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An important businessman
needed to write some books but
he was too busy, so he asked
Andrew to write the books.

Question 1: What sorts of people use a ghostwriter?

•Those who have a good story to tell about some experience or a brilliant
idea of a plot, but can’t write it as well as a writer.

-- Why? --

•Because the fake author hast neither the time nor maybe talent to do it.

Question 2:
•The advantages of being a ghostwriter is that you can listen and live in a way
the life’s of experiences of another person and it gives you the skill of
listening, like a journalist do, but in this case is even better, because you may
have all the subjectivity that an author of novels can have.

•The disadvantage is that all the glory comes from somebody else and the
public not always recognize the real author.

1. My story is a bit paranormal, it is about that when I was a 9-year-old girl I

liked to tell all my friends from school that I had the ability to see ghosts but
it was not true, until one day something happened to me that marked me
forever and I was never the same as before.

2. It was a cold sunset. My mother asked me to wash the dishes. I accepted to do

it but in a bad mood. She had to leave the house to go shopping. When I was
washing the dishes, something passed in front of me. When I saw it, I started
to remember my lies. By that time, I used to tell my relatives that I had the
ability of seeing ghosts, but I never got scared. Obviously, it wasn’t true. All
these memories and a feeling of guilty were coming to my head when I saw
what I saw. I was alone, or not so alone. A twisted shadow of a little kid
appeared and walked in front of me. It was fast, but I could sense his energy.
The place started to freezing and all the things that it showed in its fast act
of presence were evil. Finally, I ran into my bedroom. When I told my relatives,
they didn’t believe me, because I also told them about the lies. Since that
moment, I was never the same as before. I started to respect all the people
who believed in ghosts or in paranormal events. I don’t joke about it anymore. I
absolutely believe in those events. And even now, that incident still torments
my head, and, when I’m sleeping, sometimes I feel someone close to my bed
staring with wrath, but when I open my eyes, nobody is there.

fascinating - fascinated

confussing - confussed

inspiring - inspired

embarrasing - embaarrased

dissapointing – disappointed

Be a sucker for something: Means that you're

greatly pleased by something.
 Grandfather: the father of my father.
 Journalist: A personthe
Great-grandfather: who writesoffor
father mynewspapers.
 Friend:
Resist: Someone you know
Stay up against and you trust him.
 Cquaintance is somebody not as well known as a friend.
 Skin: The is
Colleague: external covering or integument of an
your coworker.
 animalisbody,
Boss: especially
the one when
who gives yousoft
workand flexible.
 Stepbrother is the son of either your father or your father
with another partner.
 Half-brother is the son of either of your parents, but with
another person who is not releated with you by blood.
 Fianceé is the person who is gonna marry you.
 Ex - wife, is the last women whom you were marry to.

1. E
2. C
3. F
4. B
5. A
6. D
- I don’t have a lot in common
with my brother.
- My mom is the only one who can
put up with my bad mood.

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