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Based Guesstimates

MBA Related

Self-Based Academics
& Covid-19 Related



This category includes questions based on yourself. The

objective, in general, behind asking these questions is:
• To check your communication and presentation
• To check how you portray yourself in front of
• To ascertain how well you know yourself
• A check of honesty and attitude

1. Tell me something about yourself.
This might be the first question the interviewer asks you. The answer to this question
should be very structured and precise. In general, try to finish the answer within 60 –
90 seconds, keeping the most important and significant part in first 60 seconds. Also,
sometimes, it happens that the interviewer wants to hear more on this, but you have
already exhausted your answer. In that case, it is always beneficial to have around 30
seconds buffer answer ready (just-in-case).

There are multiple structures which you can follow to answer this question. However,
we recommend the following.
Basic Work Your
Introduction experience Graduation

Hobbies or
Buffer answer Achievements

• Your basic introduction should include 1-2 lines about yourself, which might include your
name, the place where you belong to or just about you as a person.
• This could be followed by either your work-experience details or college of graduation
(for freshers) instead of telling just the employer name or the college name along with
the marks, try to describe exactly what you did – For Example, your roles and
responsibilities or mentioning the several projects that you did. This could even be
followed by your schooling details, only if the answer to the former part is very brief or if
you want to explicitly mention your school name and marks.
• Achievements – There are two formats which you can follow. Either you mention about
achievements after mentioning your work-experience and graduation/school details or
you mention it along with them (The latter is a better option than the former as it creates
a good impression and saves time).
• Hobbies – Mention 2-3 hobbies that you may have and how exactly you pursue them.
• Buffer – This part could include –
• Your recent work/activity – something that you have recently started and is very
• Your strengths and weaknesses.

NOTE: Try to drive your interview towards your comfort zone by ending the answer on a topic
………….that you would be comfortable discussing with the interviewer.
Hello. My name is Devesh and I belong to Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. I am 23 years old.
As a person, I would describe myself as an optimistic and inquisitive person, always
looking out for opportunities to learn something new. I am currently working with as a Marketing Analyst for the past 6 months, wherein I am responsible
for analysing all the communications that go to different cohorts in our customer base
and reduce the churn rate of customers. I completed my B. Tech in Computer Science
from XYZ Lucknow last year. During my college and school days, I had a keen interest
in debating, and I have won many regional and national level certificates for the same.
I am also a sports enthusiast and I was an active member of my college cricket and
volleyball team. I was also the captain of my volleyball team for the last 1 year of my
college. I am very passionate about both music and literature. My hobbies include
singing, playing guitar and reading novels. I am a big fan of Sydney Sheldon. Recently,
I have started sparing time for college students and take coding workshops in the
evening for 1 hour on Python and Machine Learning.


Try to write all your answers in a file at least 7 days before the interview and read it
more than three times in a day. That will improve your flow of delivery. This will be
your first shot to impress your interviewers and it can set the path for the rest of your
interview. Try to gauge if the interviewer is keen on listening to this answer or not. If
they are keen on listening, then go with everything that you have memorised.
However, if they seem disinterested, try and finish the answer as soon as possible and
move to the next question to keep the interviewer engaged.
2. Tell me something about yourself that is not present in your

This part of the answer might include –

• Your passion
• Your strengths or weaknesses
• Your philosophy of life (keep this as a last option)

3. Describe yourself in one word.

Try not to pick one word from the dictionary and then work on how you could relate
yourself to that word. Instead, try to explore and understand yourself and then look for a
word which best justifies that description. This is not a test of how heavy the word is, but
how relevant the link is between the word and your personality.

4. Tell me something about your family. How do you believe the culture and education of
…..your family played a role in your upbringing?

This question is not that important, but you must be able to talk and post a good impression
about your family and culture. You know it better than any other person.

The real check of analytical skills

isn’t your CAT percentile, but how
exactly have you analysed
yourself. More than anything and
anyone else, know yourself.
5. Where do you belong to? Tell me few unique things about that

The interviewer might be less interested in knowing about your native place
and more about how much you know about the place you call ‘home’.
Students who mention travelling as a hobby or interest might expect this

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Mention three of each relating it to any ….of
your past experiences or instances.

Every one of us has some strengths and weaknesses. None of us is perfect. From the MBA
perspective, you are going to be the future managers. The company expects you to manage your
team and provide fruitful results. In order to be a successful manager, you need to give tasks to
people by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. But, have you identified yours?
Explore yourself and you will find a few strengths and weaknesses. Try to not just memorizing
key words (Strength – Hard working, multitasking etc, Weakness – Lazy, one-thing-at-a-time etc).
Rather, relate your strengths or weaknesses to how exactly you found them by linking them to
your past experiences or justifying them by an instance with past achievements or failures.

What’s the USP of cracking self-

based questions? Is it your
grades, achievements or an MNC
you work for?
It’s you being who you are.

How did you spend your time during the lockdown / What new skills did you acquire during the
Such a question is asked to understand how best you utilise your time. The following points can be
emphasized in your answer.

New Hobbies developed

Academic / Extra-curricular certifications
Soft skill Development
Personality Development


Apart from preparing for CAT, I was able to find time to pursue my interests. I completed
certifications on C and Python programming. Self-taught myself elementary French. I baked and
cooked different cuisines for my family and spent some quality time with them. I developed new
hobbies like Novel Reading & I am presently reading the novel, ‘The kite runner’ by Khaled Hosseini.
I also developed some healthy habits like waking up at sunrise & exercising regularly. So, the
lockdown period was productive.
Go through newspaper daily. Read and
research about your areas of interest.
Practice, Practice and Practice.

• What are the pros and cons of WFH? Would you prefer WFH or at the workplace?

• Was lockdown a boon or bane?

• Did covid-19 change the way you foresee your career?

• How do you feel about eventual return to work?

COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus

called SARS-CoV-2. WHO first learned of this new
virus on 31 December 2019, following a report of a
cluster of cases of ‘viral pneumonia’ in Wuhan, People’s
Republic of China.
• Spread to nearly 160 countries in less than three
• Was declared a pandemic in March 2020 by
This category includes questions related to your academic life
– school and college. Questions related to your college
subjects, if asked, will be basic. The objective, in general,
behind asking these questions is to check–
• Your sincerity towards your academics.
• Your practical understanding of the subject
• What have you learned from your past academic

1. Which has been your favourite subject in school/college? Why? (Followed by few follow up

It’s not always compulsory to have the toughest subject as your favourite one. You might have
liked Microeconomics based on your interest in market demand and supply or Computer Networks
based on your interest in knowing how the internet and other networks actually work. Don’t just
tell that ‘X’ is your favourite because you found it easy. Rather, connect one of your curiosities to
what the subject delivers.

2. Tell me something about your school/college.

Focus on some unique things about your school/college. If possible, try to tell about the things you
have learned (non-academic).
Make sure you have thoroughly studied at least 2
subjects, as most interviewers give you a choice of
the subjects.

3. What are a few take-aways you got from your previous education?

These takeaways are nothing but the lessons you learned as a student. For example, if you have
studied in a boarding school, one lesson could be that you learned to take decisions from a very
early stage. Similarly, if you have been a coordinator of various events in your college, event
management could be another. Also, you can talk about your learnings in terms of incorporating
theoretical concepts into practical applications in the form of projects you did during your

4. Have you participated in any non-academic co-curricular activities? How important do you
think these activities are in general?

Any co-curricular activity contributes to the development of overall personality. If you have
participated in any, don’t just mention the activities but also how doing that helped in shaping your
personality. If not, you can always tell them the other things you are better at.
Never say I did not have any about
choosing a stream or that someone forced
you to select your stream. Rather, try to
say you went with your parent’s or
friend’s suggestion but ultimately you
chose what was best for you at that point
in time.

5. Why did you choose this (your branch of engineering or any other selection of

Try to relate one of your interests to the stream or line of career that you had chosen. For example,
a student might have chosen Automobile Engineering because he was driven by movies like ‘Fast
and Furious’, or Eco(H) because of interest towards understanding the economy.

6. Why are your grades low or have decreased/not improved significantly?

There could be specific incidents or just normal inconsistency, whatever the reason might be, do
not try to make it seem like it's someone else’s fault. Try to be honest and tell what you are
planning to rectify the same.
This category includes questions based on your
understanding of the MBA. The objective, in
general, behind asking these questions is:
• To understand your rationale behind
pursuing MBA
• To know how well you understand the
management aspects of an organization

1. Why do you want to pursue an MBA?

This is an important question from the interview point of view as the interviewer here wants to
gauge how much you know about the course you want to pursue and how it will be an added
benefit from a career point of view. Here it is important to talk about how this is filling a gap in
your CV and not just focus on generic answers like a career change or getting associated with a
brand. You can also talk about which specialization you want to pursue, for example Marketing,
Finance etc. and try and justify how learning about these subjects in depth will help you achieve
your end goal on a professional front. If you are interested in entrepreneurship, then elaborate
on the same and justify how an MBA will help you achieve the skills necessary to sustain your
start up in this competitive environment.

Do not say that you are pursuing an MBA

to improve your salary as that does not
emphasize the learning you will get from
the course.

2. Why do you think you are the right candidate to be a part of an IIM?

If this question is asked, be humble. A lot of aspirants take this opportunity to boast about themselves
and how they are the best candidate. Don’t. Try to tell how you could be a great manager, either by
telling about your managerial strengths or few previous instances.

Always try to take the interviews towards your interests. Don’t miss any chance where you can
present a link to your interests that depicts your leadership. IIMs look for leader. A leader should be
knowledgeable, visionary and humble.

3. Tell me a few instances from your experience where you have shown your management skills.

Try to frame your answer around a problem which was persisting back then and how your managerial
skills helped in solving or easing that problem. It doesn’t matter how easy or tough that problem was,
what matters is how efficient, effective yet simple your solution is. You can relate from your job while
you were working, a position in college you held and faced.
4. Which specialization do you want to opt for? And why?

If you are sure about one, answer that with a proper reason. For example, someone
might want to do majors in Marketing, attracted by the way advertisements hit the
customers and having the same level of creativity. Some other might want to choose
Finance because of a high level of interest in the stock market, investments and is
passionate to understand the math/logic behind it. The point is, whatever answer you
give, relate it to your strengths, past instances or passion. Also, if you don’t have any
preference as of now, it’s totally okay. You can always say that you have not decided
and would want to take a decision based on your experience in first year of MBA rather
than getting influenced by various posts on the internet or what others around you
might opt for.

Also, read up about a few subjects, along with their names, that are taught in MBA. The
interviewer here might ask if you know a few subjects from your preference of
specialisation. For example: If you say you want to pursue Finance, then read up about
a few subjects that are taught in courses of finance like: Corporate Finance,
Management Accounting, to name a few.

One of the most important qualities of an
MBA aspirant is awareness about the
outside world. Make sure you are aware of
the happenings around the globe
concerning all the ambits of the business

5. Why do you want to pursue an MBA instead of pursuing masters in your
own domain (doesn’t apply to BBA graduate)?

This is just another way of asking one of the funniest yet relatable dialogues of
the movie ‘3 Idiots’, “Jab MBA hi karna tha to engineering kyu ki?”. Well, there
could be multiple reasons. You might have had a start-up idea and would be
willing to understand the management side in order to execute it in a better
way, or you might have gained a lot of experience in the technical side and
would be willing to shift to management side in order to not just climb the
corporate ladder but be a manager who can help the team with technical part
too, and a lot more. There is nothing wrong in switching your domain. The only
requirement is - you should be able to justify it.

6. Which department do you think (amongst Sales and Marketing, Operations, Finance, IT, HR
and Strategy) is the most important one for an organization?

Every department is almost equally important in most industries. However, there would be a little
more inclination towards a particular department based on the type of industry or company. For
example, an IT company ‘might’ consider IT department as the most important one. A consultancy
firm ‘might’ think ‘Strategy’ is the most important. That might be true in the short run. But in the
long run, from the business point of view, all are equally important (or almost).

A question of this sort does not have a right or wrong answer. The interviewer here just wants to
see how you ultimately defend your choice and whether your choice has any sound logical backing.
Therefore, it is always better to relate your answer with some examples drawn from your
experiences in the past or some famous industry examples.
7. What are your short term (3-5 years) and long term (8-10 years) goals? How
do you think pursuing MBA can help you achieve those?

It is pretty obvious to say that many of you might have dreamt of a life after MBA
- a reputed job in an MNC or your own start-up funded by angel investors. That
is more or less a short-term goal (not necessarily though). Similarly, your long-
term goal could be working in a firm at top management, your start-up having its
offices across the country (or even worldwide), you following your passion or
anything else. Whatever that is, try to relate it to your decision of pursuing MBA
and how doing that can help you achieve your goals and be what you want to be
in future?

8. Rank the CAP IIMs in order of your preference. Justify the order too.

Do your research before coming to any conclusion. Remember, the one who is interviewing you
belongs to one of these institutes. Don’t rely on unreliable sources. Whatever information you
want to get, get it from the official websites of these colleges or official reports or rankings (such
as MHRD, NIRF etc.). Define the parameters - faculty, placement, infrastructure etc., and
remember to give your own importance to these parameters and then rate them.
This category includes questions related to your work experience.
The objective, in general, behind asking these questions is –
• To check how seriously have you taken work so far – a check of
your sincerity towards your work and your organization.
• To check how well you understand the work culture of

1. Tell me something about your previous company.

Your answer should include not just what someone can tell by ‘googling’ about your company
but what different information you could offer that is unique and interesting.

2. Tell me something about your role at your previous company.

Try to tell about what exactly you have worked on (project, problem etc) and how exactly has
your work benefited a set of people (your client, customers etc). For example, suppose you
have worked as a Systems Engineer in an IT company on a mainframe project. Your answer
should reflect your contribution to the project and how it helped the client in multiple
• Never
Never talk
talk bad badyour
about about your
previous previous
company. Tell
company. Tell about your
about your individual goals. individual goals.
• Connect
Connect your experiences
your experiences with the
with the specialization
you specialization you want to go, if any.
want to go, if any.

3. Why did you decide to pursue MBA and not establish yourself in the same organization or
industry? In other words, why do you want to leave your job?

Indirectly, this question is about the vision and mission of your life. So, try to first decide on
what is the vision and mission of your life (professionally). Once that is done, relate how the
vision and mission of the company is different from that of yours and how pursuing an MBA
can help you achieve that.

4. What are three key learning you have got from your experience in corporates?

These takeaways are nothing but the lessons that you have learnt as an employee. For
example, if you have worked in an IT company, you might have learnt about the importance of
data and how technology is enlightening the future. If you have worked in sales profile, you
know the importance of understanding the need of the customers and dynamically modifying
your sales pitch in accordance with that.

5. Mention any instances where you have made your team or company proud of yourself.
Mention few where you haven’t worked at the level expected from you.

For the first one, try to relate or showcase your strength by mentioning one of the instances.
For the second, be honest to accept and describe such instances (only if it exists).
Don’t say something too illogical or
unachievable. Always be precise, straight
forward and as structured as possible.

6. Where do you see your company / industry five years down the line?

If you have worked in any company/industry for some time, then by the rate at which you have
seen the things getting changed in your company (observation skills) and the way things are
overall changes in the industry as a whole (awareness), you should be able to analyse where
the company or industry might change few years ahead in the future so that you can work
accordingly to fit into the domain (analytical and decision making skills).

7. Tell me how the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors
(PESTEL) can have an impact on your company / industry?

There are few models using which you can give an analysis of your company/industry. You are
advised to study at least the three below mentioned models and try to frame the answer for
your company and industry, accordingly.

1. SWOT Analysis
2. PESTEL Analysis
3. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Past situations: This category includes questions based on

the situations from your experience. These situations could
be related to your student life or work.

1. Give an instance where you stepped in, took charge, mustered support & influenced the
outcome of a project by taking on a leadership role.
This instance could be either related to your work experience or any previous position of
responsibility held by you in college or school. Try to tell what the problem/project was and how
you contributed to the outcome, focusing more on your strengths and managerial skills. Everyone
has a certain moment in life. Don't try to cook up a story, rather find yours.

2. What has been the best decision of your life? How?

This is a completely subjective answer. There is no right or wrong here. The interviewer here just
wants to understand what dilemmas you have faced in life, what were the variables involved and
what was the decision you took in that case.
The objective behind asking these questions is
to check:

• How you respond to new situations in a short amount

of time
• How you have acted in different situations of your life
• The analytical skills of a candidate based on his/her
• The leadership skills of a candidate
• Other soft skills of the candidate – critical reasoning,
detail oriented, flexibility etc.

They also want to understand whether the decision you took stands coherent with the other
statements you have made about yourself in the interview. Try and keep an answer prepared for
this as you would not want to think of all the variables associated with your dilemma at that very
moment itself.

3. What has been the most difficult decision you made in your life? How?
Again, this is a subjective question. If asked, focus on why it was not just difficult, but also, why it
trumps your other decisions to become the most difficult decision you have taken in life. Having
said that, do not emphasize on the other decisions but spend time trying to justify the decision you
took as the interviewer is interested in that. Focus on the importance of the decision and how it
has potentially changed your life. Refrain from cliché answers.
4. What are the decisions you regret in your life? Why?
Similar to the previous question, this too could be anything, from selecting a stream
(Science, Commerce, etc.) to taking a year drop, and so on. Even if you have taken
some decisions in your life which you regret, feel free to share it with a smile. Most
importantly, try to mention what have you done (or tried to do) to counter this.

5. Discuss any ethical dilemma you have faced in your organization. How did you resolve it?
Remember, such questions are not asked for you to give a dramatic confession. Also, it is not
necessary that the ethical dilemma would have occurred in your workplace. It could be from your
college or school days as well. You may even feel that you have never encountered an ethical
dilemma. Hence, it is advisable to have an answer ready for this question as you may not want to
be caught up thinking about any such situations you have been during the interview itself. While
answering, describe briefly about the strategy you implemented in order to resolve the dilemma.
Focus more on presenting the data rather than the storyline.

6. Have you ever been in conflicting relations or disagreed with your manager or team-head?
How have you reacted to such situations?
It’s not a bad thing to disagree with your manager. Disagreeing promotes diverse viewpoints and
ultimately helps in taking a better decision. If any such instances have occurred, focus on how your
viewpoints were different from those of your manager, what were the pros and cons of both and
how you reacted to the situation.
7. What has been the biggest challenge of your life? How did you overcome it? What
did you learn?
The biggest challenge of your life could be related to academics, personal life, any
activity or even a challenge of taking a decision. Whatever it is, you call it the biggest
challenge because of various hurdles you faced. Focus on what the hurdles were, how
you applied your strengths or managerial skills to overcome it and eventually, what
learning you gained out of it.

8. What has been the biggest failure of your life? What did you learn from it?
Similar to the previous question, the answer could be anything. This question can be a bit
uncomfortable or tricky to talk about. But first, it is important to note why the interviewer is asking
this question. Here, they want to know what you view as a failure, how you handled a bad situation
and what did you learn from this situation.
Do not ramble about the very first thing that comes to mind, rather keep an answer prepared.
Do not talk about cliché issues like marks in graduations and topics similar to that as a failure. It is
best to choose an example from a situation early in your professional career or college days as you
can then show how you have grown on a personal front from that failure and you can share
relevant examples regarding the same. Be sure you take ownership of the situation and not blame
other people for your failure. Call attention to what you’ve learned from the situation and what
you did to prevent future missteps.
9. Describe a situation where you have completed a project on a very short deadline or under a
time constraint. How did you solve the problem? What did you learn from it?
This is a check of your time management skills. Your answer should start with what the project
was, why did the problem of time arise and how you contributed to the solution, managing the
resource constraints simultaneously.

This category includes questions where a situation is presented

in front of the candidate. Remember, there’s no right or wrong
answer to most of these questions. The objective behind asking
these questions is to check –
• The decision-making skills of a candidate
• The problem-solving skills
• The multi-tasking skills of a candidate
• How good, you are as a team player or as a
people's representative

S1. Suppose you have an important work to do in office which, if delayed, might result into a huge
loss for the company. At the very same time, you have got a call from your home asking you to
be there because of some emergency. There’s only you who could handle the tasks, both at home
and at the office. What would you do?

2. You’re working on a project with a tight deadline, but you find that you’re unable to complete
your section because your co-workers and your supervisor are unavailable to answer a few key
questions. How do you deal with the situation?

3. You’re a team leader. What would you do if the work of one of your subordinate team
members was not up to expectations?

This category includes random questions. The

objective, in general, behind asking these
questions is:
• To check thought process of the candidate
• To check the presence of mind- How the
candidate answers random unprepared

1. Money or fame. Why?
2. Money or power. Why?
3. If you could go back and change one thing related to your life, what would it be and
4. Define success.
5. What is the probability of you cracking this interview?
6. Luck or hard work. Why?
7. Do you believe in God? Justify your answer.

Students are advised to search the internet to expose themselves to more abstract
questions. However, while answering, try to present your own opinion, because the
question in this category could be anything.

These questions have become an

important part of B-School interviews.
The objective, in general, behind asking
these questions is:
• Judge the analytical approach used
by candidate
• Ascertain the estimation prowess
of the candidate

Example: Estimate the number of cups of coffee consumed in the United States in the past week.

1. Number of cups in the past week: This equals the number of cups per day multiplied by 7.
Mention to the interviewer whether you have assumed each of the seven days to have the
same demand for coffee or whether you have assumed weekends to have a greater demand.
For the sake of simplicity, we will be assuming that the demand is constant on all days.

2. Percentage of population that drinks coffee: You can make educated guesses. Here you can
mention to the interviewer that you have assumed the population of US to be 300 million.
Also, around 20% of this population would include children who do not drink coffee. At the
same time, we can also approximate that another 20% of the population does not drink
coffee at all. Hence, the relevant population size is 60% of the population of US

3. Number of cups per day: Here our guess is that out of the remaining 60% of the population,
half of them drink 2 cups per day, a quarter drinks 4 cups per day, and a quarter drinks 1 cup
per day. This averages out to 2*0.5 + 4*0.25 + 0.25*1 = 2.25 cups per coffee drinker per day

4. Final Calculation: After arriving at the number of cups of coffee per coffee drinker per day,
we can approximate the final number at a weekly level by:

300,000 * 0.6 * 2.25 = 405 million cups per day

405 million cups per day * 7 days per week = 2.84 Billion Cups per week

Extempore tests your ability to gather

thoughts in limited time, effectively
structure them & deliver with
confidence. It tests your communication
skills & your ability to handle pressure.

Steps to Approach an Extempore topic:

• Understand the topic & decipher what exactly is expected.

• Gather your thoughts and make up your mind about the topic (whether
you agree or disagree with the topic) and structure your thoughts in your

• Pen-down the key words.

• Keep your points crisp & keep a tab on the time.

• Ensure you do not take any extreme stands & give a strong conclusion.

Try to stay updated regarding the

latest happening and discussions
in the industry. Also, go through
some abstract topics.

• India’s approach to Electric Vehicles

• India’s push towards expansion of Solar Plants

• Farm Bill - Pros and Cons

• Way forward to revive Indian Economy

• Opinion on the Union Budget 2021

• Impact of US elections on India and the world

• Future of U.S - China Relationship and its impact on the world

• India’s relations with other countries

• Future of India - China relationship

• Brexit impact on India and the world

• WhatsApp Data leak issue


• Future of Crypto-currency

• Impact of Covid-19 on

o Aviation

o Automobile

o Healthcare and Pharma

o Financial/Stock Market

o Education sector

o IT Sector

o Infrastructure & Civil Projects

• Will companies move out of China post normalcy

• Scope of Analytics in different domains of Management

• Challenges of cashless economy in the Indian perspective

• Government policies to promote cashless economy

• Technology innovation to shape industry 4.0 (AI, Big Data, Blockchain)


• How does social media impact education?

• Banking Scams and their impact

• IT & cybersecurity in preventing money laundering

• How does gender impact social intelligence and career?

• Affordable healthcare in India

• Fit India Movement

• Lifestyle diseases: A new Burden for India

• Antibiotic resistance: An age of Superbugs

• Pros and Cons of online education

• Bharat Vs India: Is the Gap really closing?

• Opinion on the new education policy


• Opinion Media trials : pros and cons

• Opinion on the effect of growth of e-commerce sites on retail shops and outlets

• Negative aspects of Artificial intelligence

• Atmanirbhar Bharat

• Is work life balance a myth


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