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Nº SU00094B

COMAU Data 27/08/02

ROBOTICA Pdl2 offline translator for SGI (version 5.6x)
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PDL2 offline translator for SGI (version 5.6x)

Firma Compilatore Firma Approvazione


DOC-PRG-0130 REV. 0 SU00094B

COMAU PDL2 offline translator for SGI (5.6x) N° SU00094B
ROBOTICA Data 27/08/02

1 Introduction
The tool "pdl2" that runs on the Silicon Graphics (SGI) is a compatible version of the translator
which runs on the C3G controller or on a IBM compatible PC.

It converts .PDL files in .COD ones, .LSV files in .VAR ones and vice-versa. It also checks binary
files integrity (.COD and .VAR).

The current version of the pdl2 translator for SGI is compatible with 5.6x version of the C3G
system software.

2 Installation
For using the translator on the SGI, copy the pdl2 executable file in a directory that is either in the
path list or the current directory.
The syntax to be used for translating a file is:

PDL2 [/<option>]<filename> .<extension>

For example: PDL2 FRED.PDL produces FRED.COD file.

If a .COD file already exists, a backup copy .BKC is created.

Starting from 5.61 version, the option must precede the file name, otherwise it will be ignored.
If the file name is not specified, the user will be prompted for the name.

The command can be applied to multiple programs and to different kind of files in the same
command line. For example,


will convert all the files present in the directory from .COD format to .PDL format and all the
.VAR in .LSV files. When errors are detected during the translation phase, a file is created with
.ERR extension and the same name of the file that was translated.
If no filename is specified, the tool will ask for the name of the file to be translated.

3 Options and file extensions

This tool converts by default a .PDL file in a .COD file.
For enabling other kind of translations, a certain option must be provided. Otherwise the tool
determines the operation to be done basing on the file extension.
The option must always precede the file name. Here following are shown the different possibilities.

• /B or <filename.COD>
With the /B (Back) option it is possible to convert .COD files in .PDL.
The same result can be obtained specifying the .COD extension in the file name. If the .PDL file
already exists, a .BKP copy is created.

DOC-PRG-0130 REV. 0 2 sb00094b

COMAU PDL2 offline translator for SGI (5.6x) N° SU00094B
ROBOTICA Data 27/08/02

• /V or <filename.LSV>
The /V (Variable) option can be used for obtaining a .VAR file from an ASCII one having
extension .LSV by default. The same can be obtained by specifying .LSV extension with the
file name. This ASCII file can be edited by the user who should in any case respect the format
created by the Filer Print (/Full) command issued on a .VAR from the C3G. An example of such
a format is reported at the end of this document. If a .VAR file already exists, a backup copy
.BKV is created.

• /BV or <filename.VAR>
The /BV option allows to convert a .VAR file in a .LSV file. The same result can be achieved
by specifying the .VAR extension with the file name. If a .LSV already exists, a backup .BKL
copy is created.

• /I
The /I (Ignore) option can be used for continuing the command execution, also in presence of
errors, until completion. In case some checksum errors are detected on a file, the presence of
this option does not guarantees that the tool can “cleanly” complete the operation because an
“uncorrect” file is being read.

• /H
The Help page for this tool is shown. Possible options and file extensions are described.

• /T <filename>
The /T (Test) option can be used for checking the integrity of a binary (.COD or .VAR) file.

• /L <filename.CPK>
Not supported on SGI.

• /X <filename.CPK>
Not supported on SGI.

4 Examples

Options example of usage

¾ PDL2 *.cod
The translation is interrupted when an error is detected.

¾ PDL2/I *.cod
The translation continues when an error is detected.

¾ PDL2 /T *.cod
A check on file integrity is performed (checksum check).

¾ PDL2 /T /I *.cod
A check on file integrity is done and, if one or more error is detected, the translation phase
DOC-PRG-0130 REV. 0 3 sb00094b
COMAU PDL2 offline translator for SGI (5.6x) N° SU00094B
ROBOTICA Data 27/08/02

¾ PDL2 pippo
A .PDL file is assumed to be translated.

Here following is reported an example of a .LSV file.

A file has an header containing a line preceded by symbols ‘--$$’. The information reported in this
header are:

ARM: arm number

AXES: maximum number of axis for that arm
AUX: number of auxiliary axes for the arm
MASK: total axes mask

The user should NEVER change this line otherwise the creation of the .LSV file starting from a
.VAR can be compromised. In the following example, axes 1,2 ,3,4,5,6,8 axes are present. Axis 8 is
the unique auxiliary axis present.

-- File PROG_4.VAR Thu Jan 13 12:52:00 2000
-- SW Version 5.51
--$$ ARM: 1 AXES: 8 AUX:1 MASK: 191

xtn0001x XTND Arm: 1 Ax: 1 Priv

X:1935.15 Y:253.58 Z:1043.03 A:-4.2 E:87.3 R:175.6 1:79.72

xtn0002x XTND Arm: 1 Ax: 1 Priv

X:2066.37 Y:234.38 Z:1025.45 A:-4.4 E:88.9 R:179.2 1:11.27

xtn0003x XTND Arm: 1 Ax: 1 Priv

X:2032.88 Y:228.23 Z:1024.88 A:-4.4 E:88.9 R:179.2 1:7.22

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