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Ma, Joyce Grace M. Sacudit OPM106_C Productivity & Quality Tools SEPT.

7, 2020

2.1: Essay: Analyzing Starbuck's Process Flow

Task #1 

Starbucks offers a great coffee to their customers and did we know that every coffee that we
drink every day has a process and how it is called a coffee? Starbucks show the process on how
to make a coffee they introduced the two types of coffee which is the Robusta and Arabica. The
Robusta, on the other hand, has a stronger, harsher and bitterer taste with grainy or rubbery
overtones. While the Arabica tends to have a smoother, sweeter taste, with flavour notes of
chocolate and sugar. They often also have hints of fruits or berries. Starbucks travel more than
500,000 miles per year to find a coffee farm in the world to look a special coffee. It takes a 5
years to produce a harvestable crop of cherries and each tree produce an equivalent pound of
roasted beans per year coffee cherries are picked by hand sorted of processing. The farmers using
natural way to wash the cherries to dry on the tress or on the ground before the beans are
removed by hulling. The washed beans are immediately separated from the deep helper and
transported to fermentation tanks they make it dry using the mechanical dryers or out on a drying
patio. The green coffee beans are then put in large burlap sacks in preparation for delivery to the
roasting plant to ensure the continued growth high quality coffee. The Starbucks promotes also
relationship to the farmers and to protect the environment. It also shows on how to roast a coffee,
it’s a roasting process where the personality and inherent qualities of ach bean are set and free
roasting allows for hundreds of chemical compounds inside of each bean to combine and meld
together into that Starbucks signature flavour roasting. It roasted to determine its flavours aroma
body color and acidity a coffee which is heated. It roasted about 600 to 900 pounds and they
begin charging the roaster which means allowing the coffee fall into the drum after about five to
seven minutes intense heat moistures inside of the bean evaporates and the beans change color
and they smell bit like butterfly and interesting aroma. The beans are being pop when they are
roasted after about nine minutes in the first roaster pop occurs the beans crackle as they expand
and double in size they change form yellow to light brown and about 11 and 15 minutes the full
flavour potential begins develop. When they released from the roaster into the cooling tray the
air begins filled with the smell freshly roasted coffee and the final sound of applause coming
from the final pops of the coffee beans at the roasting plants quickly cooled and conveyed to the
packaging machines where its sealed inside flavour lock bags.

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