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A long time ago, there is a kingdom in small island.

The kingdom is named

Mirerilind. Mirerilind including the famous kingdom because the kingdom had a giant castle.
Tough Mirerilind be in a small island, another islands around the island well posted by
One day, the king of Meririlind was died in war. The queen of Meririlind so sad. She
cried everyday. She always wanted her husband to went back to the kingdom. Finally,
combatants which can went back to Meririlind took a long their king. The queen was felt
better. The king was buried near the castle. Everyday the queen went to the king graveyard.
The queen always wanted to knew who was killed her husband, she was so revenge. One day,
rain was fell down, but she still went to her husband grave with her umbrella.
After months, finally the queen knew who was killed her husband. And of course, she
still wanted to revenge. The killer was the king of Edelidda kingdom. The Edelidda king had
a wife and a daughter. The Meririlind queen decided to got revenge on the Edelidda princess.
The Meririlind queen had a plan. She was gave a poison in a lipstick and the lipstick
would be used by the princess. The Meririlind queen was pretend be a cosmetics seller and
offered the lipstick to the princess. But it was failed.
But, the Meririlind queen had another plan. She would gave a gift to the princess. She
would gave shoes. Shoes which had a curse. I the princess wore it, she would be a ugly and
she would hated by everyone. She would be unlucky until she die except if there was a prince
which wanted to married with her, that was the point.
Finally, the Meririlind queen succeed to did her plan. The princess began to felt there
was something strange. The princess had some unlucky experience, like fell from stairs, had
an accident when went to anoyher kingdom, her friends began to shunned her, and rare
invited to came in a party. The princess felt so sad. She cried, cried, and cried. She was so
One day, the princess went to the forest. Walked along and tried to forgot all strange
event. She looked many things which new for her. Like wild monkeys, many insects, and
many plants. And she saw a well in the forest. The well had clear water. She washed her face
with that water. And suddenly, there was a shadow of a guy on the water in the well. She was
so shocked and and little scared. Luckily, the guy was a prince from another kingdom. They
were talked along. And the princess felt love to the prince. And the prince also fell in love to
the princess. And the prince wanted to married the princess altaough the princess was so
Finally, the prince asked the princess to married him. And the princess said yes, the
Edelidda king aslso said yes. After they get married all of the curse was disappeared. The
princess can be beautiful again and all people loved her again. And they lived happily

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