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Pew Rs Z , Ny K < eee St : SP NGA DDN IIL LT AG BIEN LDA TEL CONTENTS ‘THE WOOD ELF ARMY cose THE ARMY OF THE WOOD ELVES. 50 ATHELLOREN «20.00.2005. ca LRA 2 ‘THE HISTORY OF THE WOOD ELVES, 6 Hewes. 53 Seay ‘ 6 Core Unie. 4 ARMY OF ATHEL LOREN SPECIAL RULES eee SLE URS oe esses nes GUARDIANS OF ATHEL LOREN. OS eee eae mes Elven Highborn and Nobles. ++. 10) ae OGUSOR AEREET OREN ee Elven Mages manta tirgeasuncuc ean Nae ny eet e Ghale Guord . 22 Magic Armour Glhde Riders, ternal Guard . . on 23 Talismans: Davee 5 24 Enchanted Items .. Tree Kin, Treemen . . 25 ‘Arcane Items. Waywatchers, Wardancees : ae Zc aa sepeer Warhawk Riders ee see eee eee PS) Seo eRe: ak wun gy ORION, KING IN THE WOODS... .0..00.0252.70 i Rules of Kae 2” pa ee Elven Stood. a NAESTRA AND ARAHAN ~ SISTERS OF TWILIGHT. . 74 Focest Dragons, Great Stag seose3l WOODLAND AMBUSH. PAY Sere Unicoms, Great Eagles... . 2 ‘THE FEY MAGIC OF THE WOOD ELVES .........78 COLLECTING WOOD ELVES se 33. REFERENCE... © Written by IMustrators Hobby Maesia Citadel Designers Anthony Reynolds John Blanche, Mark kanes Jaan Dias Alex Heit, Alex Boyd, Pal Dao, &Dominis Muay Gry Morley, ly Morison, wisest Ree David Gallagher, Tesh Moston, Brian Nel, Cr A cg Poul Jeseock, Nuala Kincade, Miniatures Faloters Michael Pery & Sreve Saleh ‘& Gur Thorpe & Korl Kopinki Kev Ai Nal Gr SERED Cover Ilustration Pre-Production Ea Rick Priestley, Alan Merrett, Paul Dainton Michelle Parson, Marc Elliot, Pete Foley, Darren Lathan, Alessip Cavatore, Graphics John Michelbach, Adam Shaw, Daykd Rodrigue: Garcla, Markus Trenkner, Adam Toke, ‘Ahn Dent Hogion Tan Stine Nail Langdown Graham Davey, Tim Adcock 'S Stelan Kopin &Nethan Winter & Keith Roberton ‘Sctle Geek playtestes PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP. © Thecapyrght ina tx, arco ond ings beri are te property of Games Worksop init 2005 AULRgis Reserv Toe Debio tkecedpental ele de, he Genes Weep lea, annex Ved, arnner, eh, tthe ler Reon, Beier, Breton, Been Songs Drenden, Cones, pinata te Corgi, Dyed Diba, Hemi Cure ores Deon, lad ar, ae Rds rsa ta Gian, igi, Horsemen Kile Karo ods Dauenn Melo, Mord the Mater of hall, Naar, Nsgnot Nd, Orion, be Wands Pouce ‘gel Say, Sado Serta, Src Tih, Speier, Salbcauer. eek. fe Kin Eder, vena Iron ce, Elton Wardanen Ware, Warka Rid Wagneatebr, Wi Tener, Wid Nes of Kerons endef sce aa rs, characte, scutes ad hes frm ihe Worker wart are eter ®, 1M eubio ©Gimes Wook ld 2205, whore apptobl etre i ie Uk an er sunt around be oe, al Ris Reed Bric Gatloging i Pubieation Date cuogue recon for is ok sable ror the Erith iby. Pears ae sd for tusretve pres ons Cota ite! ret nay be dara sol inmeily ad ammesorksep does ok resco ho or as by eid conde the ce of 1 atau du wrist Wee our ee, Deana he ng ls, ade pment cr spas ma ae ‘tha you eel end elo the asnctons on on poche uK us Avstealia Canada Games Werkehop, Games Workshop, anes Workshop, 2679 Pesicl Cle Willow Rd, 6721 Baymeadow Drive, 23 Livencol Sree Unk 3 Leon Glen Burne, Ingleburn Cake, outing, NO7 2WS, ‘Maryand, 21060-6401 NSW 2565 Oncano, LsH es Provduct Codie: 60.03 02 04 002 Games Workshop World Wide Weh sites ISBN, 1.85154-680-1 Spares the wood The inhabitants of Athel Loren ate mysterious and secretive beings, rarely seen heyonsd thus little understood by che outside world, In the of their woodland realm, the Wood ¢-They follow a path their forese homeland their allies are deadly and unforgi walked by no othes, and often appear capricious or cruel, though in teurh each harmful ace they perform is always balanced hy one of beneficence The Wood Elves aze an elite army, formed around a core of highly skilled Elf archers and supported by the Inysterious spirit beings of Athel Loren. They area secretive and mercurial Jolk who seek only to preserve the continued safety of the forest in which they dwell, Those ‘who are foolish enough ta ser foot within their woodland reilm, or otherwise threaten the sanctity of Athel Loren, invite the firy of the Wood Elves, whether in open combat or through sudden ambush. All Wood Elves are sralleled skill, but other mactial disciplines ean also be found amongst their warriors, The Glade Riders and Warhawk Riders are swift and skilful heastmasters, striking with speed hefore che foe can react. archers of ur eS ele ARMY driven by the ferocity of the ancient god Kurnous whilst he Eternal Guard are stoic and determined will fight to the death for their lords and home. In contrast, the Wardancers of Loce ate the most axile of el Wood Elves, whose grace and sublime skills are used to lethal effect in battle. The skills at the command of the Wood Elves are immense and varied yet, when they go te hey do not go alone, ations whe When danger threatens the forest, Athel Loven itsel awakes co confiont the assailant. The curious sentience of the ancient woed manifests self in many different ways, from the lithe and spiteful Dryads, the legions of ephemeral Spites, gnarled and tough Trce Kin, to the most oovveriul beings within Athel Loren, the mighty Treemen, Against a common foe, Flves ani forest ereacutes fight a8 ane, combining the skill of the elder race with the elemental power and ferocity of the forest. While the Eternal Guard, Glade Guard and Tree Kin form the backbone of the army, quicksilver Dryads, Wardancers and beast riders slip arcund the flanks, unleashing deadly and swift attacks spon the opposing ary TIE awhac’s in this Book: This book breaks down into the following sections: Athel Loren Thi the roots of the Wood Elves and of theit pact with the mighty forest of Athel Lore! The History of the Wood Bives This section explores the martial history of the Wood Elves, and bow their past, present and future entwines with the fore of the Warhammer world and, in particular, the noble Bretonnians and the children of Chaos, the Beastmen. Guardians of Athel Loren This section contains information on the Wood Elves and forest spirits of Athel Lozen, providing full details about hem and their rules. Collecting Wood Elves This section shows you how 10 begin collecting and paincing your own Wood Elf army with invaluable ideas and guides from the ‘Eavy Meral team, ‘The Army of the Wood Elves Hlere you will find all that you need to take your Wood Elf amy onto the battlefield, In this section, you will find the the tules for mystical and powerful magic items, as we secrets of the potent magics practiced in Athel Loren. Ac the end of this volume are details on some of the mighty heroes of the Wood Elves: Orion, King in the Woods, the embivteced Dryad, Drycha, and the mysterious twins Naestra and Arahan, a a pO OY ILL RPO EE GEESE | atheL Loren ‘The oldest of all che forests of the Ok World, its most ancient trees having grown from saplings seeded by the ‘Old Ones’ servants, Athel Loren is a mystical place whose shaclow Ties far across the land. Whecher it was the Ole Ones that granted strange lie to these wood, oF pethops the coming of Chaos that awoke the wees itis impossible to say. All that can be said is chac in the dawn of time, the trees began to think in a way that trees are not meant 10, and that they learned of feelings such as anger aval hate The forest became auvare of itself, and of the other races crowing like insects upon the world, and it was not pleased with their intentions. onding stones carved with worn Elven runes mark the borders of ehis primeval realm, heyond which giant trees loom, their branches moving slowly, straining to eseape the magical barrier of the watchstones. Roots nist and claw actoss the fern-covered racks and loam, and low mists coil and spread duoughout tts hollows and glades. This verdant labyrinth unsettles even the most courageous oul filled with movement glimpsed from the comer of the watched at all times. There is a slumbering awareness and a sense of watehfulness that permeates each leafy glade and winding track. noises and the feeling char one is being Dark forms move through the twisting branches and dense undosgeowthy tiny darting shapes flit betweon the trees on the very edge of vision. Athel Loren sees and feels everything within its boundaries and is watchful and secretive, perfectly willing to destroy those that seck to enter, Only the insanely brave, mad or foolish dare to cress into Arhel Loren, for the forest is « baunted place, filed with unquiet, malicious spi ‘The forest of Athel Loren defies the natural laws of the world and time flows strangely within its bounds. An individual that veks under che dark Loughs for what may ‘only scem ike » couple of hours may, fhe survives, return hhome co find that a hundred years have passed. Equally, fone might wander lost within Adhel Loren for decades, only to find that seanr minutes have passed in che ourside world. Achel Loren is more alive than any normal forest and Fandmarks and glades shite and move. What was open wy be heavily wooded the next smoming, and pathways often disappece or earn ack on themselves within hours. Most that try to enter Athel Loren find themselves constantly returning to where they started despite their best efforts to make headway. Even ifthey try and walk a straight path, they invariably find themselves turned around and facing out of the forest. Most travellers that persist in entering Athel Loren are found! on its ourskires as lictle more than gibbering wrecks, their sanity shredded by whatever horrors they witnessed in the magieal forest ‘That is, if they ever rerum. eee eC hearts are noe darkened Bur there are chose spirits whos tothe other living creatures of the world, The fortunate or occasionally find passage berween the hanging paths, guided perhaps by a welcome shaft of the worthy mis sunlight, or coming actoss a forest tail at aa unexpected always those that would dare ts ordrawn by tum, So itis that there the secrets of the dark fo fi jul tales of ueasures and hidden knowleds Throughout Athel Loren are che magical halls of che Elven lords. These places are filled with ghostly music, lhughter that sounds like the wind blowing through trees The mighty entrance in autumn, and soft glowing li doors to the Elven halls a1e woven from the trunks of ancient trees or delve into the turf of the hillside; they are hidden 10 those the Elves do not welcome, though they might pass within a few paces of such portals Those that enter through one of these strange gateways find themselves in a grand, beautiful cavern deep below the tree or hill. Roots ean be seen far above, curviny roof of the hall to form elegant interweaving pillars. Here the Lown ftom the Yood Elves make their homes: fine strucrures of etheres! beauty Hlegant lanterns adora the ball, filled with tiny Hier figures, Here the Wood Elves feast and celebrate the natural cyeles of the forest, holding grand banquets of woodland game and free flowing, intoxicating Elven wines. The halls are alive with wild dancing, lilting leughter and melodic music. Boy children gen from the lands und the destined never to grow joyfully raceful Elven masters. It isnot unheard of far o such as Breronnian questing knights, ve their dees, f0 on occasion join an Elven feast, but it is a foolish individual indeed that woukl eat or drink the foodstuffs o the Elves without invitation, Blves have dwelt around ond within Athe) Loren for almost five thousands years. Over this time they have become intrinsically linked with their forest home, and their nature has changed to reflect Athel Loren Forsaking their ties to other Elven folk, the Wood Elves have become deeply secretive and suspicious, and shun al cutsilers. They are the guardians of the forest, and their fte is uterly entwined with that of Abel Loren: if st wee 10 di, the Wood Elves would die with it ARPT PCLT LBL Capricious snd unpredictable, the Wood Elves have been likened to a force of nature, neither trul evil; Athel Loren and the Wood El res are far removed from simple comparison with the values held by other races. Like a placid lake, the Wood Elves can appear beautiful and enchanting, or as frightening and structive as a storm, For every intruder that che Wood Elves guide out of Atkel Loren, another is slain without question or remorse, and left where he falls to be claimed by the forest. Bones and skulls can often he seen con the outskirts of Athel Loren, many with arrows protruding from ribs or embeckied in eye-sockets, before they are obscured and covered by twisting roots and undergrowth or taken away by forest animals. Ever watchful and vigilant, the Wood Elves guard Athel Loren ceaselessly. Even these who enter the forest with no ill intention are regarded wich suspicion and resentment, and will often come co a bad end. The Wood Elves have a distinct lack of interest in the goings on of the world outside of the forest, and care little for those who are not their own On occasion they must take part and battles beyond the borders of their forests, in order to save thelr homes from future threat, but this is rate indoed. If the Wood Elves could live their lives without interference from the world heyond their fey lands, then they would do. so gladly. However, Athel Loren is constantly assailed by those that seck to invade and corrupt tt, and so they must wage an unending battle against these despoilers. Unparalleled archers and aln the Wood Elves are a slay will rarely have even glimpsed their enemy before }ost_unnaturally: stealthy sadly foe to face. Those that they being struck down by unerringly accurate atrows from the dense woods, Swift and silent, the Wood Elves arupt from the trees in sudden bursts of savagery, ruthlessly cutting down their enemies before vanishing like ghosts into the depths of the forest. ‘i " the history of the wood elves For ver 8,000 years of recorded history, the long-lived and grecetul Elves have lived on their island home of Ulehuan. Over this time they have explored much of the world, soiling far from thoi home and discovering many new and unusual lands. For thousands of years they dd not view any of these far anay shores as places to settle, for their hountiful and. vasied island home provideal all chat they could nish for Ie was only after Ulthuan was wracked by the forces of Chaos, and after the death ofthe est Phoenix King, Aenarion, the fiercest Elven warrior ever to liv, that the Elves began to look at the lands keyond their coast as places to settle During the reign of the Phoenix King Bel Shanaar, who. ruled Uldhuan more then four thousand years before the birth of the human hero Sigmar, the Elves hegan to colonise the world. While the harbaric ancestors of humans fought amongst themselves, the Elves became the undisputed rulers of the seas, ‘Their elegant, white-sailed ships cut across the globe, and dey mapped the oceans, charted the lands, and set up many sertlemencs. ‘The largest concentration of colonies were based in a land they named Elthin Arvan, which became known by the younger races as the Old World. They established contact with the Dwarfs, and a grear er of trade and frierelship began between the two races. Jn the lands thar would one day be known as Breton the Empice and Kislew, the Bives built tall, delicate rowers of marble and gold. Many of che Elven colonists became strongly atched to their new homes, happy to make new start and forget the unhappiness ane! strife that had plagued Ulebusn in the previous millennia, slowly recovering from the horrors that they had witnessed when Chaos had overnin che fair ise. While most of the Elves retained strong connections to Ulthuan over the following thousands of years, the fist generations of Elves bom within Elchin Arvan fle litle attachment to theie ancestral homeland. When safe once again began to assail Ukbuan, iy che insicious guise of the Cule of Pleasure, many Elves chose to retum to Ulthuan, bue there were these who believed thatthe Phoenix King and his rule ha litle to with ther lives, and many of these Elves moved themselves further inland. acheL LoReN Ie was these Elves who first encountered the strange and) Frightoning: forest that apeeed fom the foothills of the Grey Mountains and the Vaults. The focest was filled with all manner’ life, and the Eves constantly felt eyes upon them. ‘Atnight they sa strange igh dancing in che darkness ancl lange shapes lingered on the ontsets ofthe glades. loesiguec by what they san, the Elves attempted vo push deep into the cla forest, but found themselves thnarted ac every ten, Tree times dd the Elves senel expeditions into the forest each numbering nearly 9 thousand warriors. Qf the first expedition, seven hundred Blves came our the wood seant hours after they hal departed, with tales of many fuitless days spent travelling along shifting laces and pathways chat curved hack on themselves, The second expedition vanished ‘sihouta trace, OFche third foray, only a single Fifrerumad her face achen and draw, and her body laceraced one bicedy. She died dey later, driven widess by her dreams It vwns clear thatthe place perceived the Elves asa threat, anc ‘sas actively resisting theiratrempt ro dwell within ts deptbs The Elves cealise that this magical forest wes sentient ~ lke one giant, allen conapasing ving creature, and those that saw asa threat, ir would resist The Elves named the forest Athel Loren. They retreated 10 the ourskirs and planed great magical waysties about the boundaries. Suill some Elves woul! occasionslly go mising, lured deep into the forest by beautiful, ghost-like nymph never 10 be seer again. Despite this, on the whole, Ate) Loren seemed able to tolerate the Elves so long as they dic fot attempt to venture too far into its dark interior Nevertheless, the Elves vere inexplicably drawn «0 Athel Loren, onc! learn to raat it with great respect. The suNdeRiNc Far away, on age of tragedy and resentment was dawning. The Phoenix King Bel Shanaar met with his death after being shamed by the insidious machinations of the black-hearted prince Malek, who secretly desited the Phocnix Throne for hinself, Malekid's madness became publicly knowa afier he vvas hornbly disfigured when trying to prove his claim for the throne by stepping wilingly inte the soeced flame of Acuryan ‘The Blven nobles rose against him, and drove him and his followers back to the prince's homelands of Nagaryths, sn the north of Ulthwon. A new Phoenix King was elected and o, bleody campaign ensued against che hatecfilled Malekith ane his followers, This wes the tlme known a8 the Sundesing, the time of great divide, when millions of Elves lose thoi ives ane the Elven nation was ripped apart, Thus the Elves became & divided people, splitting to become the Dark Elves and the High Elves, The Dark Elves made pacts with daemons, ond literally tore apart the realin of Ulthuan. With dack magics, they shattered the land, and created che mighty floating fortresses known as che Black Arks. Billed with bitterness an hhaued, the Detk Elves tumed their backs on Ulthuan, swearing vengeance, and sailed west to Nogygenoeh ae ceo ate nT AE pala RO The war o¢ the Beard More strife was to come in the following centuries, when the relationship beeween the increasingly arrogant High Elves of Ubluan and che greed-filled Dwarfs was shaetered, andl another wor began. Farefully called the War of ube Beard by. the! Elves living in the Old World who, bore the brunt of the war. Many of the Old Worki Elves nix King, Caledor oa Ulthuan, The 1 Flven city posts to face resented this war, kunched by the new Phi fiom thousands of ales ava mighty armies of Ulthuan lane nnd the Phoenix King demanded that the Hlthin Arvan Ehes fight alongside thom. Most did so, but nan of those living on the borders of Ahel Loren refsed 12 become involved. The resentment of the Elthin Arven Elves rem, for it was the lands they called home that were being burnt and ravaged, their homes thar were being razed to the srcund end their children thar were being slain. ‘The High Elf realm had been battcred now by thousands of «lor the Second ople could pecially as years of wariare and, after the death of Ci the new Phoenix King Caradryel knew thst h fot sustain such confict for much longer — Nalekih the Wicch King was preparing his armies to invade Ulthuan, ‘The Phoenix King could not fight @ war on eo froars, so it was that he miede the dificule decision to reteae fiom the Qld World and nlbancion tt 10 the Dwarfs and the rising race of Men, Word came to the Old World of the Phoenix King’s decree — that if the colo sts wanted. che protection of is armies, they rmust return to chetr island homeland. Though this was greeted with uproar, che next slecade saw the long retreat from the Old World, Hedgling cites and towns of Elthin Arvan were shanloni and the The Elves living in the shadow of Athol Loren news returning to Ulthuan, for not one of them any longer fele ties with that auc, end dhey declared themselves Indepenslent of the Phoenix Throne, taking the name Asrifor shemealves. As niueh ee they could, chey had kept themselves out of the War ofthe Dear. However, now that the Elves had abandoned thelr cits, the Duras were unopposed. A¢ che fist snows of winter nt fall, thoy marched fom the mountains and descended fut Atbel Loren hacking and burning. This callons action shove the forest inco a fury. Migry Treernen awoke fiom theie slumber and merciless Dryads manifested eo ight the Dwar. However, ving die Fong winter inonths Achel Lonen Isat its most vilnera Athel Loren dress back from che encroaching Dwarfs and opened up pathways that thrust them onto the Elven senlements, Thinking themselves under at thatthe Flvea intervened and they descended on the Dwarfs, filling dhe aic wich volleys of deadly arrows. Whenever the [Dwarfs turned to face ths throat, the Elves slipped away into the trees circling back around the slow and curnbersor: to attack them once again from a different angle. fa this, manner, the Dwarfs le, and these forest spirits were soon defeated. rk, it was then slowly whittled down, and their advance partic ngle Elven life lost. After countess sunning katiles within the wees, the remaining Dwarks retreated, hawing learne to distrist the encient and cavieal ple Iaughtered without a pare tee AE ipa the birch of the wood éLves Following heir victory, the Elve s began to dwell deeper within the borders of Athe) Lore: Duals move than they did th In the yeors that followed, 1 now fearing seerbals from the Elves divided into different ppocious natute ofthe fo 70ups, called kindred or kinbankl, each individual seeking out the company af others with whem their ideals were in accor With cach kinband driven by different views and ideologies, it f time before ai >woke out, ani the Elves of Achel Loren began co separate and ‘hole ciferene ways. Each group pushed on deeper into the fore deeper than any had previously gone. Strangely i seemed hat the forest did not now resist them indeed i seemed chat Athol Loren now chose to open up many of is secrets to the was only a matter chs and disagreements At the very heart of Athel Loren, e wandering kinkand of magi happened upon the Oak of Ages, a mighty tree sneredhly ancient and gnarled by the passage of time. It was hove that one of their number, Avil, truly spoke with the forest for the fist time. Before long, any of the Elven mast able te communicate with Athel Loren itself, ancl reasoned that the forest was slonly recounising the Elves as a c. This was pavticuladly apparent in the icy winters of Athel Loren, for during these cold months, Athel some virewally dormant. & che Elves, abvoye respectial of satura, wuly embraced Ache Loren vwas when ahel Loren rauly embraced the Elves. More than thot, they treated Achel Loren with the awe and reverence it deserved and demended seeing the essence of this ancesteal sods ic seasonal cycles. They vowed newer to take from the ‘erest without giving back equally i service and sucrifice, and in this manne they clowly gained the tas ofthe forest. When the Elves needed wood 1 burn in order to survive the icy winters, they would take ily fallen branches, sfring they would nurture ond tend to new saplings, encouraging them t6 shaw. graceful halls above ard below the ‘ogind. Thou thoy would Bunt rhe arumal of the foes fox afd clothing, they used sll that they took, and gove shanks tovAthel Loren in gercmonics of blood. beneficial fo then th I things their home, for that onl in the J between the Elves and ‘Yee even nov, seme tension remain their woodland home, for they were still avo separat and not asin shadowy and foreboding whole. The couth-enst comner of the f lace, remained sealed to the Elves and all who attempted to enter it were st forever. The great tuee lond Durthu, scarred forever by the sxes of the Dwar, treated the Elves, at best, with distrustful neatraicy that ordered upon hostility. Ver the fates of Athel Loren and the Wood Elves would soon hecorne irrevocably soines The GREAT Council leven hundred and menty-five years before the coming of Sigmar, the Dwaris come c autumn months, marching down from th and deep into the Pine Crags. With winter fast approaching, the spirits of the forest were tnpidly becoming le ‘e more to Athel Lowen in the Grey Mountains ‘argc and could offer lictle resistance, Worse, the Elven kindeds of the Pine Crags were sinall and disonganised. Though the frst Dwarven incursion was halted and repulsed, warhawk riders brought ridings chat the rapacious tree slayers were assembled in even greater numbers in the high reaches of the Grey Mountains, So council of che kinhands was called — the fist such gathering re was this threat considered 1@ be that a since the Elves had taken up residence within Athel Loren, ‘The great lords and ladies of the Wood Eh the foot of the Oak of Ages, and even che trees of rhavplade wded clo soi Though 2 at representation, it held council at all the kindreds hed of great power and wisdom. The devotees of the trickster goxl, Lose, performed their ritual tlances, and the scexs and prophecesses read the aksins of ite in che stars and gatteras of flame: In the ftelit glade, the fen sorceress Anil found herself drawn to the lor of the mreatest of the hunter kindeeds, Orion, He was the bravest od nn whom thowght and cone. While the counet! debated how best tnd moit handsome of his folk as Ariel was the wisest fainest of hers, a cunning hunter tnstincr melded to oppose the Dwarfs, Ariel and Orion were deep in a. conversation of their own, seemingly oblivious (© the great matters that were discussed around them, After many hours of debate and feasting, the Eves were dismayed for, even assembled and united as they were, their numbers were noc sufficient w meet the Dwarf in battle. Ie vas, then that Adanhu, greatest and eldest ofthe tree lords, strode. into the glade, though noe even the most keer-sighted of the assembled Elves had been aware of his presence until that momént. Ifthe Blves were to strike the Dwarfs now, spoke the ancient'one, before autumn faded into, winger ent fa at th for this danger threatened cher sll. Embaldened by Adanhur's words, the Elves prepared their plans anew and, in thet the forese would le ofthe Elves, enthusiasm, Were’heodle 3 of the ancient one’s warning that a great sacrifice would be required ther. As Adonhu. addresied the council Ariel and Orisa. slipped away, appaverity untied by alla they ee ihe glade and entered the deep wood. It was not

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