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Yuri was a girl, no, a boy, no, a monster. Truth be

said we don’t know, some people refer to Yuri as a
girl or boy but some also as a monster, why, you may
ask well here is the start of her adventure:
She has a big family 2 big siblings Izira and Zarc
but she also had 3 little brothers Yuto Yugo and
Yuya. All of them together with Esdet and Yusho,
their parents, made the Venome family. Yusho was
the director of a medicine and technology
development company.
One day Yusho came back with a big problem, he
had to test a new medicine that was a governmental
secret because it was supposed to inflict damage to
the people consuming it. He had to test it on humans
but non of his workers wanted to do that and he
wouldn’t do it on himself. So along side Esdet he
came whit the brilliant idea to test it on their own
children. At first wanted to try on the older ones
Izira and Zarc but they over heard their parents
when they made the plan so it didn’t work but what
they didn’t know was that Yuri eavesdropped on their
conversation but unfortunately she did not heard the
danger of this and so she happily accepted to be a
lab rat instead of her older siblings. Zarc tried
multiple times to tell her about the danger behind
this but she always said that Dad would never do
such thing to them so he stopped trying to convince
her. So like that Yuri sanded herself to hell without
even knowing.

Chapter 1

Yuri sat in her room crying. She didn’t want to go

whit her father at the laboratory, after 7 years she
realized that she did a huge mistake when she
chosen to be the lab rat. Now the only thing that
kepts her from quitting were her younger siblings.
But she didn’t really liked them , in her opinion they
were spoiled, and it kinda made her angry because
she was the one who suffered from the pills not
them. But she couldn't blame them , they were kids
after all .
BAMM!! and there they go again. Braking dishes ,
screaming at each other like tow fools that they are.
Yuri took Yuto , Yugo and Yuya out of the house whit
out her parents noticing it , it was the fourth time
this week and is only Tuesday. They left at Izira’s
house she was now 18 years old and lived alone. She
was a safe place to go to when things like this
happened . Yuri leaved the kids there and went to
wait for her father at the laboratory .
What no one knew was that Yuri planned to run
away from home. She didn’t like there anymore , her
mother was very disappointed in her even though
Yuri did very good in everything well not in
everything she had anxiety and depression and
according to Esdet this meant that Yuri was weak
and on top of that the thing whit her father and his
medicine .
Yuri got at the laboratory ready for another trip
to hell. She could never decide what was worst : the
unbelievable bad taste that the medicine had or the
unbearable pain they caused.
“Sometimes I wonder how I didn’t died till now
“she though as she swallowed down the medicine.
The night came and Yuri had to pun her plan in
action. She jumped out of the window there where
some blankets so she wouldn’t make any noise, not
like she cared if she got a broken bone or died.
She started walking whit no direction her single
purpose was to get away from that nightmare. A
feeling of guilt started to get over her but she shake
it off knowing that Izira and Zarc got her back in
some way and that they are going to take care of the
younger siblings. And whit that Yuri left on the
streets of her town finally freed herself from her

Chapter 2
It was almost a week since Yuri ran from home.
She had no more food and water on top of that she
smelt like garbage.
“What if I brake into someones house? No I
can’t do that … but I’m starving and I am not eating
from the trash again ! “
The time passed by fast as Yuri was having a
debate whit herself if she should or should not rob a
house when she realized that it was already night
time and she didn’t eaten anything all day long , on
top of that she did not know where she was. It
looked like lost village , the one you see in the horror
movies. In the time she analyzed the surroundings
she also decided that she , Yuri Venome the 3rd
born , is going to rob a house. Well it wasn’t rob she
just wanted a bit of food that’s all .
So just like that Yuri enters the firs house and
the people inside were sleeping, to her luck . She
made sure not to make any noise and started to
wonder around the house to find the kitchen . After
10 minutes of searching she found it , Yuri looked in
the fridge and took what she like from there . It’s
safe to say that she loved this feeling of adrenaline
and excitement so from then on she lived like this ,
stealing from peoples houses food sometimes even
clothes and jewelry . For her this life wasn’t the best
but she like it better then her previous life .

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