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NAME: _________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade & Section: ________________________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the paper.
1. Which of the following modal verbs can be used to politely ask something?
A. Can C. May
B. Could D. Would
2. In the sentence ,”We _________ follow the order or else we will be penalized”, which modal verb
should be used to show moral obligation?
A. May C. Should
B. Must D. Would
3. Leaders today ______ continue their education through distance learning.
A. Can C.May
B. Could D. Must
4. They _______ choose the mode of modality they prefer.
A. Can C.May
B. Could D. Must
5. Some learners ____________ afford online modality.
A.Can C.May
B. Could D. Must
6. Some parents __________ not afford online modality because its costly.
A. A.Can C.May
B. Could D. Must
7. Teachers _________ meet her/his learners through google classroom.
A. A.Can C.May
B. Could D. Must
8. This is a secret. You ________ tell anybody.
A. should not C. Could
B. Must D. Can
9. I _________ go now before the rain starts to fall.
A. Must C. Can
B. Could D. May
10. He is ill, so he __________ see the doctor.
A. Must C. Should
B. Can D. Must not
Multiple Choice Items. Carefully read the following statements and choose the letter of the correct
_______1. We use _____________ to speculate about things that could happen in the future and
things that might have happened in the past. Most conditional sentences in English use the word “If”
and describe a condition and the result if that condition is true.
a. Conditional structures c. argument
b. Sentence structures d. second and third conditionals
_______2. What conditional sentence is used when talking about routines and general truths?
a. Zero conditional c. Second conditional
b. First conditional d. Third conditional
_______3. Which of the following statements is the most CORRECT about a conditional statement’s
sentence composition?
a. Conditional statement has one main clause.
b. Conditional statement has two main clauses.
c. Conditional statement has a main clause and an if- clause.
d. Conditional statement has two if- clauses.
_______4. Which conditional uses both simple present tense in its main and if- clauses?
a. Zero conditional c. Second conditional
b. First conditional d. Third conditional
_______5. Which conditionals talk about imaginary past and imaginary future?
a. Zero and Third c. First and Second
b. Second and Third d. Zero and First
_______6. Which of the following shows contextual relationship in conditional statements?
a. Cause and effect c. Truth and fallacy
b. Opinion and facts d. Condition and result
_______7. What conditional statement is used to talk about possible future events or that which is
most likely to happen?
a. First conditional c. Second conditional
b. Third conditional d. Zero conditional
_______8. Which of the following is NOT expressed in the first conditional?
a. If you heat water in 100 degree Celsius, it boils.
b. If you add one and two, you get three.
c. If you study hard, you will pass the test.
d. If you stand under the rain, you get wet.
_______9. A. A conditional sentence states a condition and effect. B. Conditional sentences have
different degrees of probabilities.
a. True, True b. True, False c. False, False d. False, True
_______10. Which of the following is NOT expressed in the third conditional?
a. Harold would have been on time for the audition if he had left his pad at seven.
b. If he had solved the Math problems, he wouldn’t have missed the points.
c. If someone prays for you, your wish will come true.
d. Sheila might have finished the Kdrama if she had paid her Netflix on time.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What speech style is characterized by a complete absence of social interactions?
a. Casual b. Formal c. Frozen d. Intimate
2. In which of the following situations would the casual communicative style be used?
a. during a business meeting b. while chatting with a classmate
c. while conversing with husband or wife d. while speaking with a person in authority
3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the intimate communicative style?
a. It is used in informal situations. b. It is used in private conversations.
c. Participants use titles to address the person spoken to. d. The participants need to have a very close
4. Veena is chatting with her friends while waiting for their class to start. They were talking about
what they did over the weekend and how they studied for their upcoming exams. Which of the
following would most likely NOT be used in their conversation?
a. standard grammar b. slang and contractions
c. loose sentence structure d. rapid pronunciation of words
5. Ms. Mosquera and her husband are attending a business meeting together. Which of the following
should they NOT do?
a. Avoid the use of jargons and slang.
b. Use more formal words when speaking with others.
c. Use proper sentence structure and grammar when speaking.
d. Use the intimate communicative style when talking to each other.
6. How do listeners participate in the consultative communicative style?
a. by giving feedback b. by asking a lot of questions
c. by leading the conversation d. by taking charge of the situation
7. Who among the following will likely make use of the consultative communicative style?
a. Close friends b. A husband and his wife
c. A teacher and a student d. A mother and her daughter
8. In which of the following situations is the consultative communicative style often used?
a. business meeting b. casual friendly chat
c. dining out with the family d. attending baptismal ceremony
9. Which of the following terms of address is NOT USED when speaking in the consultative
communicative style?
a. Babe b. Ma’am c. Mr. d. Sir
10. Glenda is doing a survey about the effects of earthquake in her community. Which of the following
communication situations would require her to use the consultative style?
a. Asking her friends for their opinions
b. Researching on information to include in her study
c. Interviewing the evacuees regarding their experiences
d. Telling her best friend regarding what her study is about

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