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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A

Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering

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Evaluation of the impact of soil contamination

with mercury and application of soil amendments
on the yield and chemical composition of Avena
sativa L.

Wiera Sądej, Andrzej C. Żołnowski, Zdzisław Ciećko, Łukasz Grzybowski &

Radosław Szostek

To cite this article: Wiera Sądej, Andrzej C. Żołnowski, Zdzisław Ciećko, Łukasz Grzybowski
& Radosław Szostek (2019): Evaluation of the impact of soil contamination with mercury and
application of soil amendments on the yield and chemical composition of Avena�sativa L., Journal of
Environmental Science and Health, Part A, DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2019.1667671

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Published online: 24 Sep 2019.

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Evaluation of the impact of soil contamination with mercury and application of

soil amendments on the yield and chemical composition of Avena sativa L.
Wiera Sa˛deja _
, Andrzej C. Zołnowskia
, Zdzisław Cieckoa,b, Łukasz Grzybowskic, and Radosław Szosteka
Department of Environmental Chemistry, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland; bHigher School of Ecology and Management in
Warsaw, Poland; cViridor – Energy From Waste, Salmon Pastures Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, UK


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of soil contamination with Hg on the yield Received 1 July 2019
and chemical composition of Avena sativa L. Mercury was incorporated into soil in amounts: 0, 50, Accepted 4 September 2019
100 and 150 mg Hgkg1of soil. Zeolite, lime and bentonite were used to alleviate the soil con-
tamination. Plants cultivated in Hg-polluted soil showed growth inhibition even in the presence of
soil contamination; soil
bentonite, lime or zeolite. Under elevated doses of Hg, the yield of aerial mass and roots amendments; plants; yield;
decreased. The soil amendments mitigated the adverse effect of contamination, with lime and macronutrients uptake
bentonite having a more beneficial influence on the yield than zeolite. The incremental contamin-
ation with mercury led to an increase in the content of Hg in the biomass of the plants. A much
higher content of Hg was found in roots than in aerial parts. The inactivating substances applied
to soil to some extent limited the increase in the content of this metal in all plant organs. Lime
proved to be most effective in this regard. An increase in the soil contamination with mercury
caused an increased content of nitrogen and potassium in plant organs and a decrease content
of phosphorus.

Introduction Mercury is an element with a documented toxic action,

and its actual toxicity depends on the form in which it
Among the multitude of pollutants emitted to the environ-
appears in the environment. While all forms of Hg are toxic,
ment, mercury and mercury compounds pose a particularly
organic Hg compounds such as methyl-Hg (CH3Hgþ) are
serious threat.[1–7] The presence of this element detected in
the most hazardous ones.[15]
various compartments of the natural environment over the
Mercury can accumulate in different parts of living
past several years is perceived as a global threat, which
organisms, causing enzymatic disorders and mutagenic
should be given a priority treatment.[8–10]
Natural sources of mercury in the environment are rock changes in the DNA structure.[39] In plant tissues, this
weathering processes, volcanic eruptions, evaporation from metal is strongly bound by protein sulfhydryl groups,
seas and oceans and forest fires. However, all these sources where it is responsible for distorting chemical processes
are responsible for no more than a third of the global emis- associated with cell respiration, mainly in the course of
sion of mercury.[3,11] The remainder originates from enzymatic reactions. Although mercury does not play any
anthropogenic sources,[12] of which the most important are life functions in plants, they nonetheless absorb this elem-
surface mining of black coal, lignite and metal ores,[13–16] ent from soil together with other substances. When com-
power generation industry,[17] cement industry,[18,19] metal peting substances have been exhausted, the uptake of
smelting and metallurgy. Mercury can also be released from mercury by plants grows.[40] Mercury accumulates mostly
inadequately stored mercury-containing waste[20–23] and in roots, from which it is transported, at different rates, to
during waste incineration processes.[24–29] aerial parts of higher plants.[41,42]
Out of the anthropogenic sources mentioned above, com- Soil polluted with chemical compounds can be purified
bustion of fossil fuels, particularly coal, is implicated as the with both in situ and ex situ methods, for example using
main source of mercury emission.[13,14,17,30–36] Poland is inorganic adsorbents, such as clay minerals or aluminosili-
responsible for the largest anthropogenic emission of mer- cates of alkali metals (zeolites). Depending on the acidity of
cury in the European Union.[37] Estimates of the National soil and its oxidative–reductive potential, such substances
Centre for Emissions Management state that the annual create various assemblages of ions in the soil environment,
emission of mercury in Poland exceeds 10 Mg, of which which can react with active centers located on the surface of
about 56% originates from coal combustion in the power absorbents. According to Sarbak,[43] these reactions can be
generation sector.[38] physical ones, including dispersion, orientation of dipoles

CONTACT Andrzej C. Zołnowski Department of Environmental Chemistry, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

and induction of dipoles, and chemical ones, consisting of Table 1. Chemical composition of soil used in the experiment.
the creation of a chemical bond between an adsorbed mol- Available forms
Hg total
ecule and active centers of an adsorbent. The choice of an pH Hh C-org. P K Mg content
adsorbent, and especially its proper surface and size of in H2O in KCl mmol (þ)kg1 gkg1 mgkg1
pores, should correspond to the properties of molecules to 6.07 5.20 27.0 5.5 21.7 65.0 32.5 0.02
be removed.
Good results in terms of mercury inactivation are also KCl in a dose of 1.16 g K per pot. These fertilizers were
obtained through soil liming. In a study by Rolka et al.,[44] applied in water solutions. The soil amendments, fertilizers
following the stabilization of soil pH achieved by liming Hg- and HgSO4 solutions were thoroughly mixed with soil
polluted soil, an average content of this element in the aerial before sowing the plants. A. sativa L. cv. Borowiak was
biomass of yellow lupine was observed to have decreased by sown in amounts of 24 grains per pot. During the plant
33%. Moreover, application of lime alleviated the adverse growing period, the soil moisture in the pots was main-
effect of mercury on the yield of lupine aerial biomass. A tained at the level of 60% field water capacity. After 45 days
significant role of soil pH was also indicated by Heermann of growing the A. sativa L. plants, the leaf greenness index
et al.[45] in their experiment on Vulpia myuros L., where the was measured. After 90 days, the plants were harvested and
mercury content declined by 50% after soil liming compared three plant organs were separated: grain, straw and roots.
to non-limed treatments. Similar results were reported by Having determined the yields, the plant material was dried
Ciecko et al.[46] in an experiment with Zea mays L., where a and submitted to chemical analyses.
less severe decrease in yield due to the presence of mercury
occurred in limed soil.
The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of soil Characteristics of the soil
contamination with mercury on the yield and chemical com-
The soil material used in the experiment originated from the
position of selected plant species, and to determine the
arable humic horizon Ap of a cultivated field. According to
usability of selected substances for the alleviation of adverse
Natural Resources Conservation Service Soils of USDA, the
effects of mercury on the test plants. This paper discusses
soil was classified as fine loamy sand with the grain-size distri-
results of the research in which Avena sativa L. served as
bution: 75.1% of sand (0.063–0.2 mm), 24.3% of silt (63–2
the test plant.
mm) and 0.4% of clay (<2 mm). Particle size distribution was
measured in distilled water on a Mastersizer 3000 (Malvern
Material and methods Instruments Limited) equipped with a Hydro EV module.
Prior to the experiment, the soil underwent determina-
Site and experimental design tions of physicochemical and chemical characteristics (Table
The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the 1). Based on the results, it was concluded that the soil was
Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, of acid reaction (pHKCl 5.20), low in organic matter (0.94%),
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. All experi- rich in available phosphorus (21.7 mg Pkg1), available
mental treatments were performed in three replications potassium (65.0 mg Kkg1) and magnesium (32.5 mg
using Kick–Brauckmann polyethylene pots, each filled with Mgkg1). The hydrolytic acidity was 27.0 mmol (þ)kg1.
9 kg of soil. The test plant was A. sativa L. The experiment The content of mercury in the analyzed soil was very low,
included two factors: (1) elevated doses of mercury (Hg) never exceeding the values generally viewed as representing
polluting soil and (2) soil amendments neutralizing the toxic the geochemical background of soils (Table 1).
effect of mercury. Contamination simulating mercury was
added to soil in the form of aqueous solution of HgSO4 in Characteristics of the soil amendments
doses of 0, 50, 100 and 150 mg Hgkg1 of soil. In order to
mollify the toxic effect of mercury on the test plant, the fol- Bentonite, natural zeolite and lime were used to inactivate
lowing soil amendments were applied: natural zeolite, ben- mercury incorporated into soil. The sorbent applied in the
tonite and lime. Zeolite and bentonite were used in doses of experiment, in the form of bentonite, belongs to the group
3% relative to the soil mass, while lime was added in a of clay materials, which are divided into several subgroups
quantity corresponding to 1 hydrolytic acidity (Hh) of soil with different chemical composition and crystal structure.
(6.8 g CaOpot1). The substances added to the soil in order Such materials are mainly composed of minerals that repre-
to increase its sorption capacity (zeolite, bentonite) were sent smectites (primarily montmorillonite), accompanied by
applied in doses most often recommended by the authors pyroclastic residues. All smectite-rich rocks share the follow-
studying the issues of phytostabilization of soils contami- ing characteristics: they are dispersible in water, are excellent
nated with heavy metals.[47] sorbents, swell in the presence of water and form thixotropic
All experimental treatments were fertilized with the same suspensions which resist sedimentation for a long time.
doses of mineral NPK in accordance with the nutritional These properties determine the technological usability of
requirements of A. sativa L. Nitrogen was used in the form bentonites. The poorest quality excavated smectite-rich rocks
of CO(NH2)2 (46% N) in an amount of 1.2 g N per pot, are used for manufacture of organic fertilizers. They can be
phosphorus as Ca(H2PO4)2H2O (20% P) in a dose of 0.52 g applied to any type of soil and used for restoration of areas
P per pot, and potassium was added in the form of 60% degraded by industrial activities.[43,48] In the current study,

ground bentonite was applied to soil. It was characterized by Table 2. Content of macroelements and mercury in inactivating substances in
gkg1 DM.
a high content of calcium and sodium. The content of mag-
nesium was twice as high as the level of potassium and five- Type of soil
fold lower than the concentration of calcium (Table 2). amendment P K Mg Ca Na Hg (gkg1)
Natural zeolite type MHZ (clinoptylolite) originated from Bentonite 0.47 2.43 5.03 26.72 12.11 0.04
Zeolite 0.11 23.21 0.32 15.28 16.12 0.04
the mined zeolitic deposits in the Zemplen Hills, Hungary. Lime (CaO) 0.16 0.67 2.32 421.16 0.13 –
The zeolite used in our experiment was very pure clinoptyo-
lite, which is successfully used in many branches of industry,
in agriculture and in environmental protection. Its sorption 6. Content of Hg in the soil samples collected prior to the
and ion-exchange capabilities are taken advantage of in experiment and after the crop harvest, using the tech-
purification of gases and liquids, oxygen enrichment of air, nique of generating cold vapor in an atomic absorption
inactivation of radioactive wastewater, water treatment for spectrophotometer (CV-AAS).
drinking and technical purposes, including wastewater treat-
ment. The zeolite used in the current study had a low con- During the plant growing season, the leaf greenness index
tent of phosphorus and magnesium (<1 gkg1), high SPAD of A. sativa L. plants was determined. The relative
content of calcium and sodium (>15 gkg1) and a very content of chlorophyll in leaves of A. sativa L. was measured
high content of potassium (>23 gkg1). Both bentonite and with a chlorophyll-meter SPAD-502 Plus manufactured by
zeolite contained trace amounts of mercury (Table 2). Konica Minolta. Differences in the absorption of light by a
Lime used in the experiment in order to elevate the soil leaf at wavelengths of 650 nm and 940 nm were measured.
pH and consequently to decrease the phytoavailability of Light absorption at 650 nm is associated with chlorophyll
mercury by the test plant was applied as an oxide, which while light absorption at 940 nm is mainly due to the pres-
acts more rapidly than a carbonate. It had a very high con- ence of structural elements in a leaf (light is retained by the
tent of calcium and a high content of magnesium (2.3 leaf tissue). The quotient of light absorption at both wave-
gkg1) relative to the content of potassium, phosphorus lengths is expressed in dimensionless quantities known as
and sodium, whose concentrations were <1 gkg1 of the SPAD values or readings. The apparatus does not measure
applied lime (Table 2). directly the chlorophyll content in leaves but rather identi-
fies the ratio of leaf’s greenness, which is closely connected
to the plant’s nutritional status.[50]
Chemical analysis After harvest, the yield of grain, straw and roots from
The chemical analyses of soil and plant material samples as each pot was determined. The collected plant material
well as the materials applied in order to inactivate the toxic was dried to constant mass at 60  C for determination of dry
effect of mercury were carried out in a laboratory of the matter, after which it was ground and stored in plastic con-
Department of Environmental Chemistry, at the University tainers. The following were determined in all the plant parts:
of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, and in the Laboratory of
the Water and Food Chemistry owned by the company 1. Total nitrogen (Ntot) by the thermal conductivity method
ALcontrol Laboratories Ltd., seated in Rotherham (UK). on a nitrogen analyzer LECO Corporation FP-428;
Prior to the experiment, the basic chemical composition 2. After wet mineralization in concentrated nitric acid
and physicochemical properties of the soil were determined. using microwave accelerated reaction system MARS-5
To this end, soil samples were taken, air-dried and passed (CEM Corporation), the content of potassium (K), cal-
through a 2 mm mesh sieve in order to remove large debris, cium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na) was
such as sticks or pebbles. The following were determined in determined by the ASA method using an atomic
the soil material thus prepared: absorption spectrometer AAnalyst 700 (Perkin Elmer
Instruments). The software program WinLab 32 version
1. pH in water and in 1 mol KClL1 water solution with was applied;
the potentiometric method, using a WTW pH-meter 3. The content of phosphorus (P) using the colorimetric
and a silver chloride electrode, according to PN- vanadate-molybdate method;
ISO-10390; 4. Hg in the plants using the technology of generation of cold
2. Hydrolytic acidity (Hh) with the Kappen method vapor in an atomic absorption spectrometer (CV-AAS).
according to PN-R-04027; 5. Samples for Hg spectrometric analyses (soil and plant
3. Organic carbon content (Corg) with the oxygen-reducing tissue) were dry mineralized at a temperature of 500  C,
method in a mixture of potassium dichromate(VI) and after which they were dissolved in concentrated nitric
concentrated sulfuric (VI) acid;[49] acid and filtered. In order to eliminate unwanted events
4. Content of available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) caused by the presence of components which interfere
according to the standard Egner–Riehm method (DL) with analytical processes, 0.2% caesium chloride was
in calcium lactate solution; added, as it reduces ionization of atoms in an analyte
5. Content of available magnesium (Mg) according to the (eliminates ionization events). The spectrophotometer
Schachtschabel method, with an atomic absorption was set to make triplicate measurements, after which an
spectrophotometer AA240FS; averaged result was achieved. The calibration of the

Table 3. SPAD – leaf greenness index in the vegetation period Avena sativa L.
Type of soil amendment
Soil contamination with
mercury in mg Hgkg1of soil Without soil amendment Zeolite Lime (CaO) Bentonite
0 55.3 53.8 54.9 51.7
50 56.4 53.0 52.9 50.5
100 54.4 52.3 51.9 49.1
150 52.2 51.2 51.4 49.0
Mean 54.6 52.6 52.8 50.1
LSD0.05 Soil contamination with mercury 1.32
Soil amendment 0.82
Interaction n.s.
LSD (least significant difference); n.s.: no significant.

spectrophotometer was monitored by analyzing 100 A. sativa L. ranged from 49.0 to 56.4 (Table 3). Both Hg
ppm (106) of the standard every 12 measurements. If contamination and addition of a mercury inactivating sub-
the result was different by ±5%, the instrument was stance had a negative influence of the leaf greenness index
recalibrated. values. Significantly lower SPAD values were recorded at the
highest level of soil Hg contamination. Depending on the
applied soil amendment, a decrease in the SPAD values rela-
Calculation methods and statistical analysis
tive to the control object was as follows: series without soil
The analytical results served to calculate the tolerance index amendments – 7%, series with lime – 6%, and series with
(TI), which reflects the phytotoxic Hg content in soil, trans- zeolite or bentonite – 5%. These results show that the sub-
location factor (TF) and bioaccumulation coefficient (BAC) stances added to soil in order to neutralize Hg only slightly
of mercury in organs of A. sativa L.[51] Values of these indi- halted the decrease in the leaf greenness index induced by
ces were calculated from the following formulas: mercury. A negative effect of Hg on accumulation of plant

weight of the yield obtained in Hg contaminated objects

TI ¼ (1)
weight of the yield obtained from the control object ðwithout mercuryÞ

content of Hg in tissues of aerial organs of plants, mg kg1 pigments was also demonstrated by Manikandan et al.[52] in
TF ¼ a study on Mentha arvensis L. as the test plant, and by
content of Hg in tissues of plant roots, mg kg1
(2) Zhou et al.,[53] who tested the phytotoxicity of Hg on
Medicago sativa L. The quoted researchers ascribe the harm-
ful effect of Hg compounds on terrestrial plants to a lowered
content of Hg in aerial organs of plants, mg kg1
BAC ¼ (3) content of potassium in plant roots, inter alia, which has a
content of Hg in soil, mg kg1
negative impact on the integrity of the cell membranes. This
The results of the chemical analyses were interpreted in turn impairs the efficiency of water uptake, photosyn-
through a two-factorial analysis of regression and variance thesis as well as transpiration and synthesis of chloro-
(ANOVA), tests of the significance of differences between phyll.[54] Similar conclusions were drawn by Azevedo and
mean values (LSD) and the Duncan’s test at the level of sig- Rodriguez,[55] who claimed that exposure of plants to inor-
nificance a ¼ 0.05, using the calculation module in Statistica ganic and organic mercury compounds may have a negative
v. 10.0 as a tool. For selected properties, the Pearson’s sim- effect not only on the course of photosynthesis, transpiration
ple correlation factors (R2) were calculated with the aid of and water uptake or chlorophyll synthesis, but also on the
MS Excel 2010 software. Statistical significance of correlation uptake of such nutrients as P, Mg and Mn, which participate
coefficients with n  2 degrees of freedom was assessed in the course of these processes.
according to the tables of critical values at levels of signifi-
cance a ¼ 0.05 and a ¼ 0.01, at which a correlation is sig- Yields of grain, straw and roots of A. sativa L
nificant or highly significant.
The research has shown that A. sativa L. is not very tolerant
to soil contamination with Hg. This is evidenced by
Results and discussion decreased yields of all three plant organs, which were pro-
Leaf greenness index (SPAD) during the growing season gressively lower as the degree of soil contamination with
this element increased (Table 4, Figure 1). The increasing
of A. sativa L
soil contamination with mercury depressed the yield of each
The relative content of chlorophyll measured by the leaf of the three organs of A. sativa L., although the changes
greenness index (SPAD) during the growing season of were more distinct in yields of straw and roots than in

Table 4. Effects of soil contamination with mercury on yield of grains, straw and roots of Avena sativa L., DM gpot1.
Type of soil amendment
Without soil amendment Zeolite Lime (CaO) Bentonite
Soil contamination with
mercury in mg Hg kg1 of soil Grain Straw Roots Grain Straw Roots Grain Straw Roots Grain Straw Roots
0 10.02 23.05 4.37 10.69 22.53 4.84 11.13 25.58 4.29 9.54 21.66 4.47
50 8.96 17.14 4.28 10.65 20.60 4.30 11.32 22.02 3.91 9.72 19.06 4.34
100 8.99 17.03 3.65 9.22 19.36 3.86 9.25 19.96 3.81 10.62 17.08 3.87
150 8.80 16.67 3.60 8.41 17.37 3.83 8.56 18.19 3.77 10.06 16.15 3.59
Mean 9.19 18.47 3.97 9.74 19.96 4.21 10.06 21.44 3.94 9.98 18.49 4.07
LSD0.05 Grain Straw Roots
Soil contamination with mercury 0.63 1.06 0.17
Soil amendment 0.63 1.06 0.17
Interaction 1.27 n.s. n.s.

Figure 1. Regression lines for yield of grains, straw and roots of Avena sativa L. depending on soil contamination with mercury.

yields of grain, which is confirmed by high values of the Table 5. Correlation coefficients (r) between mercury dose and yield and
correlation coefficients (Table 5). macronutrient content in individual Avena sativa L. organs.
In the series without soil amendments, Hg contamination Type of
organ Yield Hg N P K Ca Mg Na
decreased the grain yield produced by A. sativa L. by
0.60 0.89 0.79 
0.20 0.59 
10.3–12.2% relative to the control treatment. The application Straw 
0.82 0.94 0.61 
0.70 0.25 
of zeolite did not prevent the negative effect of Hg on Roots 
0.88 0.93 0.72 

grain yield. However, at the lowest Hg contamination dose, Correlation coefficients (r) significant for P < 0.05.
Correlation coefficients (r) significant for P < 0.01.
the grain yield decrease was not significant. It was not until
the soil was polluted with mercury in doses of 100 and 150
mg Hgkg1that the grain yield decreased significantly, by L. grain yield was over 23% compared to the yield produced
14% and 21%, respectively relative to the control treatment in the control treatment (Table 4).
(Table 4). It is worth noticing that although zeolite did Bentonite was the only soil amendment that prevented a
not prevent the grain yield decrease due to soil decrease in A. sativa L. grain yield caused by Hg soil
contamination with mercury, the average yield harvested contamination. The application of bentonite raised the grain
from this series was higher than from the series with no yield of A. sativa L. grown in Hg contaminated soil from
soil amendments. 1.9% to 11.3% compared to the control treatment (Table 4).
A similar effect was observed when lime was applied to Effects of the soil contamination with Hg were more evi-
soil in order to neutralize soil contamination with Hg. At dent in terms of the volume of straw biomass yield pro-
the highest soil contamination degree, a decrease in A. sativa duced by A. sativa L. In all the series, straw yield decreased

as the degree of Hg soil contamination increased. In the ser-

ies without soil amendments, even the lowest Hg dose con-
tributed to a significant decrease in the yield of straw
produced by A. sativa L., which was 26% lower than in the
control treatment (Table 4). Changes in straw yields that
were observed in the pots where soil was polluted with
higher mercury doses were not much bigger.
In the series with zeolite, a decrease in the A. sativa L.
straw biomass yield caused by soil contamination with Hg
was lower than in the control treatment. The highest
decrease in the straw biomass yield, by 6.1% and 14.7%,
respectively, occurred in the treatments where soil contam-
ination with Hg was higher (100 and 150 mg Hgkg1of
soil) compared to the series where the lowest dose of Hg
(50 mg Hgkg1of soil) was added to soil. When comparing
the yields obtained from individual treatments contaminated
with Hg, it can be concluded that zeolite had a positive
influence on A. sativa L. straw yield, as it was from 4% to
20% higher than the yield from analogous treatments with-
out soil amendments.
Lime added to soil had a positive effect on A. sativa L.
straw biomass yields. This dependence was observed in all
treatments of this series, and an average yield increase was
16.1% relative to the mean value calculated for treatments
without substances added to soil in order to inactivate the
toxic effect of Hg. Soil liming, however, did not prevent a Figure 2. Values of tolerance index (TI).
decrease in the volume of A. sativa L. straw biomass yield in
treatments with Hg polluted soil, and the said yield was growth or their complete death, while the value TI > 1
from 13.9% to 28.9% lower than in the control. shows a positive effect of a given pollutant on the growth
Of all the tested soil amendments neutralizing the toxic and development of plants. This parameter is thought to be
impact of Hg on the test plant, the least beneficial effect on the most reliable measure of the phytotoxic content of heavy
straw biomass yield was produced by bentonite. As the metals in soils.[56] In most objects, the TI value fell below
degree of Hg soil contamination rose, the A. sativa L. straw one even at the smallest Hg dose (Figure 2). This proves
yield decreased steadily. In the treatment contaminated with that A. sativa L. growth is limited under an elevated Hg
the highest mercury dose, i.e., 150 mg Hgkg1of soil, straw content in soil. The grain yield produced by A. sativa A. sat-
yield decreased by 25%. Some reduction in the straw yield iva L. in objects where Hg contamination was neutralized
decline effected by bentonite was only observed in the treat- with bentonite was an exception. In this case, the TI values
ment polluted with the highest Hg dose. oscillated within 1.02–1.11.
The increasing soil contamination with Hg also resulted The phytotoxic influence of Hg on yields of various plant
in a significant decrease in the volume of A. sativa L. root species is confirmed by research results reported by other
biomass. This dependence appeared in both the series with- authors. Ansari et al.[57] demonstrated that even the smallest
out soil amendments and in the series where zeolite, lime or amount of Hg (5 mML1) in a hydroponic experiment
bentonite were applied to neutralize mercury. In each series caused a considerable decrease in the biomass yield pro-
of the experiment, the highest decrease in root biomass duced by Brassica juncea L., which manifested itself by both
occurred when Hg was added to soil in the dose of 150 mg shorter roots and shoots and a smaller leaf surface. Higher
Hgkg1of soil, and it ranged from 12.1% in the series with doses of Hg (concentrations of solutions in the order of 25
lime to 20.9% in the series where zeolite was added to soil and 50 mML1) contributed to a decrease in the yield of
for neutralization of the toxic effect of Hg. It is worth men- dry matter produced by B. juncea L. by 25% and 37%,
tioning that in the series with zeolite, in which the highest respectively.
Hg dose caused the highest decrease in the volume of A. sat- Substantial decline in plant yields due to soil contamin-
iva L. root biomass, the average root yield was significantly ation with Hg has been also observed by Ciecko et al.[46]
higher than the root biomass yield obtained in the parallel 
and Rellan-Alvarez, [58]
who reported that the yield of Z.
treatments of the other experimental series. mays L. decreased by 25% and 50%, respectively, relative to
The value of tolerance index (TI) for A. sativa L. was the control. Similar results for the same crop were obtained
considered in three categories: TI ¼ 1, TI < 1, TI > 1. If by Mathe-Gaspar et al.[59] The negative effect of different
the value of TI ¼ 1, it proves that the increased amount of forms of Hg on the emergence and number of seedlings of
a pollutant in the soil has no effect on the yields of a given spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) was shown by Popa
crop. The value TI < 1 indicates the inhibition of the plants’ et al.[60] A drastic decrease in the number of seedlings was

observed by these authors when Hg was applied to soil as

mercury chloride (II).

Content of Hg in grain, straw and roots of A. sativa L

The volume of yields produced by plants is an important
indicator in an evaluation of the influence of soil amend-
ments neutralizing Hg in soil. However, when soil is pol-
luted with Hg, it is the content of this trace metal in the
plants which is the most faithful reflection of the positive
effect produced by inactivating substances. Numerous
authors report that a higher degree of soil contamination
with Hg tends to contribute to an increase in the Hg con-
tent in the plants which grow in that soil.[40,44,61] Such a
relationship has been observed in our study on A. sativa L.
(Figure 3). The highest Hg content was detected in roots,
followed by straw, while the grain of plants had the smallest
concentration of mercury. When soil was enriched with Hg
inactivating substances, the content of this element
decreased in all the plant organs. Statistical analysis revealed
the presence of a highly significant positive correlation
between the increasing soil contamination with Hg and the
mercury content of the analyzed A. sativa L. organs (Table
5). In the series without the soil amendments, the highest
Hg dose in soil raised the content of mercury in A. sativa L.
grain over ten-fold compared to the control (Figure 3). Soil
enrichment with zeolite resulted in a decreased Hg content
in A. sativa L. grain, by an average of over 3% relative to
Figure 3. Concentration of mercury (Hg) in Avena sativa L., mg Hgkg1 DM.
the analogous treatments in the series without Hg inactivat-
ing additives.
Although a decrease in the content of mercury in A. sat-
iva L. grain was noted after the application of each of the The content of Hg in straw was higher than in grain of
three soil amendments, their effect was not proven A. sativa L. This is a desirable development because straw is
statistically. used for animal rather than for human nutrition, and Hg
Lime as a soil amendment, compared with zeolite and undergoes biomagnification in the food chain. The lowest
bentonite, most strongly decreased the content of Hg in A. Hg dose increased the content of this element in straw by
sativa L. grain. This finding confirms the commonly held three-fold, while the subsequently higher doses raised it by
belief that soil pH largely determines the availability of four- and five-fold, respectively.
heavy metals to plants. When the soil pH is decreased to The applied soil amendments contributed to a decrease
slightly acid or acid, the concentration of these elements in in the Hg content in A. sativa L. straw. However, same as in
the soil solution increases, and consequently, their phytoa- A. sativa L. grain, the effect of the tested substances on mer-
vailability improves.[62] Although soil liming tested in our cury accumulation in A. sativa L. straw could not be con-
research considerably depressed the grain content of Hg, the firmed statistically.
content of mercury was still highly elevated due to the The application of zeolite contributed to a decrease in the
increasing soil contamination with this trace metal. Contrary Hg content of A. sativa L. straw by 5–13% in comparison
results were obtained by Yang et al.[63] These researchers with the parallel treatments of the series without soil
analyzed three soils with similar properties, but different in amendments. However, zeolite did not inhibit the elevation
pH values (4.82, 6.20 and 7.11). They concluded that the of the Hg content in straw caused by the increasingly severe
highest Hg amounts were released from soil with the high- contamination of soil with this element.
est pH. Lime as a substance inactivating Hg made a larger contri-
Bentonite decreased the content of Hg in A. sativa L. bution to the decrease in the content of this trace metal in
grain slightly more than zeolite but less strongly than lime. A. sativa L. straw. In the treatment polluted with the small-
Compared to the control series, this type of substance est dose of Hg, the content of this element in straw was
applied to inactivate the toxic influence of Hg contributed nearly five-fold higher versus the control, whereas in the
to a decrease of the Hg content in A. sativa L. grain by treatment with the highest Hg soil contamination it was
5.4% in the treatment with 150 mg Hgkg1of soil up to over seven-fold higher compared to its content of straw har-
over 7% in the other treatments. vested from the control treatment.

Bentonite added to soil also had a limiting effect on the

content of Hg in A. sativa L. straw. The influence of this
substance on reducing the content of Hg in A. sativa L.
straw was weaker than that of lime, but stronger than pro-
duced by zeolite. The highest content of Hg in the analyzed
organs of A. sativa L. was noted in roots, which supports
the results achieved by other authors, who claim that cell
walls of particular root tissues create a barrier that limits the
migration of trace elements to aerial parts of
plants.[41,42,64,65] This is the reason why most plant species
tend to accumulate Hg in roots, although some plants will
gather this element mostly in stalks via translocation or dir-
ect absorption of its gaseous form.[66]
Results reported by Ansari et al.[57] and Patra and
Sharma[8] also point to uneven distribution of Hg in
plant organs. Their experiments showed that roots had a
higher content of this element than aerial biomass, and
disproportions between roots and aerial organs grew
larger as the soil Hg contamination degree increased.
Similar relationships were reported by Moreno et al.[67]
and Su et al.[68]
The uptake of mercury by A. sativa L. was estimated
according to the translocation factor (TF) (Figure 4) and
bioaccumulation coefficient (BAC) (Figure 5). Nagajyoti
et al.[69] emphasize that under field conditions the values of
these indices are most optimal when a mercury concentra- Figure 4. Values of translocation factor (TF).
tion in soil is not too high. In our study, the values of both
indices were highly varied. Much higher values of TF and
BAC were observed for straw than for grain of A. sativa L.
With regard to grain, soil contamination with Hg caused an
increase in the value of TF, but a reverse relationship was
noted for A. sativa L. straw (Figure 4). Values of BAC were
clearly dependent on the amount of Hg introduced to soil.
Regardless of a plant organ, much higher values of this indi-
cator were observed after the application of higher Hg doses
than lower ones (Figure 5).
The results of a study by Szab o and Fodor,[70] where Z.
mays L. was tested, show that this plant absorbed small
quantities of Hg. The content of Hg in Z. mays L. stems
from treatments with the highest soil contamination with
Hg was as low as 0.6 mg Hgkg1DM. The above research
also proved that Hg was not translocated to leaves and grain
of Z. mays L. Similar results were obtained by these authors
in experiments on T. aestivum L.
The current research showed that bentonite and zeolite
were characterized by similar abilities to limit the uptake
of Hg by A. sativa L. The positive influence of these sub-
stances in terms of reducing the toxic impact of Hg on
plants is the confirmation of the results reported by
Ciecko et al.[46] These researchers stated that the applied
neutralizing substances significantly depressed the accumu-
lation of Hg in the aerial and root mass of Z. mays L., Figure 5. Values of bioaccumulation coefficient (BAC).
with bentonite producing a stronger effect. Rodriguez
et al.[71] suggested that the uptake of Hg by plants could
be limited if soil was enriched with perlite which was pro- results were presented by Bednarek et al.,[72] who con-
duced from aluminosilicates. At the same time, our results cluded that in soils with slightly acid or neutral reaction,
show that lime introduced to soil exerted a positive effect i.e., not conducive to the uptake of heavy metals by plants,
on A. sativa L. by reducing its uptake of mercury. Similar the accumulation of Hg in T. aestivum L. was very low.

Figure 6. Concentration of total nitrogen and potassium in Avena sativa L. depending on soil contamination by mercury and applied soil amendments.

Figure 7. Concentration of phosphorus and calcium in Avena sativa L. depending on soil contamination by mercury and applied soil amendments.

Figure 8. Concentration of magnesium and sodium in Avena sativa L. depending on soil contamination by mercury and applied soil amendments.

Content of macronutrients in grain, straw and roots of straw, but had no significant effect on the content of this
A. sativa L element in roots of A. sativa L.
The growing soil contamination with Hg in most series
Soil contamination with mercury may affect the content of
contributed to a decrease in the Ca content in the analyzed
macro- and micronutrients in plants, which to a large extent
organs of the test part (Figure 7). The applied soil additives
is essential for the quality traits of yields, their technological
inactivating Hg did not affect significantly the increase in
value and suitability as food and feeds.
the calcium content in individual A. sativa L. organs. Zeolite
The statistical analysis of our results showed a highly sig-
was an exception in that its addition to the treatments with
nificant positive correlation between the increasing soil con-
the doses of Hg equal 50 and 100 mg Hgkg1of soil caused
tamination with Hg and the content of Ntot in grain, straw
a significant increase in the Ca content in roots.
and root mass of A. sativa L. (Figure 6). The highest average
There was a distinct decrease in the Mg content in all
N values were noted in grains, where they were twice as high
series of the experiment and in all analyzed organs of A. sat-
as the average Ntot in straw and roots. The increasing soil Hg
iva L. due to the soil contamination with Hg (Figure 8). Out
contamination tended to raise the content of Ntot in organs
of the three substances added to soil to inactivate the pollu-
of A. sativa L., more strongly in grain and straw than in
tant, lime is worth attention as it contributed to an increase
roots. Contrary results were achieved by Sahu et al.,[73] who
in the content of Mg in grain (from 2.5% to 8.2%). There
studied the phytotoxic effect of increasing Hg doses on T.
was no unequivocal and significant effect of the increasing
aestivum L. and the role of this pollutant in the induction of
soil contamination with Hg or the applied soil amendments
oxidative stress, concluding that the total content of protein
on the content of Na in organs of A. sativa L.
in roots and leaves of this plant depended on the concentra-
There are few reports concerning the effect of Hg on the
tion of Hg. At a low concentration, i.e., 2.5 lML1, the con-
accumulation of essential nutrients in plants. Patra and
tent of protein in the analyzed organs rose by 10% in roots
Sharma,[74] while analyzing the toxicity mechanism of mer-
and by 16% in leaves compared to the control treatment. The
cury, draw attention to its affinity with phosphate groups
increasing mercury concentration caused a decrease in the
and active ADP and ATP groups, and to the replacement of
total protein content in the analyzed organs, and its highest
decline was recorded at the concentration of 25 lML1 basic cations by Hg cations. In turn, Radecka and
HgCl2 (less by 19% in leaves and by 24% in roots). Wesołowski[54] conclude that the harmful effect of Hg com-
The substances applied in our experiment to inactivate pounds on terrestrial plants includes a decrease in the K con-
mercury differentiated the content of Ntot in all analyzed tent in roots, which causes negative changes in the integrity
organs of A. sativa L. In most treatments, these substances of the cell membrane. What follows are changes in the effi-
contributed to a slight increase in the content of this elem- ciency of water uptake, transpiration process and photosyn-
ent in grain, straw and roots of the plants. However, a statis- thesis and synthesis of chlorophyll. This assumption is
tically confirmed increase in the total nitrogen content supported by Boening,[1] who also suggested that plants
under the influence of the mercury inactivating soil amend- exposed to the presence of Hg in soil had depressed levels of
ments was noted only in straw. A study carried out by K, Mg and Mn, while their content of Fe increased. These
Ciecko et al.[46] proved that zeolite led to an increase in Ntot changes are a consequence of some damage to the root sys-
in aerial organs of Z. mays L., while bentonite caused a tem cell membranes, which leads to disorders in the uptake
reduction of the content of this nutrient. and translocation of nutrients to the aerial parts of plants. In
The content of K against the background of the increas- a study by Sahu et al.,[73] the content of K, Ca and Mg in
ing soil Hg contamination depended on which A. sativa L. roots and leaves of T. aestivum L. was strongly dependent on
organ was considered. A significant positive correlation the concentration of Hg in the substrate. An increase in the
between the analyzed factors was verified only for grain concentration to 2.5 and 5 lML1 HgCl2 caused a decrease
(Figure 6). Bentonite decreased the content of K in grain, in the K content in leaves relative to the control plants by
but only in the pots treated with the highest Hg dose, com- about 17% and 23%, respectively. Any further increase in the
pared to the analogous treatments in the series without ben- concentration of the solution caused subsequent decrease in
tonite. The impact of the other substances inactivating the the K content by 38% and 49%, compared to the treatments
phytotoxic effect of Hg on K in A. sativa L. grain was not with the lower Hg doses. The content of Ca and Mg in plants
so unequivocal. Similar dependences were detected in the treated with a small Hg dose (2.5 lML1) was only slightly
case of roots, On the other hand, Hg was found to have a depressed compared with the control treatment (by 11%),
stimulating effect on the accumulation of K in straw. The K whereas the relationships observed at the higher Hg doses
content increased as the soil contamination with Hg grew resembled the ones noted for the content of K. Depressed lev-
more severe, reaching the highest values in treatments which els of K, Ca and Mg in other plant species (Rumex induratus,
had received 100 mg Hgkg1of soil. Marrubium vulgare) due to Hg soil contamination have been
The content of P in the analyzed organs of A. sativa L. verified by Moreno-Jimenez et al.[10]
did not vary much (Figure 7). A negative correlation was
determined between the growing soil contamination with
mercury and the content of P in straw and roots of A. sativa
L. (Table 5). The amendment of soil with the Hg inactivat- It has been confirmed that A. sativa L. is not tolerant to soil
ing substances slightly decreased the P content of grain and contamination with Hg. As the degree of soil contamination

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