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2 Atrioventricular Valves
➢ Mitral Valve - found in your left side of the
heart, and in connection between in your
left atrium and in your left ventricle
➢ Tricuspid Valve - valve found between in
your right atrium and right ventricle
2 Semilunar Valves
➢ Aortic Valve - found in between your left
ventricle going to your aorta.
➢ Pulmonic Valve - connection between
your left atrium and your pulmonary tract.
• These valves ensure a forward direction or
one-way flow of blood during closing of
BLOOD FLOW: Systemic and Pulmonary
• Prevents backflow of blood during
closing of valves.
• Significant during auscultation (what you
• Pumps in the left side of the heart.
hear during auscultation is actually the
• It circulates oxygenated blood from the
backflow and it is not the contraction of the
heart around the body into the tissues
before it is returned to the heart.
• From the aorta, the blood divides into
How does valves function?
separate streams, entering progressively
• During the time you need to have a blood
smaller Systemic Arteries that carry it to all
flow, from left atrium to left ventricle the
organs throughout the body—except for the
valve would open, the blood will push the
two cusps of the bicuspid valve towards
• In systemic tissues, arteries give rise to
the left ventricle when that happens your
Arterioles, which finally lead into extensive
chordae tendineae will slack (maluwag)
beds of Systemic Capillaries where gas and
while your papillary muscles are relaxed,
nutrients exchange occurs.
this allows opening of your valve, when
• Lastly, it enters a Systemic Venule. This
there is a sufficient or complete blood
carries deoxygenated blood away from
within your ventricle, the pressure of the
tissues and merge to form larger systemic
blood will now push the cusps towards the
veins that lead blood flows back to the right
left atrium, during this time you bicuspid
valves is now closed, so the blood that will
go to your aorta sooner will also push the
cusps to close, and by this time your
chordae tendineae is now taut (nahila) • Pumps in the right side of the heart.
while your papillary muscles is • Receives all the deoxygenated blood from
contracted. the systemic circulation.
• Your chordae tendineae and your
• Blood ejected from the right ventricle flows
papillary muscles serve as reinforcement into the Pulmonary Trunk, which branches
of your valves. into Pulmonary Arteries that carry blood to
• Note that this happens on all of your
the right and left lungs.
• Gas exchange in Pulmonary Capillaries. - It is directed superiorly, slightly anteriorly, and
• Lastly, the oxygenated blood flows into to the right.
pulmonary veins and returns to the left - The beginning of the ascending aorta is
atrium. posterior to the pulmonary trunk and right
auricle and ends at the level of the sternal
angle, where it becomes the arch of the aorta.

➢ Aortic Sinus- it rises into your right coronary

artery and left coronary artery

➢ Right coronary artery & Left coronary Artery-

both of them are a blood supply for
myocardium and epicardium.

Why is there no endocardium?

• Endocardium- it relies on the diffusion of

blood on the chambers.
BLOOD FLOW CYCLE: • Endocardium lines the chamber and valves
of the heart so the blood from there directly
supplies your endocardium through
diffusion that is why it does not rely on the
coronary arteries.

- 4-5 cm (almost 2 in.) in length and is the
continuation of the ascending aorta.
- It is directed superiorly and posteriorly to
the left and then inferiorly.
- It emerges from the pericardium posterior
to the sternum at the level of the sternal


- Aka Thoracic aorta
It is subdivided into three branches: - 20 cm (8 in.) long and is a continuation of the
1. Ascending aorta arch of the aorta.
2. Arch of aorta - As it descends, it moves closer to the midline
3. Descending aorta and extends through an opening in the
diaphragm (aortic hiatus), which is located
anterior to the vertebral column at the level of
ASCENDING AORTA the intervertebral disc between the twelfth
- 5 cm (2 in.) in length and begins at the aortic thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae.
- It only supplies the myocardium and • passes inferior to the left auricle and
epicardium of the heart. divides into the anterior interventricular
and circumflex branches.
- myocardium own network of blood vessels Anterior Interventricular branch OR Left
- cardiac circulation Anterior Descending Artery (LADA)
- supply oxygenated blood to the - Is in the anterior interventricular sulcus and
myocardium. supplies oxygenated blood to the walls
of both ventricles (the left and right
Subdivided into two: ventricle) and interventricular septum
• Left coronary artery and apex.
- Left Anterior Descending Artery (LADA)/
Anterior interventricular branch Circumflex
- Circumflex Branch - lies in the coronary sulcus and distributes
oxygenated blood to the walls of the left
• Right Coronary Artery ventricle and left atrium.
- Posterior Interventricular branch - Supplies the inferior lateral wall of the left
- Marginal Branches ventricle and supplies the 40% of the SA
- it carries deoxygenated blood from the LEFT CORONARY ARTERY
myocardium and empties them into the
chambers of the heart. - Left coronary artery (larger than the right
- It drains in your Coronary sinus/ Vascular coronary artery)
- lot of supply within the left coronary artery
Coronary sinus- it has an opening or - supplies the MAJOR PART OF THE HEART
communication with the right atrium where it
collects the majority of the cardiac venous blood. - supplies MAJORITY OF THE LEFT
The principal tributaries carrying blood into
the coronary sinus are the following: - supplies SMALL AREA OF RIGHT
• Great Cardiac Vein- drains Left Coronary Artery
- supplies anterior 2/3 of ventricular
• Middle Cardiac Vein- drains Right Coronary
Artery (specifically posterior Interventricular septum
branch) - supplies RIGHT AND LEFT BUNDLE
• Small Cardiac Vein- drains the Artery of both BRANCHES – properties of the electrical
Right Atrium & Right Ventricle conductivity of the heart
• Anterior Cardiac Veins- drain Right Ventricle
and open directly to Right Atrium PATHWAY OF LEFT CORONARY ARTERY

BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE HEART - rerises in the aortic sinus- POSTERIOR

Left Coronary Artery AORTIC SINUS (ascending aorta) >>
passes b/w pulmonary trunk and left
auricle >> atrioventricular groove >>
further subdivided into circumflex branch - Arises from anterior aortic sinus
and LADA - ascending aorta >> pulmonary trunk & right
auricle >> descend towards the right
2 BRANCHES atrioventricular groove >> inferior border
• LADA/ Left Anterior interventicular of the heart as well as posterior >>
(descending) branch- supplies the wall of anastomoses left anterior ascending artery
interventicular septum and apex.
Great Cardiac Vein
• Circumflex- supplies the inferior lateral • Drains Left Anterior Coronary Artery, it
wall of the left ventricle and supplies the drains specifically The Left Anterior
40% of the SINUATRIAL node (60% from Descending Artery
right coronary artery) Middle Cardiac Vein
• It is in posterior part as well as the Right
Circumflex Artery, so it drains Marginal
RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY Branch of Right Posterior Circumflex Artery
Small Cardiac Vein
• Supplies small branches (atrial branches) to
• It drains from Right Atrium and Right
the right atrium and continues to the right
auricle and ultimately divides into two
Anterior Cardiac Vein
• It drains specifically the Right Ventricle; it
• Supplies all of the parts in the right atrium,
has an opening in Right Atrium
60% of the Sinoatrial node, Atrioventricular
Coronary Sinus
node and a small part of HIS
• Near the opening of the Inferior Vena Cava,
it has a communication with Right Atrium.
Subdivided into two branches:
• It is the Drainage of the Coronary
• Posterior descending artery/posterior
interventricular branch of right coronary
- Follows the posterior interventricular sulcus PHYSIOLOGY OF CARDIAC MUSCLE
and supplies the walls of the two ventricles
The heart is composed of three major types of
with oxygenated blood
cardiac muscles:
- Supplies the inferior wall of the right and
• Atrial muscle
left ventricle (small part)
• Ventricular muscle
- Posterior descending artery crosses left
(The atrial and ventricular are almost the same
ventricle; majority tho supplies the right
way as the skeletal muscle, except the duration of
contraction is much longer)
• Excitatory and conductive muscle fibers
• Marginal branch
o Contract feebly because they
- Runs along the right margin of the heart
contain few contractile fibrils
and transports oxygenated blood to the
o They exhibit automatic rhythmical
wall of the right ventricle
electrical discharge in the form of
- Supplies the myocardium of the right
action potentials or conduction of
the action potentials of the heart
▪ Providing an excitatory
system (controls the
rhythmical beating of the o A bundle of conductive fibers
heart) several millimeters in diameter
o Specialized conductive system
• Cardiac muscle is striated Action potentials in cardiac muscle
• Cardiac muscle has myofibrils: • Intracellular potential rises from a very
o Actin negative value between beats, about -85
o Myosin millivolts, to a slightly positive value about
• Left ventricle +20 millivolts during each beat
o Organized into complex muscle • Phases of Cardiac muscle action potential
fibers that run in different reactions o It summarizes the phases of the
o Subepicardial (outer) layer action potential in cardiac muscle
▪ Spirals in the leftward and the ion flows that occur during
direction each phase
o Subendocardial (inner) layer o Phase 0
▪ Spirals in the opposite ▪ Depolarization phase
direction ▪ Influx of sodium ions
(causing clockwise rotation of the apex of ▪ Charge of the membrane
the heart and counterclockwise rotation of reaches +20
the base of the left ventricle) o Phase 1
▪ Initial repolarization phase
Cardiac muscle is a Syncytium ▪ Sodium channel closed but
• Many heart muscle cells in which the fast
cardiac muscle cells are so interconnected ▪ Potassium voltage gated
that when one cell becomes excited, the channel is still open (efflux
action potential rapidly spreads to all of of the K+)
them o Phase 2
• Intercalated disc ▪ Phase of plateau
o The dark areas crossing the cardiac ▪ Maintain depolarization
muscle fibers ▪ Calcium channel opens
o They are cell membranes that (influx of calcium)
separate individual cardiac muscle ▪ Closed K+ channel
cells from one another o Phase 3
(cardiac muscle fibers are made up of many ▪ Repolarization
individual cells connected in series and in parallel ▪ Closed calcium channel
with one another) ▪ Open K+ (slow channel)
• The heart is composed of 2 syncytia: efflux of potassium
o Atrial syncytium: constitutes the o Phase 4
walls of the two atria ▪ Resting membrane potential
o Ventricular syncytium: constitutes ▪ -90 mv (AV node)
the walls of the two ventricles
(The atria are separated from the ventricles by Autorhythmic fibers
fibrous tissues that surrounds the atrioventricular • Generate action potential and produces
valvular openings between the atria and ventricles) electrical excitation (conducting system)
• A-V bundle
Velocity of signal conduction in cardiac muscle
• excitatory action potential signal along • The cardiac events that occur from the
both atrial and ventricular muscle fibers is beginning of one heartbeat to the
about 0.3 to 0.5 m/sec or about 1/250 the beginning of the next
velocity in very large nerve fibers • Each cycle is initiated by the spontaneous
• about 1/10 the velocity in skeletal muscle generation of an action potential in the
fibers sinus node
• Diastole and systole
Refractory period of cardiac muscle o The total duration of the cardiac
• Cardiac muscle is refractory to cycle, including systole and
restimulation during the action potential diastole, is the reciprocal of the
• Refractory period: the interval time, during heart rate
which a normal cardiac impulse cannot re- • (Refer to the picture)
excite an already excited area of cardiac o Top three curves: show the
muscle pressure changes in aorta, left
• Ventricle: 0.25 to 0.30 second ventricle, and left atrium
o Which is about the duration of the o Fourth curve: depicts the changes
prolonged plateau action potential in left ventricular volume
• Atrial: 0.15 second o Fifth curve: depicts the
Excitation-contraction coupling o Sixth curve: depicts a
• A mechanism whereby the action potential phonocardiogram
causes the myofibrils of muscle to contract. ▪ Which is a recording of the
sounds produced by the
Duration of Contraction heart mainly by the heart
• Cardiac muscles begin to contract a few valve as it pumps
milliseconds after the action potential • Increasing heart rate decreases duration of
begins cardiac cycle
• Continues to contract until a few o When heart rate increases => the
milliseconds after the action potential ends duration of each cardiac cycle
decreases including the contraction
and relaxation phases

Control of the heart by the sympathetic and

parasympathetic nerves
• The pumping effectiveness of the heart also
is controlled by the sympathetic and
parasympathetic (vagus) nerves
o Which abundantly supply the heart
• Parasympathetic nerves: slows the rhythm
and diminish the rate of conduction of
o Strong stimulation of the
parasympathetic nerve fibers in the
vagus nerves to the heart can stop
Cardiac Muscle the heartbeat for a few seconds
o Then the heart usually “escapes” • When the threshold is reached, the action
and beats at a rate of 20 to 40 potential can now propagate towards the
beats/min as long as the atrioventricular node.
parasympathetic stimulation INTERNODAL PATHWAYS
continues - Located in between the SA node and AV
• Sympathetic nerves: increases the rate of node.
conduction - Delay the transmission of electrical
o Strong sympathetic stimulation can charges from the SA node to the AV node.
increase the heart rate in young • Remember that when there is
adult humans from the normal rate depolarization there is muscle contraction
of 70 beats/min up to 180 to 200 meaning during the time that there is
beats/min and rarely 250 beats/min depolarization in the SA node and
o It doubles the force of heart internodal pathways, the atrium will start to
contraction => increasing the contract to release blood towards the right
volume of blood pumped and atrium.
increasing the ejection pressure • If there is no delay, the left ventricle will
o Increase the maximum cardiac immediately send a small amount of blood
output as much as twofold to to the pulmonary trunk. Minimal amounts of
threefold blood will cause insufficient blood flow in
the systemic circulation.
- Termed as the “natural pacemaker”
because of its low resting membrane - Found in the posterior wall of the right
potential. atrium and behind the tricuspid valve.
- Primarily found at the superior - Compared to the SA node, AV node is
posterolateral wall of the right atrium and slower in conduction due to decrease in
slightly below the superior vena cava. gap junctions.
- Resting membrane potential: (-55) to (-60) - Interconnected with the AV bundle
mV branches.
- It is easily excitable, depolarized and its - Its speed of conduction in cardiac muscle is
threshold is spontaneous. These are slower which adds sufficient time for the
because it has: atria to empty their blood into the ventricle.
• Fast Sodium Channels - When the right atrium contracts, the left
• L-type Calcium Channels (Slow sodium- atrium also contracts.
calcium channels allows a plateau or a - When the ventricles contract, both of them
longer duration of depolarization in the contract.
sinoatrial node.) - it is opened when the
resting membrane potential reaches (-40) ATRIOVENTRICULAR BUNDLE (BUNDLE OF
mV. HIS)
• Potassium Channels- it is less negative
meaning its resting membrane potential Subdivided into left and right bundle
can easily be changed into depolarized or branches:
can easily reach the threshold. • The right bundle branches pass down on
the right side of the ventricular septum.
• The left bundle branches pierce the septum
and passes down on its left side beneath
the endocardium.

- Connects the myocardium of the atria to

the myocardium of the ventricles
▪ Cardiac impulse can now travel
from the atria to the ventricles.
- Connected to the purkinje fibers.


• Extend from the Atrioventricular bundle

towards the apex of the heart and
distributing towards the ventricles
• Larger in diameter
• More glycogen (more stored energy)
• Fewer myofibrils (since primary goal is only
to conduct electrical discharges
• No intercalated disc
• Allows rapid spread of action potential
from the apex towards the rest of the

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