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Writer of Proverbs is not referring to the rather, he is using the term “heart” spiritually, it is referring to
the inner life--which is inclusive of intellect, emotion, and will. So, the writer of Proverbs is saying to
us, “Keep” --or, literally, “Guard” --” your inner life.”

It necessary in life to guard many things that pertain to you personally--your property, your body,
your reputation; but above and beyond all else, guard your heart--guard your inner life.” And the
reason for that urgent admonition is made clear: “...for out of it are the issues of life.” He is reminding
us that every one of life’s great issues is, a matter of the heart.


Proverbs 23:7
“I have a house inside of me, a house that others seldom see” - Anonymous
 Someone has said that reputation is what people think you are, but character is what God
knows you are as he looks upon your heart.
 (MATTHEW 15: 19-20) One of life’s greatest dangers is that of convincing ourselves that
we’re o.k. simply because we keep up a good outward appearance--but the truth is that
regardless of how impressive and admirable an outward facade we maintain, if we are
allowing our hearts to harbor sorry, muck-raking thoughts and desires, we are marked as
reprobate in the sight of God.
 But not only is it true that these sins of the heart contaminate a person inwardly; they also
bring outward ruination as well. Matt. 12:35
 the Bible makes it clear that being saved, becoming a Christian, is not just a matter of
intellectually agreeing with a set of facts. To become a Christian, to receive God’s gift of
eternal life, one must believe in his heart.


 To be at peace inwardly is a wonderful thing. 1 Timothy 6:6 
 Everyone wants to have that inner sense of fulfillment that we call contentment, and God
desires that for us. But the only way that contentment can be experienced is for one’s heart
to be right with God and with people. I’m not discounting the fact that circumstances most
assuredly make their impact on us, but circumstances are not decisive--contentment is, in
the last analysis, a matter of the heart
 Story of a mouse (“Be a mouse again; I can’t help you, because you only have the heart of a
mouse.”) - no amount of juggling, shifting, or manipulating our circumstances is going to
bring contentment if our heart is not right.
 If a person’s heart is right with God and with other people, he can have contentment even in
the most adverse circumstances.
 Phil. 4:11 (even how hard was the situation of Paul in prison, he lived so close with God (“I
have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”)
 Of course we ought to do our best to provide the most favorable circumstances possible for
ourselves and for other people. That’s important. But far more important, we ought to point
others to him who, when he dwells in the heart, can bring contentment in spite of one’s
circumstances. (John 16:33)


 1 Timothy 6:12. If God lets us live any length of time at all on this earth, it is inevitable that
we will find ourselves engaged in conflict. There are battles to be fought against of our own
moods, and against personal handicaps of various sorts--sometimes handicaps that are
known to others, sometimes handicaps that are very unique and personal. There are battles
to be fought against temptations of all sorts. As the old spiritual puts it, “That’s just the way
things is down here.” And if we’re going to be victorious we must realize that conquest is, a
matter of the heart.
 If a man’s heart is deeply enough stirred with love for and commitment to Jesus Christ, he
can do anything that is within the will of God. One of the great tragedies of so many of our
lives as Christians is that we settle for too little. We allow the difficulties and pressures of life
to intimidate us and subdue us rather than saying with Paul, “I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me.” May the Lord help us to live so close to Jesus in daily
fellowship that our hearts will be on fire and stirred to the point that we’ll not settle for
anything less than victory in the battles of life.


 Life in its real essence is a matter of the heart. Thus, life’s towering, overriding, number one
question is this: Is your heart right with God? --and there’s only one way to be right with God:
Jesus said, in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.” Having Jesus Christ in your heart not only means that you’re going to
heaven when you die, but knowing him as your Lord and Savior gives you the foundation for
building noble character. His presence in our lives enables us to experience contentment in
spite of the face value of the situation. And with him living in our hearts, we can say, as Paul
did in In Romans 8:37, that “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him
that loved us.”

 I want to call our attention to three of life’s most monumental, tide-turning issues, and in
referring to them I want to remind you, and remind myself, that if we’re going to come out
winners in the race of life, it is essential that we regard each of these great issues as a
matter of the heart and deal with it accordingly.

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