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v=MGLedoA3SSE Contest Explanation past simple Vs Past continuous Story
Was eating

Were working He wasn´t realizing his mistake

Was crossing Was he realizing his mistake?
Was telling She wasn´t listening to me
Was she listening to me?
Were taking
They weren’t playing well.
Were painting
Were they playing well
Was washing The dog wasn´t barking at the beggar
Was the dog barking at the beggar?
Were dancing
Our team wasn´t winning the match
Was writing Was Our team winning the match?
Was doing

The news wasn´t spreading like a jungle fire

Was the news spreadin like a jungle fire?

We weren’t trying to catch a bus

Was jumping Were we trying to catch a bus?

Were traveling They weren´t hurting themselves

Were they hurting themselves?
Was carrying
I wasn´t finding my purse
Was fishing
Was I finding my purse?
Was eating
Children weren´t flying kites
Were children flying kites?
Was crying
The wood cutter wasn´t felling a tree
Were learning Was the wood cutter felling a tree?

Was teaching
Birds weren´t chirping on the trees
Were birds chirping on the trees?
Were working
I wasn´t flying kites
Was coming Was I flying kites?

Were missing
The bee wasn´t sitting on a flower
Was the bee sitting on a flower?
Was weeping

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