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Prepare for {IELTS}

Part 1 – Sharing

Have you shared anything with others recently?

Well, when we eat, both at home or in a restaurant, we often share

food. I prefer meals like this because then you get to taste everything

rather than having an individual dish with just one flavour.

Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

Oh, absolutely, yes. All parents need to do this. Children go through

a stage/a phase when they want to keep everything to themselves

and they do not want to share so parents need to encourage them

to share. I don’t think it is because kids are greedy, they just haven’t

learned the value of sharing.

What kinds of things do you like to share with others?

Food, obviously, is the main thing. Having said that though, I am not
keen on sharing puddings. It annoys me when the person I am with
says ‘I don’t want a pudding’ and then when my pudding arrives,
they want to try it.

What kinds of things are not suitable for sharing?

Well, if someone is ill, with a cold, for instance, then food and drink

should not be shared, as the germs can pass from one person to
another. Gossip is another thing that should not be passed on. Sadly,
in these days of social media, gossip spreads like wildfire.

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