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To get into most sports as a career, you realistically need to be already competing and winning
at a high level while you’re still at school. There aren’t any qualifications required to be a
athlete. However, it’s a good idea to fit some in alongside training as almost all athletes need a
second career when they retire from sport. You might choose qualifications that will help you
into one of the other careers on this list, such as coaching, or study something else that interests


This mind-set has given way to acceptance of various sports related activities as viable career
options. Other than actually being an active sportsman/ player, the other vocations in the field
like sports management, sports medicine, sports journalism, adventure sports, fitness and
health clinics and the like, have come to be regarded as full pledged and highly paid careers


Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The benefits of physical activity and exercise have been demonstrated across the lifespan. We
are meant to move and many of our body’s systems work better when we are consistently
physically active.
For managing symptoms of depression, some research suggests that elevated levels of aerobic
activity (exercise that significantly raises our heart rates) may be associated with greater
reductions in depressive symptoms. Consider engaging in physical activity once or twice daily
that includes brief periods (30-90 seconds) of greater intensity. For some, this might be
accomplished through exercise in their homes including jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and
sequencing strength training exercises (i.e. standing squats, push-ups, sit-ups). For others, the
use of home exercise equipment such as treadmills, elliptical machines, and stationary bikes
may be helpful.

Physical education role during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic Physical
education and COVID-19

COVID-19 outbreak has been dogged the whole world and besides economic damage; this new
virus has been collapsing health units worldwide. Many people have been infected and died
every day and so far, there are no vaccines or drugs approved to fight off COVID-19. In this
sense, many countries have adopted strategies to avoid virus spread during the quarantine.
Social isolation has caused psychological impacts and changes in people’s routine, thus physical
exercise emerges as an alternative to decrease cognitive problems developed by people during
the quarantine. The use of technology to guide people during physical education classes has
become a great strategy for people who cannot leave their homes. Besides, technology can insert
people in an immersive environment increasing their interaction, merriment, improving their
immune and cardiovascular systems. Physical education teacher must be considered an
essential health professional during this pandemic period because they can guide and stimulate
individuals to practice physical exercise routinely, in order to keep and improve their health.


When Anxiety Interferes with Performance: Transferring Practice

Sports psychology is the study of how psychology influences sports, athletic performance,
exercise, and physical activity. Some sports psychologists work with professional athletes and
coaches to improve performance and increase motivation. Other professionals utilize exercise
and sports to enhance people’s lives and well-being throughout the entire lifespan.

Professional sports psychologists often help athletes cope with the intense pressure that comes
from competition and overcome problems with focus and motivation. They also work with
athletes to improve performance and recover from injuries.

But sports psychologists do not just work with elite and professional athletes. They also help
regular people learn how to enjoy sports and learn to stick to an exercise program

Personality Testing in Sports: Should We or Shouldn't We? by Monica A. Frank, Ph.D.

Personality tests are techniques designed to measure one’s personality. They are used to
diagnose psychological problems as well as to screen candidates for college and employment.
There are two types of personality tests: self-report inventories and projective tests. The MMPI
is one of the most common self-report inventories. It asks a series of true/false questions that
are designed to provide a clinical profile of an individual. Projective tests use ambiguous
images or other ambiguous stimuli to assess an individual’s unconscious fears, desires, and
challenges. The Rorschach Inkblot Test, the TAT, the RISB, and the C-TCB are all forms of
projective tests.


4. COACH CARTER (Movie Analysis)



Involuntary career termination Joanne Butt and Gyozo Sport can be perceived as one
in sport: a case study of the Molnar of the contemporary key
process of structurally induced socializing agencies with
failure which a significant number of
children and youth come in to
contact. The nature of this
contact between the institution
of sport and the individual is
erratic, leading to the, often
abrupt and unforeseen,
termination of the individual's
sporting career. In this essay,
our aim is to draw wider
attention to the personal
adjustments young athletes
undergo during and after their
career has been institutionally
A Case Study of Student Dr. Candace E. Maddox- Many athletes struggle with
Athletes’ Life After Sport Moore, Jillian A. Martin, joblessness, depression or a
Jason Fitzer, Carrie Smith, lack of purpose as they enter
Courtney Gay, Jason retirement. The key is to help
Fitzer athletes develop into well-
rounded people, so that their
identities do not rest entirely
on their sporting prowess.
For most athletes, sports
success occurs at a time in life
when they are just developing
a sense of their personal

But to emerge as an adult with

a strong sense of personal
identity and confidence
usually requires opportunities
to explore different sides of
our personalities. However, an
unremitting program of
training and competition
demands an athlete’s total

The result can be that athletes

rely excessively on their
identities as sportspeople.
When this is later taken away,
they suffer an extraordinary
sense of loss and difficulty
finding satisfactory meaning
in their life and sense of worth.

4. COACH CARTER (Movie Analysis)

This show is so many things. The contrast at the start, showing the many little things
that students all take for granted, through to the big ticket items growing up and having to face
as adults. It's just inspirational all in all.

This show was exactly what I needed when I'm feeling lousy about myself and my abilities,
which is what I was feeling before the show. I forced myself to finish the movie as much as I
have tonnes of other work to finish, and I'm sure glad I finished every second of the show.

Thank you, Coach Carter!


The one quote I'll want to remember when I read this review down the line:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness. That most frightens us.

"We ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you
not to be? You are a child of God.

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so
that other people won't feel insecure around you.

"We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that
is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the
same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."



RATIONALE: The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented time all across the world.
Worldwide, extensive social distancing policies are put into place, restricting people’s daily
activities and worldwide pleas from governments asking people to stay safe and stay at home.
This of course means that most people will spend much of their time (if not all) at home.


RATIONALE: As already iterated, we are living in unprecedented times and we are learning as
we go about the effects and impact of this pandemic. With regards to physical activity and
periods of lockdown or restricted and regulated movement, there is some evidence emerging
but it is still in the early stages of this pandemic and we won't fully understand the impact of
"lock down" for many months


RATIONALE: COVID-19 outbreak has been dogged the whole world and besides economic
damage; this new virus has been collapsing health units worldwide. Many people have been
infected and died every day and so far, there are no vaccines or drugs approved to fight off
COVID-19. In this sense, many countries have adopted strategies to avoid virus spread during
the quarantine. Social isolation has caused psychological impacts and changes in people’s
routine, thus physical exercise emerges as an alternative to decrease cognitive problems
developed by people during the quarantine. The use of technology to guide people during
physical education classes has become a great strategy for people who cannot leave their homes.
Besides, technology can insert people in an immersive environment increasing their interaction,
merriment, improving their immune and cardiovascular systems. Physical education teacher
must be considered an essential health professional during this pandemic period because they
can guide and stimulate individuals to practice physical exercise routinely, in order to keep and
improve their health.


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