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Assessment item 2D: 500 Word Formative Reflections

Word Count: 471

Friday 24th May 2019 - CORE1030: Theology
Lawrence Pang - Peter Christofides
Gemma Craig - 32009307
The core curriculum seminar, Theology, explores multiple topics that seek to provide students

with an introduction to the background of theological thinking within a Catholic tradition. The

first lesson discussed the nature of theology and the relationship between faith and reason. Reason

or faith alone cannot lead you to Christ. Seminar two examined the role of revelation, scripture

and tradition and how God revealed himself and his teachings to the world. In week three the

nature of Jesus, as fully divine and human, his life and mission was explored. This was followed

by a discussion about the concept of the Church and its role in everyday life. The fifth lesson

explored the concept of the Christian Anthropology and the view that the nature of the human

person is in the image of God. Following this was an examination of Christian response to the evil

and suffering that confronts the human person. The second last lesson was based on the topic of

nature and how Catholics view it, as well as the goal of the human person. Finally the key

principles of the Church, known as Catholic social teachings, and their goals were explored. As a

preservice teacher, Theology can be important in a variety of ways. Teachers are responsible for

building a base of knowledge in their students, they should lead them towards a process of a

lifelong love for learning. Children should be taught about Theology and the truths of Christianity

from a young age as it will guide them to a life of truth, love, faith and hope. From the moment

children are born, they are seeking to make sense of the world around them. Though their

developmental years, they begin to make a meaning of life. Through teaching children theology,

we nurture the formation of a biblical worldview and guide them towards a life devoted to God,

motivated by his mission for a safe world. If a teacher effectively teaches theology to their

students it will enable them to stand firm to their beliefs and to ground them in the Christian faith.

By raising children to be theoretically strong, we are ensuring their future stability and instilling in

them a great confidence is God and Christ. Teaching children theology from the earliest age

shapes their character and will help them discover the nature of God and to develop godly
characteristics. Teachers must strive to allow theology to warn and thrill children’s hearts as well

as inform their minds. Theology, if taught well, will result in a belief in God and a just world. This

should be instilled in children as the want for a safe and happy world is desired, teachers shouldn’t

settle for anything less than allowing their students understand this. As children grow in

theological understanding they become what it means to thank, praise, and worship God.

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