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1. What art is dangerous? Give the title, artist, and explain in a few sentences what makes it

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo

This masterpiece is considered as dangerous because it can change our beliefs and thoughts. The
scene is simple: God stretches his hand and nearly touches the hand of Adam, transmitting to him the
spark of life. Many interpretations are formed due to it the brain shaped cloud/ cloak can spark a
multiple meanings therefore it can change one’s belief and thought about religion.

2. What are is instructive? Give the title, artist, and explain in a few sentences what makes it
instructive. What did it teach you?

Most famous street art painted in Bristol, England by Banksy

This street art is instructive because we have something to learn from it as a life lesson. This piece
seems to warn us that things aren’t always what they seem. It teaches us to don’t blindly believe
everything you’re told, as someone’s dishonesty may be creating an illusion.
3. What art, like the Third of May, conveys emotions from the past but is still very much relevant
today? Give the title and artist. Explain in what way it is relevant.

“Self-Portrait After the Spanish Flu” by Edvard Munch

When the Spanish Flu hit Europe just after World War One, Edvard Munch became one of its victims.
He painted his trauma – pale, exhausted and lonely. Just like Edvard Munich, people right now feel
loneliness and isolation due to the fact that we are facing a pandemic. This painting conveys emotions
from the past and it is relevant today just like the pandemic.

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