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Name : _______________________________ Class : _________________________

HOTs Exercise: Read the questions and answers carefully. Write out the answers neatly.

While Stocks Last ?

1. What is the meaning of this phrase?



“…and I don’t want to miss the sale.”

2. What did Ramli mean by the phrase?



3. What do you understand by the saying ‘the more the merrier.’ ?



4. What does the proverb ‘respect begets respect’ mean ?



5. Why do you think Serian Mall is holding a colouring competition during the sale ?



6. Why do you think Serian Mall is holding a colouring competition during the sale ?



7. Siti suggested making a birthday card for their mother. Do you agree with her suggestion ?
Why ?



8. Do frogs lay eggs in a drain? Why ?

9. Why must parents and guardian sign permission slips before children are allowed to attend
the camp? Give reasons to support your answer.



10. What do you understand by the phrase ‘ without fear or favour ’?



“ That’s what friends are for ? ”

11. Why do you think Karim said that?



12. The hunters had killed many animals. Do you think they are cruel to animals ? Why ?



13. What do you understand by ‘ one year warranty ’?



14. What do you understand by ‘ a stone’s throw ’?



15. In your opinion, what do you think the tourists probably buy in Sarawak? Give a reason.



16. Name two activities that will most likely be held during the ‘ Improve Your English Month’.



17. What do you understand by the phrase ‘ buy and donate at the same time ’?



18. There is an activity at jungle trekking. Suggest what kind of attire Janice should prepare for
the camp?



19. Why does the school make compulsory to the pupils to participate in the UPSR Motivation
Camp? Give a reason to support your answer.



20. What do you understand by the clause of ‘ no participation fee is required ’?



21. Do you think that we should go on a trip in our country? Why ?



22. Do you want to be a volunteer in a gotong royong? State your reasons ?



 Yes, this is because they had caused many animals becoming endangered.

 They must sign the permission slips so that the school and teachers will not be the only ones responsible
for any accidents during the camp.

 It is to ensure that the pupils are more prepared for the UPSR examination. / It is to motivate the pupils
to strive for better results in the UPSR examination.

 English Speaking Day and storytelling competitions will be held.

 He said that to remind his friend that friends would help each other.

 Yes, this is because it saves cost to make the birthday card.

 I think we should. This is because there are many interesting places in our country.

 It means someone will treat everyone the same no matter the person is rich or poor, clever or stupid.

 It means that the shop that sells you the item will replace or repair it if it does not work properly for one
year from the time you bought it.

 It means when we respect others, we would in return be respected, too.

 It means that part of the profit made from the sale will be donated.

 Yes. This is because I want to be a responsible citizen and it is fun to work together with others.

 No, this is because the running water in the drain will sweep them away.

 It means customers must buy while the items are still available as stocks are limited.

 It means very short distance.

 It means participants do not have to pay money.

 Ramli probably does not want to miss the sale as most things are sold at very low price.

 She should prepare sportswear for the camp. / She should prepare a T-shirt, a pair of tracksuit and a pair
of sport shoes.

 This is because the management wants to attract more customers to the sale and buy more things.

 I think they would buy some local food and handicrafts. They would be interested to know the local
cultures, food and arts.

 It means a situation or event will be more fun if there are more people involved.

Common Errors Exercise : Read and identify the errors. Correct them and rewrite

One night, Kelvin wake up her sleep as it is thirsty. So, she go to the ketchen down
get a water.

As he is walk down the stars, he hear a strange noise come at the living room. He
go to checked the noise out. He is shock when he see two man rummaging through the
drawers. He imediately tiptoe upstair and wok her parents up. His fether locks the
badroom door but call the polis.

Five minite ago, polis arrive and round the houses. The burgers try to go but he
catch with the polis. The policemen praised Kelvin for his quick action. Kelvin was on
cloud nine because he had done a good deed.

















Name : ____________________________ Class : ____________________________

Proverbs, Idioms and Similes exercise : Choose and fill in the correct answer.

1. The injured man was ___________________________because he lost a lot of blood in the accident.

2. Let me help you with your project. After all, ‘_________________________________________’.

3. Mike was _________________________________ when his mother was looking at his report card.

4. Ali and his brother stopped disturbing their neigbour’s dog after they were chased by it last week.

As the saying goes, _____________________________________________________.

5. “ Jenny, it is better to start working on your Science project, even if you are one week behind time,

than not to start it at all. Remember, ‘_____________________________________,”said Tom.

6. The restaurant along Jalan Kuching looks old but the food there is delicious. As the saying goes,


7. We should always tell the truth. As the saying goes,____________________________________.

8. After spending a week camping in the cold, damp forest, Siti feels good to be back home. As the

saying goes,_________________________________________.

9. A person’s character is more important than his or her appearance. As the saying


10. You should always think before you act. As the saying goes,_______________________________.

11. There is always a positive side to things even when you are in a horrible situation. As the saying

goes, ___________________________________________.

12. A true friend helps one is in trouble. As the saying goes, _________________________________

13. Sally was late for the meeting, but at least she came. As the saying


14. You should use money wisely because it is not easy to earn it. As the saying goes,


15. We should never stop learning because with more knowledge, a person has more power. As the

saying goes, ___________________________________________.

16. Benjamin studied hard, so the exam was _________________________________for him.

17. The talented ballerina dances well. She is ________________________________________.

18. Jamal arrived ______________________________________ to catch the kitten that fell from the

19. My brother finished three plateful of rice as he was __________________________________after

his hiking trip.

20. We should not regret something that cannot be changed. As the saying


21. If we do an activity regularly, we will become very good at it. As the saying


22. Manyan was the first to complete the test. She said the test was_____________________________.

23. The things we do are more important than the things we say we will do. As the saying goes,


24. We should prepare well and put in effort if we want to achieve success. As the saying goes,


25. Dan is _____________________________________. He does not like to help his mother with
chores around the house.

26. Those palace guards barely moved. They stood_________________________________________.

27. My brother loves ___________________________. He always makes me laugh.

28. Before Ahmad went on stage to sing, he _____________________________________.

29. Melissa was____________________________ because of her good examination results.

30. You should have speak loudly into her ears or else she cannot hear you. She

31. John made many serious mistakes in his life because he is__________________________________
and had never listened to any advice.

32. You have bought the tickets, and even took your friend to the airport, but he just wouldn’t get to the
plane. As the saying goes,___________________________________________________________

33. You should be happy with what you have got even if it is less than what you want. As the saying
goes, ____________________________________________.

beauty is only skin deep every cloud has a silver lining. knowledge is power

two heads are better than one you can’t judge a book by its cover practice makes perfect

actions speak louder than words as deaf as a post as stubborn as a mule

you can lead a horse to water, as hungry as a wolf it’s no use crying over spilt
but you cannot make him drink milk
on pins and needles Better late than never as pale as a ghost

on cloud nine honesty is the best policy as easy as ABC

once bitten, twice shy had cold feet pulling my leg

a friend in need is a friend half a loaf is better than none as still as a statue

a piece of cake money doesn’t grow on trees the first step is the hardest

look before you leap there is no place like home as lazy as a toad

better late than never on the spot as graceful as a swan

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