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Task 1 - Electromagnetic waves in open media

Individual work format

Student name
Duverney paredes martinez
Group 203058-100
Identification number


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas
2021 16-04
Exercises development

Answers: (write with your own words)
1. In the context of electromagnetic waves, what is an open
propagation medium?

They are those waves that do not need a material medium to propagate.
They include, among others, visible light and radio, television and
telephone waves.
They all propagate in a vacuum at a constant speed, very high (300 000
km / s) but not infinite.
2. Within the propagation mediums, what is the meaning of the
“Loss Tangent”?
The value of the loss tangent is a measure of the quality of an
insulation, the lower the conduction current compared to the
displacement current, the better the quality of the electrical insulation;
IEEE 400-2001, 20 illustrates the basic elements that must be taken
into account when evaluating the insulation quality of power cables
through the loss tangent. For practical purposes, the loss tangent is also
known as the delta tangent or dissipation factor and the displacement
current as the bias current. Changes in the tangent delta of a cable as
time passes or when it is measured at different voltages, are interpreted
as aging or deterioration of the insulation, forcing its change or
3. How the propagation medium is classified according to the
value of the “Loss Tangent”?
This observation makes it possible to establish a basic classification for
media based on the loss tangent as follows:

Perfect dielectrics: they do not present conduction current; therefore,

they do not have losses due to the Joule effect.
Perfect conductors: they do not present bias current, therefore, they
do not have capacitive or charge accumulation effects.
Good insulators: they present conduction current and have effect
losses Joule, but this effect is almost negligible compared to the
capacitive effect, they are called also “low loss dielectrics”.
Good conductors: they present bias current, therefore, they have
capacitive or charge accumulation effects, but the conduction current
and Joule effect losses.
Dissipative dielectrics: they present both effects and neither is
negligible against the other.
4. Define the propagation parameters for waves traveling
through a medium (they are different from the wave
The parameters that influence the speed of the wave are: the relative
dielectric permittivity of the medium, the conductivity, the magnetic
permeability and the frequency of the emission.
Application exercise:
The following 5-step exercise describes the method to characterize an
electromagnetic wave when propagating in an open environment, for
which, each student must choose 1 propagation media of the proposed
in Table 1 and announce it within the Task 1 forum to avoid repetition.
Table 1: Conductivity and electrical perittivity of some media.

Media ⁄ []
1. Copper
2. Sea water
3. Air
4. Vegetable soil
5. Dry soil
6. Sweet water
7. Vacuum
1. Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ) and the angle of losses δ of
the medium chosen in Table 1, if through it travel an
electromagnetic wave E of frequency . Note that
are the last 3 digits of your identification number.


Identification number: 1.122.677.636 then


Selected propagation medium: Vegetable soil


Electrical permittivity:

Attention, for the calculations:

1. Replace your values (with units) in the equation.
2. Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator. *
3. Paste the calculator image into the report.
4. Write the answer with your units.
If the image is not included, the exercise rating is 0 points.
* You can use

Note that and

Figure 1: operation 1 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Figure 2: operation 2 on a virtual scientific calculator.

2. According to the result obtained in point 1, classify the behavior of
the chosen medium according to one of the 5 options in Table 2:

Table 2: Classification of propagation media.

Media Tan(δ) δ [°]
1. Perfect dielectrics (Not dissipative) Tan(δ) = 0 δ = 0°

2. Good insulators (Lost low dielectric) 0 < Tan(δ) <= 0,1 0° < δ <= 6°

3. Dissipative dielectrics (Dielectrics with losses) 0,1 < Tan(δ) <= 10 6° < δ <= 84°

4. Good conductors (Good conductors) Tan(δ) > 10 84°< δ < 90°

5. Perfect conductors (Perfect conductors) Tan(δ) >>> 10 δ = 90°

1. According to the classification obtained in point 2 and using Table 3

shown below, calculate the following propagation parameters of the
wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation constant  (gamma).
b. Attenuation constant  (Alpha).
c. Phase constant  (Beta).
Table 3: Propagation parameters in open media.

Not Lost low Dielectrics with Good

dissipative dielectric losses conductors

√ √ √

⁄ ) √
√ √  √

√ ⁄ √ ⁄ √ ⁄ √ ⁄

Attention, for the calculations:

1. Replace your values (with units) in the equation.
2. Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator. *
3. Paste the calculator image into the report.
4. Write the answer with your units.
If the image is not included, the exercise rating is 0 points.
* You can use

Note that , and

Figure 3: operation 3 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Figure 4: operation 4 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Figure 5: operation 5 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Figure 6: operation 6 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Figure 7: operation 7 on a virtual scientific calculator.

3. According to the results obtained in point 3 and using the following
equations, calculate the propagation characteristics of the wave in
the chosen medium:
a. Propagation speed .
b. Wavelength .
c. The penetration depth of the wave in the medium.

Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator, paste the image

of the operation on the report, then write the final result including the

Figure 8: operation 8 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Figure 9: operation 9 on a virtual scientific calculator.
Figure 10: operation 10 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Interpretation: According to the concepts explored, explain in your own words the
meaning and the result obtained for: and .

The loss tangent is the relationship between the conduction

current and the displacement current

It is the speed of propagation of the waves

Wavelength is the distance traveled by a periodic disturbance that

propagates through a medium in a cycle

Penetration depth: Is a measure of the depth with which light or any

electromagnetic radiation can penetrate a material

Application example

Fictitious paracyte nematodes are microorganisms responsible for large

losses in the agricultural sector.In this example, an alternative for

controlling and stopping these microorganisms is presented making use

of electromagnetic waves than by irradiating the magnetic field

generated by an electromagnet fed by a pulsating signal. of variable

current to obtain different values of magnetic flux density, very good

results could be obtained in the elimination and arrest of 4 types of

microorganisms with similar characteristics.

Video link



Reference 1:
Ondas Electromagnéticas. (s. f.). Recuperado 21 de septiembre de
2021, de

Alejandro Paz Parra. (2019). electromagnetismo para ingeniería

electrónica.campos y ondas (capitulo 3 pg 196–198).

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