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Name : Monica Al Shafira

Nim : 120220201

Prodi : Urban and Regional Planning

Class : TPB 54

Assignment 1

Find the paragraph that have a main idea at:

1.First in the paragraph

Paragraph 1:

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six
times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the
risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are
smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

Paragraph 2 :

smoking actually wastes your precious time. Some smokers may claim that they enjoy their
cigarette while working, so it is like multitasking for them. But the truth is that they just don’t realize
that they actually waste some of their precious time by smoking. Every time a smoker takes a sip of
smoke from his or her cigar, it takes at least seven seconds of their time. Let’s do the math and find
out how many seconds that they throw away if it takes at least seven sips to finish a cigarette. They
would have thrown away forty nine seconds of their time to finish a cigarette and nine minutes and
forty eight seconds to finish a pack of cigarette. That sounds so useless to me because after spending
that nine precious minutes you completely gain nothing but damage to your body internally.

2. Last in paragraph

Paragraph 1 :

Papaya leaves can be used as an appetite enhancer herb. Papaya leaves can also be made a delicious
vegetable. Papaya flowers can also be cooked into stir-stirs that arouse appetites. Moreover, the
fruit is very sweet and can help improve digestion. Not only that, papaya seeds also contain a
substance that can treat intestinal worms in children. It turns out that behind the sweetness of the
papaya fruit, there are many benefits in some parts of the papaya plant.

Paragraph 2 :

Many people hunt Sumatran tigers. They have their eyes on tiger skins to sell to leather artisans.
Especially now, the habitat of these animals is getting smaller due to logging and mining. As a result,
now the Sumatran tiger is increasingly rare.

3.Within in paragraph :
Paragraph 1 :

there is no beneficial substance in a cigarette. All substance in a cigarette is dangerous. If we break it

down and put it in a list, here are the substance of a cigarette and its effect toward the body:
Carcinogens: substance that can cause cancer (Benzene, Formaldehyde, Vinyl chloride), Toxic
Metals: metal compound that can harm our health (Arsenic, Cadmium), Radioactive Toxic Metals:
extremely harmful for the body (Lead-210, Polonium-210), and various Poisons such as Ammonia,
Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Cyanide and Nicotine. It is clear now that there is no useful material
that we can take from a cigarette.

Paragraph 2 :

This process does not require marriage. In other words, Amoeba doesn't need any other amoeba to
reproduce. Amoeba reproduce by splitting themselves. These animals have a cell called a cell
nucleus. This cell will later divide into two. These cells will separate and form two poles that are
distant from each other.

4,Implied main idea :

Paragraph 1 :

Cases of kidnapping children in indonesia increased this year.Even,it happen in housing complex with
security guards.So,we should always monitor it. And also we should keepcaring attitude between
neighbors and build good communication with security for decrease cases of kindnappinng children

= We have to be more careful wherever we are because crime can happen anywhere

Paragraph 2:

Some of the changes will occur if you stop smoking even a few minutes after you decide to give up
this detrimental smoking habit. Some beneficial effects will occur immediately, and some other good
things will happen from time to time

= quitting smoking now can be beneficial

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