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Xenoestrogen Awareness

& Detox
Clean your Life

There is good and bad about everything.

Same goes for estrogen.
When estrogen levels are in check, this hormone synergizes with other
hormones to support many physiological functions.
However, when out of balance, estrogen can cause severe stress within the
body, causing a state of estrogen dominance that leads to physical
Nowadays the problem is that we are over exposed to man-made estrogenic
chemicals in our environment.
These estrogenic mimicking substances are called xenoestrogens, from the
Greek ‘Xenos’ meaning foreign, thus a foreign estrogen.
They might be foreign, but inside the body they are recognized as your own
and they even act like innate estrogens. These estrogen-mimicking substances
can bind to the estrogen receptor, influencing your cell’s metabolism and
These xenoestrogens however, have a negative physiological effect and are
antiandrogenic, meaning that these chemicals oppose androgen hormones and
inhibit the production of testosterone that can negatively effect both man and
They also burden the liver’s methylation (detox) pathway, because your liver is
the main organ to detoxify estrogens.
The disrupting effects of xenoestrogens are:
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Slow metabolism
- Digestive problems
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Joint pain and inflammation
- Liver disease & poor detoxification
- Thinning of the hair, hair loss
- Estrogen related cancer
- Estrogen related weight gain
- Mental/ emotional imbalance
- Low testosterone
- & more

As you can see, when you mess up your hormones you mess up your health.
And these xenoestrogens are everywhere, from personal care products, to
household cleaners, to the very water you drink and bath in and even receipts
from the grocery stores.
The problem is not that you come in contact with these endocrine disruptors
once in a while, the real problem is that they start to accumulate in your tissues
without you knowing it, slowly changing your physiology.
A silent killer so to speak.
This is why I wrote this guide, to bring awareness about xenoestrogens.
The protocol is to:
1) Reduce exposure
2) Regulate innate estrogens
3) Detox xenoestrogens
4) Alternatives and swaps

Applying these principles can drastically change your life and your health!
Please chare with anyone else who can benefit from this information.

It is always better to prevent than to treat a condition.

Many diseases could be prevented, however not many people think and act in
this matter.
Reducing your exposure to xenoestrogens is a foundational pillar for overall
good health and longevity. The less toxicity you expose yourself to, the more
you spare energy and resources.
Let’s cover some basics to reduce xenoestrogen exposure:

1. Choose wisely what you drink

Alcohol in excess can be damaging and highly estrogenic, especially when it
comes to beer. Other alcoholic beverages that contain these estrogens are
wines which also contain sulphites, and darker liquors like rum, whisky and
To least estrogenic drinks are the clearer liquors like tequila & vodka. Combine
those with fresh squeezed OJ or pineapple juice to buffer the estrogenic
What makes alcohol so estrogenic?
a) Alcoholic beverages are made from grains and hops, which are very
estrogenic in nature.
b) Yeast that eat the sugars and converts it into alcohol, releases estradiol,
a reproductive hormone so that these yeasts can reproduce.
c) All alcoholic beverages decrease testosterone and increase aromatase
enzyme activity, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen.

Beer has the most estrogen units per serving that I could label it as a hormonal
contraceptive for man. It makes men less manly in general.
The alcohol and estrogens in beer are very damaging to the liver and they have
been shown to lower testosterone levels while increasing fat tissue.
Alcohol causes also oxidative damage to the reproductive system and depletes
your body of many nutrients.
Something you don’t want, right?!
In addition to that, beer is mostly brewed with tap water, another source of
endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Besides beer, most teas are also estrogenic.
With tea I mean the real tea, like Jasmin Green Tea. A study done on the
estrogenic effects of coffee and tea showed that teas are quiet estrogenic,
whereas coffee had anti-estrogenic qualities.
By the way, the roots of the tea plant have a high affinity to absorb fluoride,
which is also an endocrine disruptor.
Water from the tap or from plastic bottles are also a source of xenoestrogens.
Get a good water filtration system or just buy water in glass bottles.

2. Birth control pills

Any contraception that includes exogenous hormones is bad for your endocrine
Altering your hormones changes you in many ways:
a) The pill can change your mood, thus changing your personality,
behaviour and your outlook on life.
b) Excess estrogens can cause hypothyroidism and digestive issues.
c) Taking hormonal contraceptives can increase the chance of hormone
related cancers such as breast cancer, cysts and ovarian cancer.

3. Body care & cleaning products

Basically this includes all soaps, shampoos, perfume, make-up, deodorants,
toothpaste, home cleaners, etc. that contain chemical substances and other
endocrine disruptors.
What can you do about it?
- Stop buying chemicals that you infuse yourself with.
- Support local shops or artisanal made body care products.
- Make your own shampoo, toothpaste, scrub,…
- Look for natural alternatives and share them with others.
It is quiet easy to find natural alternatives and minimise your use for synthetic
body care products.
4. Eat whole organic food
Most estrogens reside in processed foods because of the package the food is in
and the processing method which includes all the additives and preservatives
that are put into it to prolong the shelf life.
Besides this, conventional and commercial foods are heavily sprayed with
pesticides and herbicides which are known to have endocrine disruptive
Support your local farmers market or get organic/ least sprayed food.

1. Melt the fat away

Fat tissue is actually an organ that can produce hormones. It tends to especially
synthesise and store estrogens.
By regulating your fat percentage you also balance your androgen hormones
with your estrogen levels.
2. Increase androgen hormones
Androgen hormones like testosterone are the number one protective agent in
men, and are also detrimental for female health.
High levels of testosterone have been shown to buffer stress and keep
estrogen levels in check, together with the other stress hormones.
Here are some steps to keep your levels up:
- Decrease xenoestrogen exposure
- Get your metabolism going
- Eat all macro nutrients and don’t forget about the micro’s
- Sleep! Build a sleep sanctuary and optimize your sleep quality.
- Lift heavy weights in the sun.
Androgens are key.
Learn more about testosterone in my free webinar. In this webinar about
testosterone you will become acquainted why T levels are dropping, what
normal levels look like and why it is so important to have high levels.

3. Keep aromatase in check

The aromatase activity is a natural process to keep homeostasis in the male
and female body.
However the enzyme aromatase can flip testosterone into estrogen under
periods of stress, but also under intoxication of alcohol.
The context determines it’s activity too:
- Alcohol
- Fat tissue
- Stress
Therefore by regulating your environment and knowing what to eat to keep
aromatase in check you can prevent estrogen dominance:
- Apigenin a flavonoid found in celery, parsley, cilantro, chamomile and
mushrooms is a known aromatase inhibitor.
- Olive oil contains oleuropein, a polyphenol present in olive and argan oil
is also a potent aromatase inhibitor and promotes healthy testosterone
- Orange juice and in general any citrus fruit have anti-aromatase effects
because of their flavonoid content. Citrus fruits also contain calcium D
glucarate which promotes the glucaronidation pathway in the liver.
Easy to implement foods and herbs to keep a hormonal balance.

4. Keep your stress low

Stress hormones like cortisol give rise to estrogen levels while decreasing the
protective hormones and eventually the metabolic rate.
A stressed out person has no energy and zest for life.
Find out what your main stressors are and address them.
Stress will deplete nutrient stores such as
- Magnesium (Supplement)
- Copper (Liver, shellfish & bee pollen)
- B vitamins (Meat, fish, organs)
- Vitamin A (Liver, organs, egg yolks & butter)
- Vitamin C (Fruits)
- Salt
- Enzymes (Raw foods)
To mitigate the stressors of life you can supply with a good magnesium
supplement such as magnesium glycinate, add copious amounts of salt to your
water and food, getting adequate amounts of copper, A and B vitamins from
grass fed liver and egg yolks, eating fruit regularly for vitamin C, and having
enough protein from muscle meat, white fish and bone broth.


1. Support Your Liver’s Detox Pathway

Your liver is the general organ that removes hormones from the body. This
means that your liver health is detrimental and foundational for hormonal
One way to support your liver is by supplying sufficient methyl groups for the
methylation processes.
Methylation is a biological process that involves the removal of one methyl
group (CH3) from one substance and placing it on another substance. This
process takes place predominantly within the liver as part of detoxification.
It hast to be that estrogens miss one of those methyl groups making it an
instable molecule. When methylated, it can be safely excreted out of the body.
Folate for example is a methyl donor and supports the methylation processes.
Folate from the Latin ‘folium’ meaning leaf, can be found in oranges, avocados,
lettuce, liver, yolks and seafood.
Another important methylater is vitamin B12 which can be found only in
animal food such as shellfish, raw fish, liver, meat, poultry, dairy and eggs.
2. Other potent methylaters are choline and betaine.
Choline is found as phosphatidylcholine and highest food sources are in egg
yolks and liver. Choline does more than donating methyl groups alone, as it is a
key nutrient for brain and nerve function and acts as a nootropic. Besides eggs
and liver, choline can be found in mushrooms, meat, fish and shellfish.
Betaine found in beets is an excellent source of methyl groups. Besides that,
beets boost nitric oxide, increasing stamina which is good pre workout.
Both choline and betaine can be safely taken in as a supplement.

3. Supplementation
Calcium D Glucarate is a natural fibre present in certain fruits, but can be
supplemented as an aid for the removal of excess xenoestrogens.
Taken as a supplement, Calcium D Glucarate supports the glucuronidation,
which is an important system/ detox pathway of your liver that your body relies
on for deactivation and elimination of certain toxins and hormones.
4. Sauna
Saunas are good for you. Through sweating your body can release a number of
xenoestrogens like phthalates, BPA’s and heavy metals.

When estrogens are detoxified through the liver and dumped in the intestines,
you want to prevent them of being reabsorbed.
This is why we need some fibre as a binding agent. Eat a carrot salad daily five
days out of the week.
1. The fibres in carrots have been shown to bind excess estrogens in the gut
preventing them of reabsorption into the bloodstream making sure
those estogens hit the toilet.

2. Some activated charcoal from time to time can be helpful as well with
eliminating toxins and xenoestrogens from the gut.
EXTRA: Remove Fluoride

First prevent you exposure to fluoride by swapping toothpaste for something

natural or by making your own. Besides in toothpaste, fluorine as in fluoride
can also be found in tap water. Countries like the US, Canada, Ireland, Spain
and the UK place fluoride in their tap water. So get a water filter! The fluoride
that is added to water, also known as ‘hydrofluorosilic acid’ is actually an
industrial waste product of fertilizers. (source)
The good news is that you can protect yourself from the toxic effects of
fluoride. This root can prevent the damage induces by fluoride, especially the
neurotoxicity on the brain and the glands. Even if you are exposed to fluoride,
whatever the case is, turmeric helps protect you against it.
Remove fluoride by supplemental boron (take it in the morning) and through
the use of turmeric in the diet (taking it in the evening). Read more about this
in the supplement guide.
You should add black pepper which enhances the absorption with 2000%.


 Long-time fluorine exposure may affect serum SHBG and testosterone
level in adult male. (Zhou T et al.)
 Fluoride can directly reduce sperm function and testosterone signalling
in the body (Ortiz-Pérez et al.)


 Fluoride could affect hormone levels of each layer of the hypothalamus-

hypophysis-testis axis, and show the reproductive endocrine disturbing
effects. The reproductive endocrine disturbing effects of male maybe
more severe than those of female. (Hao P et al.)
Men are more prone to the disturbing effects of endocrine disruptors &
fluoride. Let’s continue…

 This Chinese study done on farmers, divided the men in two groups: a
high and a low fluoride group (HFG & LFG). They concluded that the
younger farmers in the HFG were most likely to have lower T levels when
exposed to fluoride. (abstract)
 And many other studies show how fluoride causes a decrease in fertility,
androgen production by causing oxidative stress and inflammation. (link,
link, link)

Kitchen & Home

Hand soaps are something crucial, however most of the time loaded with
chemicals and very dehydrating for the skin. Make your own handspray with
water, ACV and some essential oil or go for a natural soap like Aleppo or
soap made from goat milk.

Washing cleaners are again full of estrogens. Replace by pure baking soda
aka soda bicarbonate with hot water or with something acidic like vinegar
that will rinse of any stickiness.

Teflon pans and non-stick pans contain perfluorinated compounds (PFCs)

and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) which can affect our androgen
hormones and cortisol levels. Swap those pans for enamel cast iron or
uncoated stainless steel and ceramic cooking ware.

Plastic containers even BPA free contain xenoestrogens. Store your food in
glass containers or something made from natural material like bamboo.

Plastic cutting boards, easy swap for wooden cutting boards.

Silverware can leach inorganic iron and other toxic metals while eating.
Swap for bamboo or wooden utensils or chopsticks and avoid all plastic

Plastic wrapper & Aluminium foil are unnecessary because they are toxic to
you and the environment.
Laundry products and softeners can be swapped for natural detergents like

Tap Water, replace it with glass bottled water or invest in a high quality
water filtration system. The tubes of your water supply leach inorganic
metals into your water plus in many countries the tap water is highly
contaminated with fluoride and plastics.

Bathroom & Personal Care Products Necessary ones

Fluorinated Toothpaste. Fluoride is not needed at all for tooth health and is
a dangerous mineral that has been to can cause infertility and decrease
intelligence (IQ). Swap toothpaste for green clay, activated charcoal,
aluminium-free baking soda or make your own paste with coconut oil and
neem powder.

Fluorinated Tap Water can be mitigated with a shower filter that filters
fluoride from the water supply.

Shampoo is mostly full of estrogens, that can dehydrate your scalp and
promote hair loss in the long-term. This can be easily swapped for apple
cider vinegar diluted in water. If you don’t like the smell of acv, try aloe vera
or make your own poo. There are many natural methods you can find on
YouTube or on blogs.
Make your own Shampoo:
1. Warm up some milk
2. Melt fat either coconut oil or butter
3. Blend the two
4. Add an essential oil like peppermint/ sandal wood/ rosemary
5. Apply and massage on scalp and wait for 3min
6. Rinse with warm water
Body Soaps you can swap for a natural soap like Aleppo which is made from
herbs and olive oil, or soap derived from goat milk. Something natural, you
get the point. Hydrate your skin with coconut oil.

Bath & Shower Water. You can’t really swap those, however you can install
a shower filter that filters out the toxins.

Toilet paper is often bleached and contains xenoestrogens like bisphenol A

(BPA), which is a known carcinogen. So swap for something natural or get a

Tampons are bleached as well, containing dioxins and furans

(xenoestrogens), which can change the vaginal pH thus changing the
integrity of the tissue. Therefore swap for a reusable cloth, organic
tampons, menstrual underwear or menstrual cup.

Bathroom & Personal Care Products Unnecessary ones

Mouthwash is not needed. A healthy body doesn’t stink. Support your

mouth bacteria by supporting your gut microbiome because the two are
connected. Otherwise swap for oilpulling with coconut oil.

Sunscreen gives you cancer. Caffeine on the other hand can be diluted in
water and sprayed on your skin multiple times a day. Studies show that
caffeine from coffee protects the skin cells against UV induced photo
damage. However a healthy diet rich in cholesterol and other antioxidants
and a gradual exposure to sunlight are the ways to go. Give your body the
time to adapt to the sunlight and get a tan.
Cosmetics & Hair dyes: swap for natural make-up or make your own, and
avoid all dyes.

Perfume you can swap for an essential oil. Perfume and certain fragrances
contain phthalates that contribute to estrogen dominance and are shown to
reduce sperm count and can cause conditions like endometriosis.

Birth control pills must be avoided.

Candles when lit give of estrogens to the air. This is an estrogen airborne
attack on your lungs. Swap for beeswax candles.

Air fresheners are very toxic. Swap for an essential oil diffuser, otherwise it
is not needed.

Furniture and carpets when made from synthetic material are loaded with
xenoestrogens which can enter the body by absorption or through the air by
inhaling them.


Pesticides on fruits and vegetables are probably a number one source of

atrazine (xenoestrogens) in the diet, which is linked to infertility and
testosterone decline in testicular Leydig cells. Same for conventional meat
and dairy, which are loaded with estrogens because these poor animals are
fed a very toxic diet. Go for locally grown, non-sprayed vegetables and eat
plenty of organic meat and dairy.
Plastic bottled water we already covered. The bottles for water are leaching
plastic residues that accumulate in the body causing your sex hormones to
plummet. Use a filtration system (like a water distiller) that filters out all the
plastics, hormones, fluoride, chlorine,… out or by glass bottled water.

Canned foods are loaded with BPA and other xenoestrogens and heavy
metals like aluminium. Canned food is dead food, so don’t eat it. Swap for
fermented foods and pickles that are preserved in a glass container.

Processed food contains many preservatives and artificial food additives.

These can pass the blood brain barrier and cause nerve cell death and are
known as excitotoxins.

Grain products, processed grains and all legumes contain estrogenic

substances and even pesticides as well. Most commercial breads and flours
contain bromine, a halogen that displaces iodine. Swap for sourdough bread
and limit grain consumption.

Receipts are loaded with BPA and can be absorbed through the skin, don’t
take them or were gloves. Estrogens that are absorbed by the skin are ten
times more harmful as they enter the bloodstream directly and don’t pass
by the liver.

Alcohol & Beer are highly estrogenic, especially all beers, wines, and dark
liquors. Swap for healthier alternatives like white tequila or vodka with
orange juice.
Soy products are a source of phytoestrogens, plant estrogens in other
words that are known to suppress metabolism. Conventional cattle is fed
soy so it gains weight.

Vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, all seed oils, all
nut oils, soy oils, nut butters, nut milks, oat milks, nut bars,… are extremely
estrogenic and bad for your hormonal and reproductive health.

Plastic bags are polluting the environment. Limit plastics and bring your
own reusable bags.
This is a list of the most common endocrine disruptors that are found in plastics,
pesticides, herbicides, personal care products and food preservatives.

Atrazine is a known endocrine disruptor found in herbicides that turned male

frogs into female frogs.
BPA stands for bisphenol A, and is present in receipts, plastics, drinking bottles,
toilet paper and canned foods. BPA is an endocrine disruptor, it lowers
testosterone levels while increasing estrogen and SHBG levels, delaying
puberty and can cause sexual dysfunction.
DDT or Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane was first made as an insecticide but
was banned soon after because of its health concerning effects. It is now used
in third world countries.
Benzophenones prevents UV light to cause damage, therefore it is mostly
added in sunscreens but also in various personal care products such as
perfumes and soaps, and in plastics to prevent photo damage of the plastic
Endosulfan another insecticide and neurotoxin can be inhaled, absorbed
through the skin or ingested.
PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls and PBBs polybrominated biphenyls don’t
degrade easily and are found in pesticides that can accumulate in seafood and
Phthalates have many names hexyl-, diisononyl- and butyl benzyl phthalate,
and are used to make plastics more flexible but are also used in many personal
care products as stabilizers. They can be also found in toys, pharmaceuticals,
cosmetics and skin care products.
Oxybenzone is a major contributor in skin cancer and is the main ingredient in
Parabens are a class of preservative chemicals found in cosmetics, make-up,
body care products, shampoos, toothpaste, shaving gels, moisturizers, food
preservatives and in the pharmaceutical products.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate are used as foaming agents for toothpaste, shampoo,
soaps, dish soap, laundry detergents, shave cream and various skin
moisturizers and cleansers.

Thank You for reading!

For more EBooks visit this site
For more info on testosterone visit my website

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