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Two characteristics I believe Emerson tells us and what every hero should show is self-
trust and peace at/of mind(balance). Self-trust is defined as the strong resilience of the
truth/integrity of oneself. Peace at/of mind is defined as a mental state of calmness, and or
tranquility, have no worry, or anxiety.
Beowulf fought people's demons, and monsters for them and did it alone just to make
sure that they survived. He fought off Grendel with no weapons and still won. He goes into battle
not knowing for sure if he is coming home. He still walks in ready to whoop some tail, even if
they are ten times his weight and height. He had peace of mind and self-trust the whole time he
was fighting. In the story, it stated “Friend-lord of folks, so far have I sought thee, That I may
unaided, my earl men assisting me, This brave-mood war-band, purify Heorot.”, this is telling us
the Beowulf decided not to fight Grendel with any type of weapon, which only really heroic
people do, or really stupid people do. This story also says, “The foe I must grapple, fight for my
life then, Foeman with foeman: he fain must rely on The doom of the Lord whom death layeth
hold of.”. This is telling us that the reason Beowulf will not fight with a weapon is that he will
rely on God/the lord to deem suit fight who wins(lives) and losses(dies). All though he is
nervous as most people are as they walk into something they do not know the outcome of, he had
self-trust to fight Grendel without weapons which could often be very, very useful in a fight. He
cares so much about other people’s safety that he risks his own fighting Grendel.
Someone I know that I would say displays Emerson’s characteristics of a hero would be
myself. I tell you what I think and at the same time, I listen to what you have to say. I care about
everyone even if we have not met yet. Some people think that I cannot do stuff and I prove them
wrong and do it ten times better than what I would have done if they did not say that I could not
do it. I trust myself in the hands of own self and other people do too unless it’s my haters and
then they just hate on me until I prove them wrong and they are like oh, okay, but never
apologize. When I do not want to do something or something that makes me nervous you can
never really tell because I am calm about it and I just go with the flow of it. I am a hero, I am
kind, honest, peaceful, self-trusted, supportive, and generous, towards my family, friends, and
everyone else.

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