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5 Motives of Imperialism
& Forms of Colonial Control
Discussion Question

*  With your partner, discuss and come up with at least 2

different reasons why you think a country would want
to colonize (take over) another country.

*  Do you think there are justifiable (good/okay) reasons

to colonize another country? Or is it always bad?
Defend your answer.
Five Motives of Imperialism

There were five basic motives for imperialism:

1.  Economic $
2.  Political

3.  Religious

4.  Exploratory

5.  Ideological
Economic Motives $$$
•  Desire to increase
•  Gain raw materials
•  Create new markets
for manufactured
•  Acquire sources of
cheap labor
“Commerce follows the flag.”
Cecil Rhoades
Political Motives

•  Compete in the
international arena

•  Expand territories and

control strategic regions

•  Gain national prestige

and prideRule Britannia!

“The Sun never sets on the British Empire!”

Political Cont.

*  Berlin Conference *  Outcome:

1884-1885 *  Divides up Africa between
European Nations
*  Starts “Scramble for
Religious Motives

•  To spread the Christian

faith and morality

•  Missionaries often
supported by

•  Some missionaries also

scientists and explorers:
example David
Dr. Livingstone

*  British missionary that

explored Africa

*  Motto: “Christianity,
Commerce, &

*  1st white man to see
Victoria Falls
Exploratory Motives

•  To gain knowledge
about the geography and
resources of the region

•  To conduct scientific
and medical research

•  To gain knowledge of
local cultures and
Henry Morton Stanley greets Dr. David
Livingstone in central Africa 1871
Ideological Motives
•  To spread “Western Civilization”
values, legal systems, government,
and technology
•  Concept of Social Darwinism:
-Natural selection means that
stronger cultures will dominate the
•  Concept of “White Man’s Burden”:
Duty of white cultures to “civilize” the
people in the under developed
Forms of Colonial Control
Forms of Colonial Control

*  Colony
*  A country governed internally by a foreign power.

*  Sphere of Influence
*  An area in which an outside power claims exclusive
investment or trading privileges.
Imperial Ruling Methods

*  Direct rule: *  Indirect rule:

*  A system of colonial *  A system of colonial
government in which government in which
native rulers are removed local rulers were allowed
from power and replaced to maintain their
with a new set of officials positions under the
brought from the mother supervision of colonial
country. advisors.
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Document Analysis Activity
Document Analysis Activity

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