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But the tabo is a utility item used by every Filipino!

Because it is the Pinoy's pride

always to be clean. Even the wife of a bank president slips one into her Louis
Vuitton suitcase when she travels because she dislikes the Western toilet without
a bidet. As one Frenchman commented, "you can kiss a Filipino anywhere!" But
are ashamed of such a praiseworthy Pinoy virtue. And miss so many opportunities
to make local products (no necessarily the tabo) world class. 

But what a resilient people we are! The barrio is waist-deep in flood water, and
the people are looking up joyfully, arms open for nutribuns dropping from a
helicopter as if these were manna from heaven! What else do we do during a
flood? Make a business out of it! Put stepping stones and planks so that the
better-off can get to the other side without getting wet. To earn an extra buck one
enterprising strong man even physically carried customers. 

We stand agape at the technology that progressive countries have mastered, like
projecting a giant photographic image on the side of a whole building. But we do
not see that a lone Pinoy can paint by hand, a cinema billboard almost as large. 

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