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A Frenchman, a psychologist Alfred Binet, published the first standardized test of human
intelliegence in 1905. But it was an American, Lewis Terman, a psychology professor at
Stanford, who thought to divide a test taker’s “mental age”, as revealed by that score, by his or
her chronological age to (1)_____ at a number that he can called the “intelligent quotient” or IQ.
It would be hard to think of an acronym that has had the greater (2)_____ on the way people
think about themselves and others.

No country (3)_____ the IQ and the application of IQ testing in society-more thoroughly

than the U.S every year millions of American have their IQ measured, many with a direct
(4)_____ of Binet’s original test, the Stanford-Binet, although not necessarily for the (5)_____
Binet intended.

1. A. derive C. took
B. revive D. worked
C. survive
D. arrive 4. A. heir
B. ancestor
2. A. portent C. descendant
B. impasse D. legacy
C. impact
D. potent 5. A. steps
B. truth
3. A. embraced C. target
B. using D. purpose

Antarctica is the great unknown regarding the effect it has on the world’s climate, and its
remoteness means that it has always been unpredictable in relation to any global treaty kept
pristine by environmental protocol, that actually gave the first solid evidence of the (6)_____
refrigerators and aerosols were (7)_____ on the atmosphere. And it Antarctica, the last great
(8)_____ that is now seen in almost biblical terms as the source of the next Great Flood.

The Western Antartic ice sheet is the last remaining marine ice sheet on the earth, and
when it reponds to warming-past and present will determine the fate of great stretches of coast
around the world. Complete (9)_____ of the ice sheet would raise sea levels by six meters. While
on spite of threat contained in this great reservoir of the water, no one knows what keeps it in
check an how the ice sheet maintains its (10)_____ of the growth and decline.

6. A. compact
B. impact
C. effective 9. A. collapse
D. directive B. trapping
C. prohibition
7. A. having D. parts
B. taking
C. giving 10. A. grind
D. putting B. cycle
C. livelihood
8. A. wildness D. orbit
B. wilderness
C. wildebeest
D. wildlife

The exact mechanism of transmission of the leprosy, a chronic infectious disease

caused by Mycobacterium leprae ,is not (11)_____ . At least until recently, the most
(12)_____ held belief was that the disease was transmitted by contact between cases
leprosy and healthy persons. More recently, the possibility that the respiratory route
might transmit it is gaining ground. There are also other possibilities such as transmission
through insects which cannot be completely ruled out.
When Mycobacterium leprae was (13)_____ by G.A. Hansen in 1873, it was the
first bacterium to be identified as causing disease in man. However, treatment for leprosy
(14)_____ appeared in the late 1940s with the introduction of dapsone, and it derivatives.
Leprosy bacilli resistant to dapsone gradually appeared and became widespread. There
are now an estimated 1.2 million cases in the world, with (15)_____ half a million new
cases per year.

11. A. known
B. recognized
C. conceived 14. A. lately
D. there B. only
C. just
12. A. largely D. exclusively
B. extensive
C. broad 15. A. such
D. widely B. around
C. near
13. A. discovered D. about
B. unearthed
C. invented
D. located
Part B : Choose the word or phrase in A,B,C, or D that collocates (combines) with
each of the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences.

16. Unless you use your computer 20. The _____ concerning total
_____, you cannot expect it to disarmament have broken down
function well. without leading any fruitful results.
A. Surely A. Intentions
B. Particularly B. Complaints
C. Recently C. Negotiations
D. Properly D. Commitments

17. In China’s largest psychiatric facility 21. A well-organized company that

there is a serious lack of resources knows its products are of a high
but the staff try hard to ______ this standard doesn’t fear ____ .
in their treatment of the patients. A. Competition
A. Come up with B. Concentration
B. Go in for C. Conversion
C. Put up with D. Departure
D. Make up for
22. When births outnumber deaths, the
18. It’s worth remembering that his populations increases, when the
_____ of the downward trends in _____ is true, then it falls.
output over recent years is not the A. Opposite
only one. B. Proportion
A. Interpretation C. Decreases
B. Departure D. Rate
C. Compliance
D. Discretion 23. She is not _____ that his proposal
actually will lead to an improvement
19. In the case of opera, the benefits of in the situation.
being able to experience the whole A. Impressed
production from the comfort of your B. Convinced
armchair are very _____ . C. Deterred
A. Subtle D. Refrained
B. Demonstrative
C. Attractive
D. Excessive
C. Interaction
24. A hundred years ago the chestnut D. Perception
_____a quarter of hardwood trees in
America. 28. In the past 30 years, our knowledge
A. Turned down of the ancient Maya civilization has
B. Got through increased _____ as a result of the
C. Made out decipherment of a newly discovered
D. Made up script.
A. Significantly
25. Their prime minister has been able to B. Alternatively
act more aggressively in the past C. Suspiciously
year because he has _____ his power D. Persuasively
within the government.
A. Recommended 29. The sailor’s yacht was damaged by
B. Reduced 30-foot waves that knocked out her
C. Compelled communications and prompted her to
D. Consolidated set _____ a distress.
A. Out
26. Pakistan _____ the Indus and its B. Of
tributaries for almost half of its C. Off
irrigation supplies. D. Under
A. Relies on
B. Turns back 30. “Could you _____ me a favour ?
C. Waits for Would you mind answering the
D. Takes to phone for a minute I need to pop to
the post office.”
27. The auroras are caused by the _____ A. Do
of the solar winds with gases in the B. Make
Earth’s atmosphere. C. Take
A. Distraction D. Get
B. Completion
Choose the best answer.
Hallyu refers to the phenomenon of Korean popular culture which came into vogue in Southeast
Asia and mainland China in late 1990s. Especially, hallyu is very popular among young people
_____ (41) Korean music (K-pop), dramas (K-drama), movies, fashion, food, and beauty in
China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam, etc. This cultural phenomenon has been closely
connected with multi-layered transnational movements of people, information and capital flows
in East Asia. Since the 15th century, East and West have been the two subjects of cultural
phenomena. Such East–West dichotomy was articulated by Westerners in the scholarly tradition
_____ (42) “Orientalism.”During the Age of Exploration (1400–1600), West didn’t only take
control of East by military force, but also created a new concept of East/Orient, as Edward Said
analyzed it expertly in his masterpiece Orientalism in 1978. Throughout the history of
imperialism for nearly 4-5 centuries, west was a cognitive subject, but East was an object _____
(43) by the former. Thus, it is interesting to note that East Asian people, after _____ (44)
economic power through “compressed modernization,”1 are eager to be main agents of their
cultural activities in and through the enjoyment of East Asian popular culture in a postmodern
era. The aim of this paper is to analyze the origin of hallyu and its history from hallyu 1.0 into
hallyu 4.0, to suggest future directions and a new perspective on hallyu. As Foucault says,
“constructing reality through language” is the privilege of those _____ (45) power.
A. who was enchanted with
B. enchanted with
C. that were enchanted with
D. are enchanted with
A. Which are known as
B. Which were known as
C. Known as
D. It is known as
A. recognized
B. recognizing
C. which recognizes
D. which recognized
A. they had gained
B. they gained
C. gained
D. gaining
A. control
B. controlled
C. controlling
D. who control
Part A : Numbers 1-10 contain complete and correct sentences. For each number, you are
required to choose the most appropriate paraphrased sentence closest in meaning
to the original one.

1. Gold was of particular importance to Ashanti art, for it was the main source of wealth of
the tribe and gave more trading power.
A. The Ashanti people were more powerful than other tribes because they thought gold
was important.
B. Tribes with the most gold had the most power in trade relationships such as the
C. The Ashanti tribe became wealthy because they were powerful in global trade.
D. The Ashanti tribe valued gold as a source of their of their wealth and a symbol of
power in trade.

2. Like other timeless symbols, flags have accompanied mankind for thousands of years,
gaining ever wider meaning, yet losing none of their inherent and original force.
A. In spite of losing some of their original force, flags are timeless symbol that has
accompanied mankind for thousands of years.
B. Timeless symbol typically gain wider meaning while not losing their inherent force.
C. Thousands of years ago flags accompanied mankind but through time they have lost
their force.
D. Because flags are considered a timeless symbol, they have gained continually wider
meaning without losing their inherent original force.

3. Research data suggest that girls who witnessed maternal abuse may tolerate abuse as
adults more than girls who did not ( Allen, 2000, p. 33 ).
A. Allen (2000) claims that women who witnessed the abuse of their mother as teens are
more likely to become abusive adults ( p.33 ).
B. Women who observed the abuse of their mothers when they were young are more
likely to endure abuse themselves (Allen, 2000, p. 33).
C. Women who were abuse as children are more likely to abuse their own children
(Allen, 2000, p.33)
D. Girls who testify about maternal abuse tolerate abuse as adults more readily.

4. John Locke’s work, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, was hailed for its
simple approach to difficult issues, but it was attacked by others, for his work could not
confirm the existence of the world.
A. John Locke’s ideas were attacked because they assumed that our mind and thoughts
create an illusion of the world.
B. Most people felt that his ideas were simple, but they did not explain the nature of
C. Locke’s ideas were generally so simplistic, so they were widely attacked for not being
able to explain things.
D. Some people criticized John Locke’s ideas, for it could not prove that the world was
real, yet others praised its simplicity.

5. In lucid dreams, the dreamers knows she is dreaming. It gives her a sense of unlimited
A. The dreamer gets a sense of unlimited freedom in lucid dream, she knows she is
B. The dreamer knows she is dreaming in lucid dreams while it gives her a sense of
unlimited freedom.
C. Lucid dreams give a sense of unlimited freedom as soon as the dreamer knows she is
D. In lucid dreams, the dreamer knows she is dreaming, which gives her a sense of
unlimited freedom.

6. The fact that Professor John Smith was appointed to a certain post was shocking
A. The professor had an appointment with someone shocking.
B. The professor’s appointment was shocking to him.
C. Professor Smith has succeeded to shock everyone.
D. It was shocking as Professor Smith was appointed to a certain post.

7. Most Americans associate Michigan and Detroit with car manufacturing because
Michigan leads the country in car production.
A. Due to the fact that Michigan leads the country in car production, most Americans
associate Michigan and Detroit with car manufacturing.
B. Leading country in car production, most Americans associate Michigan and Detroit
With car manufacturing.
C. Most Americans associate Michigan and Detroit with car manufacturing in order that
Michigan leads the country in car production.
D. To lead the country in car production, Michigan and Detroit are associated with car
manufacturing by most Americans.

8. Some of the huge beasts vanished totally. The intercontinental migrations of these huge
beast had laid down the first paths.
A. The intercontinental migrations of some of the huge beasts which had laid down the
first paths vanished totally from the earth.
B. Vanishing totally from the earth, some of the huge beasts had laid down the first paths
of their intercontinental migrations.
C. Once they totally vanished from the earth, some of the huge beasts had laid own the
first paths of the intercontinental migrations.
D. Some of the huge beasts whose intercontinental migrations had laid down the first
paths vanished totally from the earth.

9. Gone with the Wind, which was published in 1936, covered 12 years of the life of a
woman named Scarlett O’Hara during and after the Civil War.
A.Scarlett O’Hara’s life when she was 12-year old during and after the Civil War is the
main theme of Gone with the Wind which was published in 1936.
B. The story of Scarlett O’Hara when she was 12-years old was depicted in Gone with the
Wind which was published in 1936.
C. Gone with the Wind, published in 1936, was the story of Scarlett O’Hara in 12 years
of her life during and after the Civil War.
D. Published in 1936, 12 years of Scarlett 0’ Hara’s life during and after the Civil War
were written in Gone with the Wind.

10. When he asked which one I wanted, I said I didn't mind.

A. He said I could choose between them, but I said it didn't matter to me.
B. He said I had to choose, but I didn't want to.
C. It was up to me to choose between them, but I really didn't want to.
D. He wanted me to choose for him and I agreed to do so.

Part B : Numbers 11-20 contain incorrect part of the sentence which has been identified for
you. You are required to find the correct option to replace the underlined part.

11. Perseus constellation, named after the hero Perseus in Greek mythology, lie in the northern
sky and was first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.
A. lied
B. was lying
C. which lies
D. lies

12. Spanning more than fifty years, Friedrich Muller began his career in an unpromising
apprenticeship as a Sanskrit scholar and culminated in virtually every honor that European
governments and learned societies could bestow.
A. Muller begins his career in an unpromising apprenticeship
B. Muller’s career began in an unpromising apprenticeship
C. Muller’s career started with the unpromising apprenticeship
D. Muller had begun his career with the unpromising apprenticeship

13. Because of the size and weight of the stones that constitute Stonehenge, some people are
convinced how it was erected by extraterrestrial beings
A. that it was erected
B. that they were erected
C. how it was done
D. that it has been erected

14. The Broadway play Les Miserable, based on a novel which wrote by Victor Hugo in 1862,
has been very successful because of its musical numbers and its captivating story.
A. which was written
B. which has been written
C. was written
D. wrote

15 Every winter, hundreds of drivers ignoring official warnings to remain at home while heavy
snow is falling, only to crash into other vehicles and cause major accidents on the highway
A. ignore
B. who ignore
C. are ignoring
D. ignores

16. Interwoven beauty and truth, “Ode to a Nightingale” is Keats’s most dramatic poem which
embodies artistic reconciliation.
A. Interweave
B. Interweaving – menjalin
C. Being interwoven
D. Since interwoven

17. What makes Machu Fichu so unusual is that situated 2430 meters above sea level, on the top
of a mountain ridge in the Andes Mountains.
A. that it is situated
B. that is situated
C. that situates
D. that was situated

18. Germans were angry that their government was not represented at the talks and the Allies
were forcing them to accept a harsh treaty without any choice or even a comment.
A. force
B. forced
C. have forced
D. forces

19. Making use of contemporary diaries and letters, Florey’s complexity is brilliantly revealed by
A. Florey is brilliantly shown in all his complexity by Lax.
B. Lax brilliantly reveals Florey’s complexity.
C. Lax brilliantly revealed the complexity of Florey.
D. Lax’s study has brilliantly revealed the complexity of Florey.

20. Despite being thousands of years old, the writing of Augustine of Hippo has inspired and
captivated countless individuals because they convey the moving inner-journey of man searching
for the divine in a lucid and compelling fashion.
A since they convey
B. because of being conveyed
C. because it conveys
D. for the reason that it conveys

Part C : Number: 21-30 contain some sentences. You are required to Identify the correct
and appropriate sentence from the choices given.

21. A. Walking the moon‘s surface for slightly more than two hours, numerous photos were
taken by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin of Little West Crater.
B. Numerous photos of little West Crater were taken by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
while walking the moon’s surface for slightly more than two hours.
C. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took numerous photos of Little West Crater when they
walked the moon’s surface for slightly more than two hours,.
D. Many of photos of Little West Crater were taken by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin,
and they walked the moon’s surface for slightly more than two hours.

22. A. It is possible for all the air in a room to move to one corner according to the rules of
statistics; thus, this is extremely unlikely.
B. According to the rules of statistics, it is possible for all the air in a room to move to one
corner, but this is extremely unlikely.
C. In the rules of statistics, it is possible for all the air in a room to move to one corner;
therefore, this is extremely unlikely
D. To move all the air in a room to one corner is extremely unlikely, but according to the
rules of statistics, it is possible.

23. A. While measuring the charge and mass of alpha particles, Ernest Rutherford, a New
Zealand scientist, discovered that they are virtually identical to the nuclei of helium atoms.
B. A New Zealand scientist, Ernest Rutherford measured the charge and mass of alpha
particles; however, he discovered that they are virtually identical to the nuclei of helium
C. Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand scientist, he measured the charge and mass of alpha
particles and discovered that they are virtually identical to the nuclei of helium atoms.
D. To discover that the charge and mass of alpha particles are virtually identical to the nuclei
of helium atoms, these particles were measured by Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand

24. A. Whereas most species of the bacterium Streptococcus are harmless, some are dangerous
B. Since most species of the bacterium Streptococcus are harmless, some are dangerous
C. As most species of the bacterium Streptococcus are harmless, but some are dangerous
D. Because most species of the bacterium Streptococcus are harmless, and some are
dangerous pathogens.

25. A. It was read by many ESL/EFL students, Jolene Gear's TOEFL book is aimed at helping
advanced English learners pass the TOEFL.
B. Read by many ESL/EFL students, Jolene Gear's TOEFL book is aimed at helping
advanced English learners pass the TOEFL.
C. Many ESL/EFL students read Jolene Gear's TOEFL book which aimed at helping
advanced English learners pass the TOEFL.
D. Her book was read by many ESL/EFL students, Jolene Gear's TOEFL book is aimed at
helping advanced English learners pass the TOEFL.

26. A. During open heart surgery, medical doctors are using robotics, a new technology
developed by the National Space and Aeronautics Administration.
B. The use of new technology developed by the National Space and Aeronautics
Administration, medical doctors are using robotics during open heart surgery.
C. The National Space and Aeronautics Administration develops a new technology for
medical doctors are using robotics during open heart surgery.
D. A new technology developed by the National Space and Aeronautics Administration,
medical doctors are using robotics during open heart surgery.
27. A. Despite much interest in dreams throughout the ages, the empirical, scientific study of
dreams has relatively been new.
B. There has been much interest in dreams throughout the ages, yet the empirical, scientific
study of dreams is relatively new.
C. In spite of much interest in dreams throughout the ages, although the empirical, scientific
Study of dreams is relatively new.
D. There has been much interest in dreams throughout the ages, for the empirical, scientific
study of dreams is relatively new.

28. A. D.H. Lawrence who writes more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from
1911 to 1930 was one of the most prolific novelists.
B. One of the most prolific novelists, D.H. Lawrence who wrote more than 40 volumes of
fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930.
C. Having been written more than 40 volumes in the areas of fiction, poetry, and drama
1911 to 1930, D.H. Lawrence was one of the most prolific novelists.
D. D.H. Lawrence, one of the most prolific novelists, wrote more than 40 volumes of fiction,
poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930.

29. A. By the time they are in the third or fourth grade, the eyes of most children in the United
State are tested.
B. Most children by the time they are in the United States have their eyes tested in the third
or fourth grade.
C. Most children in the United States have their eyes tested by the time they are in the third
or fourth grade.
D. in the United Stated by the time of third or fourth grade, there is testing of the eyes of
most children.

30. A. Plato’ s idea that boys and girls should be given an education is rarely mentioned in
B. Plato believed that boys and girls should be given an equal education, an idea is rarely
mentioned in textbooks.
C. Believing that boys and girls should be given annual education, Plato’s idea is rarely
mentioned in textbooks.
D. An equal education should be given an equal education, and this idea is rarely mentioned
in textbooks by Plato.

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