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___Urdaneta ___Tayug ___Pozorrubio ___Rosales ___Malasiqui


First Monthly Assessment

GMRC Kindergarten

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is there anyone on earth who looks just like you? Why?
A. None, because God made me different from others.
B. Yes, because my mother looks like me.
C. Yes, because my father looks like me.
2.What makes you special?
A. I cannot dance B. I don’t have talent C. God loves me.
3. What thing can the children do to that make them special?
A. can dance B. can’t sing C. can’t be loved
4. Ana and Benjie always eat vegetables. What would Ana and Benjie have?
A. They would have an unhealthy body.
B. They would have a healthy body.
C. None
5. Cj is insulting his classmate’s name. Is Cj right?
A. No B. Yes C. Maybe
6. Nita likes to help people. What is Nita’s attitude?
A. helpful B. caring C. honest
7. Which of the following is not a good attitude?
A. Lora gave Myrna a food.
B. Ana is friendly.
C. Ben always annoy his classmates.
8. Which of the following is not a good habit?
A. eating healthy foods C. taking a bath everyday
B. sleeping at late night
9. How do you make yourself clean and neat?
A. Do not ask your mom to cut your nails.
B. Brush your teeth regularly.
C. Take a bath twice a week.
10. How do you make things around you clean and neat?
A. Putting your things anywhere.
B. Throwing your garbage everywhere.
C. Sweeping in the backyard.
11. Ana eat her dinner. What should Ana do next?
A. Go to sleep B. Brush her teeth C. Watch TV

12. Ben saw a trash in front of him. What should Ben do?
A. Just ignore it
B. Pick up the trash and throw it on the other side.
C. Pick up the trash and throw it to the trash can.
13.Lea saw an old woman who is carrying a basket. Lea help the old woman. Is
Lea did was right?
A. No B. Yes C. Maybe
14. Emman help his mother in doing household chores. What is the attitude of
A. Dishonest B. Industrious C. Dependent
15. Mila said to her mother the truth. What is the attitude of Mila?
A. Kind B. Independent C. Honest

II. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space before the number.
____16. Use for the hair  soap
____17. Use for the ears  toothpaste
____18. Use for the nails  comb
____19. Use for the teeth  nail cutter
____20. Use for the body  cotton buds
 mirror

III. Underline the correct answer inside the parenthesis.

21. You help your mother in doing household chores. You are (industrious, lazy).
22. Ben always tells the truth. Ben is (kind, honest).
23. They bully Ana. They are (friendly, bad)
24. Bea gives a smile to everyone. She is (friendly, bad).
25. You give a food to the beggar. You are (generous, honest).
26. You let your classmate borrow your crayon. You are (helpful, industrious).
27. You take care of your baby sister. You are (angry, caring).
28. You feel angry to everyone. You are (angry, loving).
29. Ken throws his trash anywhere. He is (irresponsible, responsible).
30. Kina follows her parents. She is(obedient, kind).

IV. Underline the correct answer inside the parenthesis.

31. Lina should take a bath (every day, once a week).

32. Len should eat junk foods (seldom, often).
33. He asks his dad to clean his ear every (week, day).
34. Clark should sleep at (late, early) night.
35. Rea cleans her shoes every (week, day).
36. Cj should put his things (properly, anywhere).
37. Pia should throw her trash (in the trash can, everywhere).
38. She asks her mom to cut her nails (regularly, every year).
39. Always brush your teeth (before, after) eating.
40. Dora is combing her hair (gently, ungentle).

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Approved by:

School Director

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