (adv) dng chy ragged (adi) g6 ghé, dm chdm | allegedly (adv) cho ring wicked (adi) 0 éc © BAITAPKHACSAU 1. Aworted 8, stopped ©. fore lasted 2 AKssed B. helped C. enforced ‘D. raised 3 A. contused 2B faced Coma D. defined 4A packed 8. punched, © pleased D. pushed ‘S.A watched ‘8. crashed C, occupied B. coughed 6 A naked +B. missed led ‘B. watched 7. A measured B. pleased C. distinguishes ‘D. managed 8. A precicad 2. surprsed ©. rained D. fotow 8. A imprisoned B. pointed ©. shouted ‘D. surrounded 10. A failed B. reached ©. absorbed D, solved 1, Amarketly 8. alogedy 6, needed 1. walked 12. A removed B. weshed ‘6. hoped ‘DL missed 18 A looked B laugheg ©. moved D. stepped 14. A Wicked 1B. wretched 6, needed D, wished 15. A.lwohed B. passed ©, sugested 0. paced 46, ALteamed 8, matohed 1. coped, 1, kha 17. A iad 8. goed ©. happened decided 18. A. collected, ‘B. changed . formed D. viewad 18. A. parked 8, crooked, . coached 0, booked 20. A admired B. cooked C. kissed ‘D. chopped DAP AN 10 | 2D | 38 40 | 5¢ | GA | 720 | BA | OA | 108 11,0 | 12A | 136 | 14D | 15. | 16A | 17.6 | 18.8 | 19.8 | 20.8 GIAITHICH CHITIET 4. ph im a, cn apt am fd wiped Poelpd ipo worked fossa fam vige enforced Infos dm bdo stopped stop dig i red nig, gid én forced i&Apsv 6p bude '3.B phat am /t/, con lai phat am /a/ lasted Na:stedl — ké0 dai confused /kan'fu:zd/ boi ri 2.0 phat rm, cn il pat am fd faced esd Gh mat ‘Kissed eastt ‘non cried Pera 980, Koc. LOVEBOOK.YNI 29 LOVEBOOK.YNI 30 Phin 1: Pht arm Nha sich Lovebook celine §—far'famd/ inh gta 4.C phat ar cn ig phat am packed = foes gf, boo punched = /pantfy dm, choc pleased = /plizi/ fam hai long pushed foo tly 5. Cphdt am fl, oOo tl pit rm A watehed - /wotf! xem crashed = ane phatan occupied — /okjupand/ chim, it coughed. of ho 6. A phat a,c phat mA raked redo! td my, Ha than missed frmstf—— nh, hd, 13 ted fac thc watched — fwotY xem 7. C phat rm /Y, cn el htm Ja measured mest! do bibng pleased == fpliczd/ |am hal ong dsinguished /4:'sungwy¥ phan bigt managed = Pmenidyd quin 8. A phat am fy, cn pit may pracioed /prekusy tf hah supvised /so'prace/ gly mac nin ined fremd/ mise folowed /foloud’ theo sau 8.A pt n/a), con Ia phit&m a Imprisoned. /m'precond/ bé ti, tng gam poled = ‘pomned’ — ch shoved —ffwwtd) bet ‘suru /se'raomdse vay, bao quanh 10. phat am /, ohn pat an fa fang fone ttl, rat reached fect OM, absorbed fab'so:bd/ dp thy, hut ‘solved = /sotvd/ gil quydt 41D pt dm WV, bn al phd ed? matedly /'max(piadi dng cha ¥ alegedy — /o'ledgndli’ cho ring edad falsdnl/ om thit waked = fwo 1b 42. pt &m fc ll ptm A removed fr'mm:vi/ ct don, ct bb washed formyl hoped = Paawpt! ty vong missed — /awey? ob, hd, 1 18. C phat am /a/, edn ai phat am Ay looked — floke/ rin taughad af oth moved = fomcved/ = chuyén stepped — /stepy/ bude 14. D pdt dmv, com ai phat dm af Wied = S'wilad/ oto wished wip 86 15. © phat im Jid/, cd lai phat dm laughed = a:f cut passe past? equa suggested /ee'dgesue/ a8 noi, oof paced pie at 16. A phat dom /a/ hoe /ad/, con Wa phat arm ff feared (va) /'s(Qaxd/ oe - wyén bic matched ao ghép, ph hop coped /oupt/—_attng a, ps ‘siched Waky C3 17. C phat im /4/, on Iai phat Am fia/ ad afd! ag rugged = /tagid/ = gb ghé, itm chit happened /"hapood/ iy ra decided ex's) guy Gah 18. A phat am /di/, con igi phat am fay colected faa"eknd smtp changed Afemasi/ thay oft formed /fx()ma/_—_ thn tanh Viewed = Ajud/ inhin, xi 18, B phat am fd, cn fa pr Ad vated pated x crooked = krolxd/ gon ngoto coached Kou? dey, hua yen booked = /oukt/ da tube 20, A phat am /a/, con lal pdt rm fv aeimined feds} ngung mp cooked = kcokt/ nu an Missed = fos tn chopped Afepy chat. an Phé Anh 2 ‘More than a book 1 BAL TAP THNH TOY TU DE THI THPT UA TUYEN SINH BAI HOC Mark the letter A, 8, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in ‘Pronunciation of the underlined part in each of the following questions. 1. A. borrowed B. conserved approached, . complained 2 A-university B. discussion C. industrial D. understand 3 Aue B. seem cs D. sort 4 Aston B. form work D. force 5. Arion B. reindeer G. vein , pret 6 Ageamine 8, gleven . gxact . elephant 7. A aboard B. cupboard . keyboard D. overboard 8 Assist B. pressure C. assure D. possession 9. A. Species 8. tennis G. invent D. medicine 10, A. part 8. harvest C, superstar D, particular 1, Ahear B. clear ©, near . bear 12, A.baleves, 8. ejects, 6, maintains . confides 18. A laugh B. enough, hig, D. cough 14. Adeal B.teach C.oreak 0, clean 18. A. supported B. approached ©. noticed D. finished 16. Abush B,cuture Ca campus D, justice 17. A impos 8. maintains G. laughs . drops 18. A. passed B. opened C.walked D. worked 19. Abate B. dance face DB. make 20, A. finished B. developed . defeated. B. looked 21, A hestate Breseve . physics Da bagie 22. A wanted, 8B. stopped decided 1B. hated, 23. A centuy 8, guiture ©, secure: ‘D. applicant, 24, A toured B.jumped .solved Di. rained 25, Asa Boetak D.plane LOVEBOOKYN} 31 Phin 1: Phét dm Nha séch Lovebook: eee Na sich Lovebook AP AN 1 2a 3A ac 6D ep 7.8 BA SA 10.0 11.0 12.8 130 14.0 15.4 16.6 17.8 8.8 19.8 20.6 2.0 22.8 23.8 26.8 25.8 GIAI THICH CHITIET 1..¢ phat am a/v, cdn lal pht arm la fay borowed = /"torovd/ mun, vay conserved = /kon'sa:(cvd/ bdo t6n, gid gin approached /o'prootf ‘ip can, dén gin complaingd —/ksm'plema/ phan nin, than phién 2A phat €m a ju, ct tal pt ar fal University (1) / ju:ns'va:(e)sati/ trong dai hoe discussion (9) /d'skaf(e)n/ cue thao luan indysttal (a) /m'dastrioY ——thue vé cng nghip understand (¥) /,ando(e)'steend/ hiéu 3. phat dr 1, con fal phat am a a! ‘sure (a) chée chan seem (\) faim ting nt, £6 v8 gun(f) sand mitt Sort (ny Asoxeeyl ‘thd, lai, Ki 4, phat am fa /sv/, cd lai phat 6m 18 /o:/ stork (nl) /stox(e)k- ‘con 63 form (nev) /fo:(e}av hhinh the — hinh thanh wark (ev) fwax)k/ ong vig, te phd ~ lam vibe force (8, ¥) Heb! We — & bude ‘5. D phat am 1a /iy, con tai phat arm 12 feu ‘eign (n) rem tridu dal, the yo reindeer (n) rem, dra(cy con tuan ie vain (n) Nem/ ‘mach, nguén cam hang Protein (7) provi’ §——_chét dam 6. D phat 18 /e, cla phat 1a gxamine (¥) /1g'zzemnza/ ‘sat hach, Kivi leven (a) flev(ayn/ mutt mot gaact (a) Ag'aaekt/ hin xéc aleptant (n)/etfoniy ‘con val 7. 8B phél Am la a, cn lai phat arm 18 oy) abpard (adv) fa'bo:(eyd/ nal ngoai ‘cupboard (n) abot ti bat Keyboard (nt) /"ki:,ba:(@)e/ ban phim LOVEBOOKYN! 52 overboard (adv) /‘auve,bo:d/ —_ xudng bién 8. A phat arm 18/3, con ll phat am ia aggist (i) Jo'ast! itp a0 pressure (nl) /'prefa(ry apie assure (v) —Jo'fo.(ey ‘dam bao, cam doan Possession (0) /po'zeftayn/ tai sain, sy sd hau 9..A phat m B Ji, cn tl dgc ta fey species (0) spi! taal ‘tennis (ny) /'temus/ mon quan vot invent (.)/m'veut/ phat minn, ché tao ‘maticine (0) /'rmedasan/ —_y he, thuBe 10. D phat dm la /a, cn a do 1 fa Pat(o) = foe hin harvest (v) — /ha:(e)vis thu hogch, git hl superstaz(n) supe, sta siéu sao Dafticular (2) /pa'ukjulogzy oy thé, dae bigt 14. phat am la ex, con Iai oc Ia ral hea (¥) fof) ‘nghe Clear (a) Pacracey ‘sang, 16 ‘gar (a) faaokof gan bear (nv) Moeatey ‘con gu — chu dung, sinh con ‘12. B phat am la, cM Wl cH fal beeves (¥) /br'tiva/ tin tung fejacts (¥) /rr'dyckts/ ‘W chdh, foal ‘maintains (¥) /mem'teme/ — duy ti confides (¥) con’ fauda/ ‘tin tidng 13.C 124m cém, con bal dpc a a7 faugh() fae cual enough (20) i'ma ii high (a) fost cao cough (¥) Act ho 14. C phat ar 8 fr, ci tai inc La iy deal (v) Macy 661 Gai, cud teach (Aint ay ‘break (¥) —Porenk/ VO, nit (Cong Ph Anh 2 clean (@) isn sach 195, Apphdt mia fl, cd la doe aU supported —/so'po:(@}ud/ ng hd, hb ug approached /s‘praotfy tip can, dn gn noticed = 'noutstf kan ra finished = /fimeg két thie 16, pht dm la /y, nla oe WA fa! brush (n-v} foraff ban chai - chai, quét cuture (0) /"kalyfecey nn vin da campus (r) /"kaempasy ——_‘huOnvien, kh, bal fustice (n)— 'dgastsy cong hy ‘17, B phat. 18 al, cn a de as! imports (%) amperes! nap Kd maintain (v) fonem'tema! dy taughs (¥) Mla! cui drops Vv) /dropsy iam 18. B phat Am a /d, cn lal ge a passed past! i qua, qua di ‘opened Paopand! me walied vada ab0 worked wx (ol lam vig 18. B phét am Ia /a/, cn lal 096 18 ev! hate (v) phen ghet dance (n-¥) /éa:ns/ ‘Gigu nay — nhiay face (nv) Heat ‘guog mat — ai mat make (V) — /mek fam 20, C phi am fd, com lai oc 1a A finished = fina at thie, haan than developed /As'velope/ phat tin ‘More than a book defeated = /ar'ficuey anh bai looked okt shin 21.D phat &m ia /s, nla doe ta fet hesitate (”) heat? = do dy regerve (V,n)_ /nr'za:(r)vf ‘bdo tn, bo quan, ‘knu bao tin physics (n) /fziks! vatiihoe basic (@) —_"bexsik/ 8, can ban 22. B phat am la fv, cOn Iai doc Ia /so/ wanted *wontid/ mus stopped stop! dig lai decided Jds'sanchdf quyét din hated Ire het ‘23, A phat Am ia /s/, cOn lai do ba kf gentury (a) /’sentfori/ the Wy sgulture {n)"kaltfocey nnén van nda segure (a) /sr'kjua(ey an ton appligant (0) /‘zephikent/ nguidl xin vige ‘24. B phat aon 1a /\/, cOn Iai dgc la fa? toured fatexd! iu lich jumped Fesemnptl inhay, tang vot solved /solvd idl quyét rained fred! mwa 25. B phat ta /o, ci ako la fed sie (n) seu vite ban hang chak (nt) /fokl phn vit dale (9) faew gay plane (0) /plem/ may bay LOVEBOOKYNI 33 Phdn 1: Phat Sm Nha sich Lovebook IM. BAI TAP GONG PHA EXERCISE 1. 1. A church 8. chairman ©. cherist D. change 2 Accheated 8. meant ©. cleanse D. met 3 A studies B. flowishes C. finishes: ‘D. glances 4. A agreed B. missed ©. ke D. watched ‘5. Alose B. women C. poe D. move 6. Acheap B.chid C. chair D. ache: 7 Alf B. sign C. fight D. might 8 = Asoon ‘B. food C. flood D. mon 3. A books B. hats, C. stamps D. clubs 10. Asuch Bat ©. put ‘DL shut EXERCISE 2. 1. A passes B. challenges: C. segs D. tomatoes: 2 Ahandbag 8. happy . passage D. paper 3 Athink B. this C. those D. there. 4. Acrops B. farmers C. vehicles D. fields. SA leader 1B. instead ©. dates D. headache 6 A stopped B. followed ©. rained D. believed 7 Asiow B. power C. town ‘D. how 8. Amechanic B. architect C. chemisty D. choose 9. A. honest. B. horrible C. house 1D, highly 10. A.worted 5B. wanted C. tked D. chopped EXERCISE 3. 1. Avnation . cancer D. basic 2 A. nourish: G, courageous: ‘D. southem 3. A thought ©. aight 1D. plough: 4. Apromise C. economize D. enterprise 5. Aarnasy ©. appeal D. tam 6 — Ascholer . archaeologist D. approach 7 A. decided C. expected D. attracted & A. bushes. C. researches. D. headaches 9. A measured G. distinguished D. managed 10. ALhears, . blows D. coincides, EXERCISE 4. 1. Aapply C. cactus D. national 2 A funny . upper D. student 3. A sensitive C. supply ‘D. universal 4. A. determined ©. survived 1D. maintained 5. A bushes C. lorries, ‘D. charges Cong Pha Anh 2 More than a book GA. started . mended, D. coincided 7 Ratan C.cerain D. plan & Agight ©. height D. weight 9. A steps C. symbols D. banks 10. A compte G.intend Di defend EXERCISES 5. 4. A-nothemer C.nevertoloss D. thought 2 Ashops C. puis D. televisions, 3. A golden C. chgsen D. cover: 4. A sunrise C. business D. summer 5. A teaching C. weather D. treatment 6. Amaximum . documentary D. simulate 7. A designed C. sawed D. guided & — A.wood C. look D. foot 9. Adebt C.timber Data 18. A. enough €. thorough D. tough, BAP AN mercer | 1.¢ [ 2A [ 3A | 4a 5B | 60 | 7a | ac | 90 | 100 exERCISE? | 1.0 | 20 | 3a | 4A sa | 6a | 7A | 8D | 9A exercises | tc | 2c | 3B | 4A sa | so | 78 | ap | 9c EXERCISES | 1A | 20 | 3B | 48 sc | oe | 7c | Bc | 9c | 100 exercises | 10 | 2a | 30 | 4c se | 6a | 7p | eB | sc | toc GIAITHICH CHITIET EXERCISE 1. missed Asstt fh, nh, 1 4. phat dm ff, dn tal doe 18? ‘kee Aaxka ‘hich church (0) As (oe ka th watched won vem ghairman (a) /"yfea(e)man/ chil tich, chil toa 5..B phd am fa /y/, con lai doc la uc/ chemist (n) "kes nha roa hoe jose (v) Pref dann mat shange (n)/tfernds/ sy thay Gi women (nm) /'waram/ cong gues phy ni 2. A phat m Ia /i/, cin lai doc la /e/ prove (v) Apru-v/ ching minh cheated (v) —Afistid/ gian ign. movie (0) Pomvil ‘6 phim meant (9) ément/ «dy dinh, nghia a 6. D phat am A, com lai doc a el? (mean-meant) cheap (a) Ap 16 6a, cleansed (¥) /klenzal/ ‘dyna child (0) fasta? a te met (y) met ap cchair(n) ——featey i gh ‘8 A phat 2m 8/2, cd Hal doe lt rad ache(n) Jelly su das studies (¥) —/'stade! nghién cfu, hoc tia 7A phat am f/f, cm te Ope fa fad ‘fiourishes (v) /'flarfiel phat dat in MB nang finishes(v) "foi! két thao, noan tien sign (0) Isamnf su iu glances(v) /gla:nsi/ nin fig, lige nbin fight (n-a) lay anh sang - ne 4A phat &m i a,c Tal doe la might (fan othe agreed fa'grid ‘song 9, tan tanh 8.6 phét dm la /a/,c8m lal G90 la /ud LOVEBOOK.YNI 35, Phin 1: Phat en soon (acy) /suni ‘gay, scm food (1) fwd! thye pdm flood (x) lad ‘Gye mgon (nt) fru mat tring 9. D phat am icf, cb ti ge aa! docks (7) bos! ugh séch hats (0) asta? Ai md, cdl non stamps (0) /staxmpay on tem ciubs(0) label fa lac BO 10. phat Am la fv, cm ald 18 Jal suc (a) sath be thé, nh way cut) ea’ dt gam put) pew 06 ‘shut (WV) Mad dong, khép EXERCISE 2. 1. phat am a /2/, ob al 18 fad passes (V) — /pasta/ Giqua challenges (n) /‘tfwelmdga —thdch thir sexs (t)—focksz/ gin ‘tomatoes (n) /to'matov2/ qua ca chua_ 2.0 phat med, cn i dpe Bed handbag (0) heen), beg! tilxtch happy (a) bepif ul vé, anh phic passage (n) /‘pasidsy ‘Goan van, hanh lang paper (n)— /'pexpa(ehy gid, 18 gidy 23. A phat am 8 fe, cn la dg 18/07 think) fom ‘uy night tis@ as) ny, of nay those (a) /Bauz/ ‘Ka, ning cai kia there (adv) /oeatey 06, tis 4,4 ph a/c iii a ad crops (n) —fexops! wy mia, hoa mau farmers (n) /'fax(ma(e)x/ gud ndng dan vehicles (n) 'viik(ajle/ xe cd fields (r) ley tin wfc, cn ang S.A phat dm ia A, cn lal doe Bef leader (0) Tzdagey ‘nh, ng dn du instead (adv) /m'sted/ thay thé cho deainess (n) /‘defnis / sy diéc: ‘headache (0) /bederk/ ching dau dd 6A phat rn fa /V, cn la doc i /a/ ‘stopped = /stopt/ ding tai followed — folaod/ theo sau LOVEBOOK.YN! 36 Nha sich Lovebook rained = frema/ mma believed §— fovtiway tin ung LA phat am i/o, cb al 698 Jao slow (a) /stauy cham power (nt) /"pava(eW ‘nang ludng, quyén Ie town (n) aun Ahitrén how (@ Peau shu thé nto 18. phat am Ag, cOn tal Coc 88 ad mechanic (0) /mr'kennky thy co Kh architect (a) /'a:(e)la,tekY —Kién tric su hemisty (1) P'kemistri/ ha hos Shoose (vy) Afi! Wa chon 9. A am cém, con ll dge 1a a/ honest (a) anit ‘rung hye horrible (@) /"borobl/ Ieing khigp house (0) favs! gd nna ‘ighly (adv) aul? ri, tim, bt sic 10. B phat arm 8 ed, con al doc 1a fy worked = fwsi(ky lam vigo wanted Pveontad/ ‘mun, mong much ed fasked ‘hich chopped Afr én, chat EXERCISE 3. 1. phat m/e, cn bl phat &m Jey nation (ny /'neyfo)n/ ‘qubc gia patience (n) /‘peyfa)as’ sit kién nhin cancer (a) 'kamsa(ey bah ung that basic (@) — /"bensik/ ln bin, oo 83 2. phat am /e, cn lal phat &m /a/ nowish (W) nant ru, fp & flourish ¥) fang? ht dat ‘courageous (a) /ka‘rerdgea/ can Gm, ding cam southem (a) /'saBoGa/ pia nam ‘3. B phat 4m /f, dn lal la am c&sn, thought (v) Boat ‘uy night Jaugh (¥) asl out git @ few stem plough () —/plaay cay rung 4. A phat arm /y/, con tai pht im /euf promise) /‘proms/ ha despite Jer’ spand me dis, bat chap economize {¥) /t'kemamarz/ —tiét Kiem. enterprise (n) /'ento(r),prara/ doanh nghigp Cong Ph Anh 2 5. A phat am /e/, cOn lal phat am i’ already (adv) /orl'redi/ 6, 101 sase() fi sy thanh than appeal (n) fe’ 124 Kee gol eam (0) fs er 6. D phat &m Ag, cd lal phat ar fe ‘scholar (n) AF skole(ey hoe gid acting (0) erky/ sy dau dan archaeologist (n) /,:ki lodsisY nba Kho 06 hoc approach (V) —/e‘pravyg/ tip can, dn gan 7. B phat am /d/, con lai phat am /ad/ decided Je’ sade ‘quyét dink engaged fon’ gents inh ude, hia hon expected — /ik'speked/ mang dot attracted fo'treknid/ ‘thu hat 8, D phat am /s/, con lai phat Am /z/ bushes oufia/ byl ety, Bui ram wishes /onficd 1, mong uae researches /n'se:(tfee!)_nghién cfu headaches /hedeks! dau du 9. © phét am /¥, con Iai phat am /a? measured —_/'mega(r}a/ 0 Pleased = /pi:ad/ fam voi long istinguished /ér'stmgunyy phan bigt managed = /'meardgd/ quan ty 10. B phat am /s/, cOn Iai phat am fa/ ‘hears Moro(e}t nghe thanks aegis cm dn blows Potav! th6i gt coincides /,koom‘smdz/ tring khidp EXERCISE 4. 4. A pdt in ol, cn lal ptm fe? apply) e'pla! van dung, 2p dung maximum @) /meksmen’ cue d0, t6ida cactus (A) /kaektasy cy sng rng national (a) /‘naefle)naY —_toan que, quéic gla 2. D phat am /juy, con Igi phat am /a/ funny (@) tani vu, bude, cubi rubbish (n)_ /‘rabyf ac thal upper (a) /'apa(eyy ‘wen, 20 student (0) /'stju:d(@ya sin wien 8. B phat am /2/, con lai phat &m Jaf sensitive (a) /‘sensatrv/ tinh t8, nhay cam More than a book reserve (v,n) /xr'za:(n)vf bao t6n, bao quan, Khu bdo t6n supply) /eo'play ung cp universal (2) / ju:mr'va:es(@)V/ phd bién 4.8 phat fc, ob lal phat ff determined /ar'ta{e)mmed/ _xde inh, dint rb charted Afar(eynd/ (Gp bidu, vé bidu a6 survived —/sa('varva/ sing s6t maintaingd — /metn'temd/ — duy tt 5. phat am fz), cn lal phét im fa? ‘bushes (1) fbufia/ bui céy, bui ram buses (0) oasia! xe buyt forries (1m) /"torizf xe tai charges (V) Afa(e)dsizl nap, bude toi 6B phat 4m fv, con bl phat am /d/ stated —/stec(ud bt du vanished /'vaenift/ bién mat mended /'mendid/——stiachita coincided — /,koom'saxdse tring kind 7.0 phat am fal, cm fal pdt am fe attain (v)—/a'temy dat dude, dat tdi faithful @) —/'fer@R{@Y tung than certain (a) /'sax()uayn’ oh, che chin Bian (n) foley ‘6ng bing B.C phat am /ay/, cn tai phat am /ev eight (2) fen 614m freight (9) frend ‘su chuyén chd height (0) ha chidu c20 weight (1) went! ‘Tong lugng 9.6 phat im ff, cba li pdt am /s) steps (t-v) steps! bio — bude tourists (0) 'tvorsiy kno dich ‘symbols (7) /‘stmb(a)le’ bu tung ‘banks (ni) Socenks/ ‘ngan hang, bo rugng ‘10. A phat am /i:), cd lal phat im fey compgte (V)Acom’pi:t/ can tranh, ganh dua medal (1) /'med(o)V uy chuong intend (¥) /an‘tend/ inh, 66 ¥ din defend (v) —_/ar"fend/ pphing th, bao ve EXERCISES 5. 1.0 phat 4m /o/, con tai phat am /a/ rnodhemer (n} /no:Sena(ey nui min BSc nonetheless (adv) /.nanSo'les/ mac dit nevertheless (adv) / nevodo‘les/ mac dd LOVEBOOKYNI 37 Phin 1: Pht der ought (i) fox! sy gh 2. A phat am /s/, con lal phat am /2/ ‘shops (n) (shops! ola hang climbs(v) ‘Adame Jeo treo pulls) plat 16, ko, oat ‘olevisions(n) /"telz rg{o)ne/—truyén hinh 8. phat dm /a/, con tal phat am foul golden (a) /gsuld{a)a/ bing vag, nf wang rave (n) grou! tom cay, Kou ring nd chgsen (vy) /'tfeuz{sjn/ lg la chon cover (ny) kavotey ve bye, bla sch ~ bao phi 4. phat am //, con lai phat im fal sunrise (n) ‘sansa bin minh shut (¥) Most dong business (n) /exxaan/ vie kinh dann summer (0) /'sama(ey mda hd '8.C phat am /e/, cn gi phat am fi! ‘eaching (n) /'titfay vwike day 06 repeat (v) /n'pid hdc lai weather (1) 'webo(ey thi tit treatment (0)/‘witmooy yf iu ti, sy Ac 6A phat arm /a, con lai phat fju/ ‘maximum (@) /‘rmaksimon/ — t6i da, cyt dd LOVEBOOK.YNI 38 Nha sfich Lovebook population (n) /.popjo'leyto)a/ dan s6 socumentary (1-2) /,dokjo'ment(o)ri/ phi a gu — tu ew stimulate (v) /‘stamjulery Wich thich, khuyéin khich 7.D phét am fe, cOn a phat arn fay designed — far'zama/ tht preserved /pn'zs:(¢jvd/ bdo thn, duy ti sawed Isoidf cua, x ‘guided Agaucd! hung on 8. phét am /vy, cdn la phdt 2m /o/ ‘wood (nt) wud ti, 96 ‘food (0) Fadl thd an, the phdm look) uk’ sin foot (n) fon ban chan 9..C phat am fa /t, con ial fam cam debt (nt) Hae mon ng climbing (a) /Kamm/ suf eo treo ‘timber(n) — /tumbe(ey 6 lamb (0) Alascay con city 10. la am c&m, con fai phat rm 18 /e7 ‘enough (adv) frag 4, Gay @0 cough (v) feof ho ‘thorough (a) /'@ara/ hoan toan tough (@) asl al, bén cing ths aah? More tans tok PHAN 2: TRONG AM L KHAL QUAT RIEM THUG 1, Am tiét va trong am Am ti6t 1a mot don vi c€u tao nén mot sv ph6l hop trong ting nél. NOF dB hiéu hon, 1 4m Wt mbt tiéng dye phat ra. VI dy Khi phat dm ti “happy”, 88 66 2 tiéng vang lén 1a “hap” va py". Do 06,1 “happy” 06 2 am tit Trong aim ti a hc phat am dug niin vao mot am tt nhdt nh trong mgt ti. DSi vol chi co mgt arm tet, dy nus “git, “boy*, hay “900d” thi trong am ro vo Jchinh am tit 46. Tuy nin voi ning ts co it 2 arm teh td Kn thi mit gn rong dim ta 2m #8 dupe ptt am manh hon, nghe rd cd im tt cd tl Vi du: Ta ‘remember* 06 3 am tét (e, mem, ber), Am tt tha 2 (mem) phét &m manh hn cdc €m con Ia. Vi vay ta nit “remember” 6 trong &m rl v8o am Wat 6 2. 2. Quy téc danh déu trong am 2.1. Quy téc1: Am tiét thirnhat = Quy te La: TU o6 3 2 tt va tan cing 18 hu 16 ry ti trong ann cba tir nn vo 8m tt cn history tas en st | tactory + Quy tie Lb: Ba sO danh ti va tinh td co 2 am tiét nbd trong am vao am tit thd nndt. *Vidu: ‘fekar/—_mhamdy 2.2. Quy téc 2: Am tiét thu hai ~Ba s6 dong til co 2 4m tt nn trong am vao am tis the hai “vides Trond maintain fmem'teny yt distur, far'staxeey uy dy expend Ak’ spend! ‘md rag bape Fai’stro pha ty LOVEBOOKVNI 39 = Ta 66 2 am tét duge bat édu bang ch cai “a" va dm tt Ou dude phét Am /o/ thi trong ‘m cia tt 46 nbn vao aim wt tha 2, © BAITAP KHAC SAU QUY TAC 1b VA2 1 Asrode B. involve C. reduce B. product 2 Afolow B.otfer ‘©. tacher D. preter 3. ensure 8. picture capture D. pleasure 4 Adismiss 8. destroy © disney Diistiet 5. Apabepe B.dosohe © boite Ds tsting 6. A.divide B. household C. confide ‘B. approach 7. Adiscuss B. atiact C. suppose D. visit 8 Aequal B. modem C. between D. combat & — Alustice B.rubbish C. diverse. D. current 10, A water B. canoe: C.teacher ‘D. people 11. Acchiidren BL milkmaid C.anpeal ‘Diva 12. Acaring B. confide C.remind ‘D. precede 13, A secure ‘B. maintain Greject D. perfect 14 A polish B. modest . attack D. contact ‘18 Affect B. nature C.income. D. current 16. Asector C. workforce D. preserve: 17. Alstnd Clog D.epand 18. A. sponsor support D. profit 19. A pressure C venture ‘D. supass 20. A mission Cedreme ‘D. chamber 21. A severe B. schedule . famine D. distance 2. Aenhance B. distur C. engage D. simple 2 A begin ‘B butcher C. captain D, window LOVEBOOKNI 40 Phi Anh 2 ‘More than a book 2A. AR accagt ©. winter 1. beggar 23. A publish: B. accept ©. forget D. assist 2. A offer 8 mactine ©. summer 1. appen 27. A enter B. listen C. mistake 0. busy: 28. A result 8. affect C. open D. relax 29. Alimit B. study C. finish D, enjoy. 30. A alow B. narrow C. folow . argue DAP AN 1.0 2D) 3A] 40 | 58 | 68 | 7D] Bc | Be | 1B We 412A | 13.0 | 14.6 | 15. | 16.0 | 17.0 | 18.¢ | 18.0 | 206 2A [20 | A] 2A | 6A | 25.8 | 27.0 | 2c | 2.0) aA GIAI THICH CHITIET 1.D trong am d am tiét 1, cn lai 6 Am tit 2 visit (Vv) vial ham erode {¥) reed) x6i mon 8. C trong am dam tét 2, cOn tai 0 am tet 1 involve (v) sra'volv/ bao gm equal (a) Fickwal ‘inh ng reduce (¥) Je‘ djusl gin modem (a) /'mmdan/ hin dai Product (f)—prodakt/ sn ptm between (pre) for'twinf — gilla 2.0 trong am & am tiét 2, c6n tal d am tet 1 combat (n) "kombat! tran dénh follow (v) Pfolow ‘theo sau 9. C trong dm 6 am tiét 2, cba lal 8 am tet 1 otter) ete nh hustce t)—Fégasty cong teacher (no) Ptitfaqry ido vin rubbish (r)/'zabyff vée thai rater (v) pm'fx(2¥ —thich hdn diverse (@) (Héas'va:! da dang ‘3. A trong am d am Bét 2, cn tai d am tet 1 ‘current (a) Mexzany ibn thot ‘ensure (v) ha'foey dm bio. 10. B trong 4m & am tét 2, com igi 8 am tiét 1 pict (0) po) be rant water) wate ide capture expe bat git canoe (a) kamu? ang may pleasure (nr) plego(e sy wl thich ‘teacher (a) /'sistfofey igo vién 4.Dirgng am é am st 1, con ald amwtét2 people (n) pipe conngidi dismiss (v) — /éus'mas/ gid tn, sa thal ‘14. C trong am 6 am tit 2, c& lai 2m tet 1 destroy (vy) /és'strov pha hy children (n)—/'tfildron/ = nbing diva tre. display () (aisle tng bay rik (0) 'aulk,mee/ cb gf ft sta district (n) J érstriky quan, huyga appeal (¥) Papi kéu got 5. B trong am & am tit 2, con lal 3 am tit 1 ‘tival (0) Pra) Geb this garbage (0) eaxtbndyy re tad 12. A yong am @ am $1, con al am wet 2 dissolve (vy) /dr'zolv/ phan hily, tan ‘caring (a) Ukeseny chu 640 ote {n) —"but{a)l/ chap confide (v) — kon'fard/ th 1 fishing (n) SP fifuyy mn cau Gd vrernind (v) fn'mamd/ nhc nbd ‘6. B wong am o am bet 1, cd tai G am tit 2 precede (v) — /pn'si: ding rude Gide) avai phi oti 49, D trong dm 8d tt 1, cma rm H.2 household (a) "haus look hd gia dinh ‘secure (a) /sr'kjuary antoan confide ()—fkon'ta? 6) maintain (f)/esemter! uy ti appraach () prow tile oén reject V) dsc? a, ch 7. D trong 4m d am ue 1, cdn ial d am vét 2 discuss (v) /t'skay thio hin ‘aract() foe thu it suppose (¥) — /so"patz/ cho ring pertect (@-¥Y/pa:fiky than hia -hoan then ‘14. C trong dm d im bet 2, cm ai & am tit 1 Polish () poly? én bing modest (@) ‘mds’ Kien tn LOVEBOOK.NI 41 NEW WORDS assist bin Vig ~ gu alam gi NEW WORDS ‘ngage sb to¥ ~ hia hen fam gh become engages to sb ‘nda hn v6! a be engaged in sth ~ bantam gl LOVEBOOK.WNI 42 Phin 2: Trong am. Nha sch Lovebook atack@) te tha cong contact (n) kontakt stip xc 16, Attong den dm tit 2, cdn i 8am ett effect (0) fr'fekey nh hing rare (n) neice tye income (x) fimkamy tw mp curent (a) karen bin tha 16. D trong am @ dmb 2, cd 8 ar it 1 sect) Psektoy Khu ie lawyer (n) Loja at ‘workforce (n) wk, in he presene {) fpcrzaw/ blo tin ‘17. D tong am & am bet 2, cd at 8 am ttt island (¢) —'asland/ non do teror(n) erate stip 50 egal (@) ig php expand (i) ak spemd/ rng 18. C trong am damn tit 2, con lal & aim tit 1 sponsor (a) 'sponsaGy aha rg status (n) [stestos! = bang thai suppot (y) — fs'po:tow ting ho prota) profi Wh 19, D trong am d am et 2, cin lai O am Gt T pressure fn) /'refaey We ‘eagle (@) eed tigch verre 0) 'veafotey mao bien SUpESS (W) fsx) pel WR UH 20. trang im @ été 2, con 8am tt rrission (9) /'mafty/ sO bat conquest (0). ookwes sy tinh hue cotreme (@) k's ROD chamber) fear! phng, bung 21. Atrong om @ mW 2, cb Ba Wt ‘severe (a) /sr'vie(e¥—_nghiém trong soheduie (a) /'fediec howe famine (t) femme nandol stance (a) /'distons! Kong ech 22. Dirong en @ am W&4, conti am 6 2 enhance (y) /n’heny ng ca0 distur (¥)—/dr'staxe)b/ Bim phi engage () — /mn'gerdyy a ube, an simple (@)— 'simp(’ én gin ‘23, Atrong im am tilt 2, cn bid it 1 begin) ogy bt butcher (9) oye gut ban nt, eng bao captain (n) — kzeptm/ i nttng, ‘thuyén trudng, dal dy ‘window Swandoo! olla sd 24. A trong 2m @ am tit 2, con tal im tit 1 accept (y) /ak’sepy chp ran curtain (0) iexty etme winter (9) /' witty — mda dong beggar fn) begets) gual nin 25, A trong @m dam tiét 1, cén tal arm tit 2 pubish 8) /'pxblyy dt bn accept) Iak'sep’ ip thug foret() — e'ge? queen wit) e's lin, Ny (26. B trong am d am tft 2. con Iai am Bet 1 ater) Fone ab hy machine (9) /ofimy may de ‘summer (a) 'samo(ey mda hd happen) Phaepent rly (27. C trong dm & arm tit 2, cbr lai dom dt 4 enter) Penta v80 fen) Pieye_ghe mistake (0) f/ma'stexke/ Sai Kd, 1B tusy@) Poa 28. C trong am d am tét 1, con Iai am tet 2 ‘result (n) dvutd — kétqui affect) = /o'fekv nh tadng open y)—— Paxpond md lax (i) flank) gin 28, trong & am it 2, cng om Ht 4 Ent) mda sudy() stad? tng ety fish) img tthe enjoy (9) x'dgod ted ts 430, Atrong dm @ am Et 2, cd lam 1 alow) las! cho phi arow (a) 'nmeroof hep olow ()— Mfolao/ then sau aque Fe(eju) tanh han (Céng Phd Anh 2 ‘More than a book 2.3. Quy téc 3: Am tiét tha2 tirdudi len ~ Trong am olta # roi vao am tiét thd 2 ti dudi 'én néu bi 66 tan cing bing hau 16: i, ies, ‘on, ian, ial, ual, o/ow, ient, lence, eous, ious, ish. dui ibe [olmatic —eiarmethf who —* Géarinh _| physics Tiaaksl vay sy ie G8 [regulation /reaju'leyo! guy din hae ibrafan erbrearonl th tht beneficial {bent Bal ci intelecual mild the ‘tomorrow he moro0) gay mai iba qua convenient kan'vimen/ —_tignlgi ‘inh nghitm [convenience /kan'vimnions/ sy ten eh C6 courageous fester ganda ton giao | delicious Jatlfas ‘ngon ‘anh bing | vanish Teen biéa met 2.4. Quy tc 4: Am tiét thi3 tir dudilén = Trong am cia tit ri vao am tiét thd 3 tinh ti dudi én néu tt c6 tan cing bang hau th: itive, ate, gy, phy, try, fy ical, ina, ity, ety, ile, ievise, Vi captae Pkepitctaw! Wan hoa LOVEBOOKYNI 43 Phin 2: Teong arm hi sich Lovebook 2.5. Quy téc 5: Am tiét the 4 tisdudi len + Trong aim-oia tro vao am ft thi 4 tin tt cud en nut 6 tan etng bing hu tary, atv, *Vidu: mecessay Paeusor ean ist | iteray Piano? su bitch administrative /ad'momastrerw _hanh chsh | generative /égen.acosw/ _ sinha * Ngoai Ie: documentary — /dokju'mentari/ tu ida elementary = /,eltmentari/ supplementary /,saphmentaci/ 2.6. Quy the 6: Am tiét cusi = Trong am cia ti! rai vao am cu6l néu ti o6 tan cimg bang cae hau 16 ee, eer, 00, oon, aire, ain (trong dng ti), ade, ique, esque, ese, ette. + Vi due conservative /kan' big thy) STUDY 71S Am tt ohn trong Aim Kb phat arm tén thing mang ‘hank nang, trong Kei cdc am con iki mang thanh 2.7. chay Cea cae erence MA tin Mf va ut ki he vio khong am hay a rong am cic ca Wc. Do eb nh r6 tong &m cia ti, eae 8p tH chda nhaing tidn t6, ngu 6 nay ééc em cén tach ra khdi tt g6e a xéc dinh trong wn thé thi voi du am cla ty 6c theo 6 quy tic trén. > Tién 18; hd hét tién 16 khéng lam thay 46i trong 4m cia tt g6o, vi dy: Gd sé volt “happy. ‘Ghing ta tht tau uy cho tng &m nu sau ++ Trung hop 1: hap pl + Tnddng bop 2: hap pi ‘rong 2 eich doc ten tht ‘etch doc 86 1 fap pi] Ba ‘aghe quen tube hon. Vay ‘tng am eda ti “happy” ro ‘vao am 88 Khong mang ds thay - dm tt un LOVEBOOK.VNI 44 (Gong Pha Anh 2 More than a book * Ngoatlé: Nring ti 06 Rn 1 ‘under thudng bi thay 4% trong am: “statement ‘understatement — | ‘pants “underpants “underground ‘growth ‘undergrowth “complete ‘interest “interesting ‘ratdiion ‘ratditional notte noticeable “hone ‘hopeless wonder @ BAITAPKHAC SAU QUY TAC 1a, 3, 4,5,VAG 16 kde sAu cdc quy the trong &m, rude Ki tam bal tap uyén tap, c&e em nén hoc ky ‘ting quy tc trong 4m, ghi nhd, sau dé tim nhdng ti thude quy the 46 4 ting oét A, B, C, D. Cy thé, cde em thuc hign cde thao tac sau: ~ Bat dau voi quy te 3: hoc ky 11 hau t6 (ic, ics, ion, fan, ial, ua, ible, lent, lence, ous, ious). ~ Tim & cOt A toan bp ti tan cing bing 11 hau t6 nay va ght sO 3 (quy téc 3) ngay can nhing ti via tim duge. = Xée dinh trong am eda tt bing céch dénh du * vao &m tiét nhin trong am. = Tugg ty fan lugt lam cde thao tic tn vei cét B, C, va D. ~ Lip Iai cic thao tac trén v6i cae nguyén tie cdn igi. += Tim dap 4n cho ting cau. 1. Aemployee B.commitee ©. temonade 1. questionnaire 2 Adocumentary ——_B. environment, ©. vocabulary 1, imaginary 3A picture ©. restaurant 1. history 4 “Aentarain C. roteroe 1. aftemoon 5 Altelerte 6, computer D, pokes 6A materia ©. national . demanded 7. A ection . comfortable D. essential 8. A industy G. conical D, melody 3, A occasionaly ©. potently D. successfully 10. A conservation ©. opportunity D, historical 11, A production ©. Ganadian efficent 12, Aresidential . athetos 0. incredible 13, A pokuon G. recycle 1. impossible 14. A chetricat 6. election 0. factory LOVEBOOK.YN! 45, cHey Haut *y” va at” Hing anh fuldog a trgng thm ‘8 nd ph th had hu 15 nay ra kdl ge tude i xtc ih trong am LOVEBOOK.YN| 46. 7 BRRERRAS 2. 20, ‘A aimosphero ‘A punctual A apoiogy A delicious Acertiicata ‘A responsible Bi, sciensic ‘A. mahematics ——_B, engineeting ‘A.commemorate 8, necessary Avachievement ——_B. presidental ‘A Gsadvantageous —_B, recommendation A technical B. tutored A actualy B. previous, C. galery C. resonation 6. society ©. combining Carey national 6. material 6. uneorfotabi suspicious (influ economy 6. brain ©. vewrnary 6. majrty experience 1. concentration , comedian . typhoon D. disastrous. D, cigarette . biology . supportive Di. laboratory . geography D.technician 1. eccommodation . requirement D. diferent Bang thdng ké si tir cika timg quy tac trong am @ cdc cét cara core core coro ‘uy The 1 2 1 2 3 quy Thc 3 14 8 13 7 uy Thc 4 7 7 3 a Quy TACs 1 2 1 ‘Quy TAC 8 3 4 2 4 1. Remployess 8. commitse SC. lemonadeS © questionnaire § 2, A Gocumestary $B, envronment —G. woeabularyS ©. Imaginary 5 3. Apictaresqua 6B, oceasion 3 restaurant Di history 1 4 A ertertain 6 B, candidate 4 C.referee 6 , etemmeoa 6 5. A tolrate 4 B. adverse 4 6. computer D. poles 3 6 Arata 3 B,soxlaty 4 ©. atonal 3 1, demanded 7. A.dkeetin 3 B. important Ccomforable essential 3 8 Aiadusty 1 B. injection 3 ©. conical 4 D. meloay 8. A-cceasionaly 3B. preforentally potest 3. successfully 10. A-consertation 3B. occupation 3, opportenity4——,Histercal 4 11. Aproduction 3B, volunteer 6 . Canadian 3 Deficient 3 12 Aresidesta’ 3B, surprising Catletes 3 1. inereibie 13, A polluton 3 Bertin 4 C.recycie 1. impossibie 4 14 A chemical 4 B, ales 4 ©. seston 3 Da factory 1 18, Amemory1 1B, chemistry 1 ©. tractive . content 16. A.courageous 3 tical 4 6. galley 1 2, grocery 1 17, A.soowemic3——Brevolwion 3G, reservation 3. enviroment 18 Adsappearance —B.intelechial3—_—, society 4 concentration 3 19, Atmosphere, emision 3 combining D. comedian 3 20, A pamctua 3 C.musey 1 D.typbeen 6 2. A apology 4 2B. original 4 ©. national 3 D. disastrous 22, A delicous 3 8B, obedient 3 C. material 3 , cigarette 6 NEW WORDS: Imaginary (2) ~ tung tong, khing 6 ‘hat do tevagintive (a) ~~ git tung tag ‘maginabe (2) ~ ob thé dng tong avec (Cong Phit Anh 2 More than a book 7. Acafifese 4 —B.dictonay SC. uncornfonable —_—.bislogy 4 24. A-responsible 4B. scientific 9 C. suspicious 3. supportive 25, A.mathematics 3 Bengiteering SC, inet 3 D.leboratory 28. A.commemoral: 4 BnecessaryS _C, eoonomy . geogrepty 4 27, Aachlewernent ——B presidestal 3 ©, Gbrarian $ D. technician 3 28. Asadvantageous 3. B.recomnmendation 3. C. veterinary accommodation 3 29, A.techrical 4 B. tutorial 3 ©, majority 3 1, requirement 30, A. actualy 3 8B. previous 3 Cemmerionce 3. diferent DAP AN za] 38 | 48 | sc [oc | 7c | 8. 8.8 | 10.0 Ta] te [ie | ic | tea | v0 | wc | 19a | 20.0 zo | 28 | 245 | 25.0 | 26.8 | a8 | 26 | wa | 00 GIAITHICH CHI TIET 1.Btrong Zend am ti 2,cbn fl rn Het 3 ——essenial—'senffey tty employee emplaii: ) gu tam trong rm Am tt 2, con tg @ am tt 1 commits fo’ iy ban Industy —'madosir cng nighiep lemonade /tems‘nexé/ nude chan ——injecton— fa dgekffojo/ item questionnaire /owestfa'nea/ hf thing eauhdi conical = omiktoV/ nn 2. Atvong am dm 3, cbn'zidam iét2 melody = "mela? ial 0 documentary /, doi‘ menteyri/ ti Hea environment /sn'vaurenmnany ri ring vocabulary /v2o‘kebjolari/ tH vung Imaginary fvmedsmeri/ —tuing tuo ‘8. Btrong amd am Wt 2, cb lai & arm ttt picture = pla! ‘anh occasion —/a"kec(oh es i, Sip restaurant res(o}rooy nha hing history Pasty ch sd 4.B tong dm 8 Am tt 1, cd gi 8 am 63 enterain —.ent(ey' tom! gl tf candidate /'kzndéet! —thisinh eters refed rong tl attemeon —/cft(e)mun/ busi chiéu 5. ¥ong am d am tit 2, con lai 8a tt 1 tolerte —toloren? tha th advertise Pedvotai/ §——quaing cdo. ‘computer com'pjrtazy may th poltics tpolatks/ chibi hoe 6. C png &m 3 &m tit 4, cm ll & am Bt 2 material = /rma'worial/ nguyen Iu sociely — /sa'sarai’ XG rafonal ~ f'naf(ejma¥ —toan quéc demanded /ar'oeadid? §— you clu 7.G'tong am & 4m WEL, con lad dm tit 2 direction far'rexffoyef Nong din important fam’ po(e)at/ quan trong ‘comfortable /"kamftab(oWV — thodl mai 8, Bong a 6 am vi, com ii 8 dm wet 2 ‘occasionally /a'ker(=)eal tinh thong referential preforeafa wu i Potertaly —fpo'tenfalv 06 Kem ning suecesstly /saksesfoly thant cong 40. D trong am @ im 2, cm 8 im Ht 9 conservation /Jeonsas) vei) cube HB thsi ‘ceupaion /okju'pefte)a/ nghé ng opparunty /ypa(ty'gunati! oa bi historical for'stonktoy te veh sl “1, Bong rm & en G3, cn 8m Bt 2 production fpre'dakitey/ SY sin adt volunteer /.votoa'uo(ey Gah nguyen Canadian fea'nendon/ guts Canada efficent A'fytayad itu quad 42. Atrgng am 6 8m 613, con fal dam Ht 2 resideril /reardenffo) thude din surpisng —/sa('prareny gat bien athletics JST letie/ ign nh incredble —Jn'eredab(a)Y thing 48, 8 trong am 0 am ti 1, conf 8 ar wet 2 pohiton —fpa'hayteya sy nhiém fertize ——/'fa(a)elaced Hen may md recycle ri'smk(oy talon impossible fum‘posab(e)i/ king thé 14. wong am 6 am vt 2, com la dm tt 1 chemical — kemuk(oyl hoa hoe delicate 'debicat) thant, mah d@ LOVEBOOK.VNI 47

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