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‘The apostle concludes that there is “no distinction” between Jew and Greek inthe neod for saving faith (yp érew Birth TouSalou re xal"EXAryo0) He uses a similar expression in 3:22 at a preface to his conclusion ta “al have sinned afl short ofthe tory of Gad” (3:23). In positive tems Jews and Gentiles ae united {a receiving the blessing of justifiation by th (ef. Acts 159; Rom 49-12, Gal 36-9, 27-20; Eph 2:11-22). The Christological con. clusion is that “the same Lord fal” (aon pg myn, cf Acts 1136) “icy blesses ll who call on him” (hav el vam aig Emwaneupivns eleévs® “The universal lordship of Christ is the cachatologcal expression of the one God's sovereign purpose." Elewhere in Romans Pel uses the noun “riches” fo emphasize the tbundance of Go's "kndess, restrain, and patience” (2:4), “he fiche of his glory” (8:23), and “the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God” (11:33). But here e uses the cognate verb to indicate that God makes his riches available to all through the pon and work of his Son (ef. 1 Car 1:5; 2 Cor 89 Eph 1:7; 24, 7,38; Phil 419; Col 1:77. Calling upon Jesus as Lord is the challenge of Joe! 32 (LXX: 3:5), wich is leas climax to this section "Toe 2 sis comfort ably alongside Deuteronomy 30s powerful statement of how God wall restore the fortunes of Israel after devastating judgment”™ In is onginl context this passage was clearly a challenge for fil Israltes to express thei reliance on their covenant Lord for mercy and salvation in view ofthe approaching “day ofthe Lond Prior i schaleng te prophet onised a echo poning oi God's Spit dot 224-29) In Pals ngunnt hs ton re sent inert en rents wi cls cu it aces afte Lan ea tnd Jos ete Lott cof ada pene vee (wv. 9-10, 12). By implication the gift ofthe Spirit is an immediate felcoiming way wich rant "ely Bence Senin (ict ewe 33 perce fend vale innedsispa aon er heres Justina (113) al ropes eal (I-10 toto povteg 1 nanmidg coco fe ol suman eee ne src ach qos Meus vec Chon”) tod tes np maf fom oe peeann tox Te tn Goon pcs wp hwo eal” fm fr (hen thy ao hin they ve nord oP ces ‘ond question picks up the word “believe” and points tothe need for Biot’ tc pop cys ping owe ea obtener ledge Di rites 6) tito bohed ad tc “Te ae ee Deserves of onl jcnaion incre eee Ihany pode te paeaon cfc ppcveaae ea ewan forth oon tsa dat pops canooy rect Injen rey) wibthepsaneiiee ee of God. Soe sequence in temporal term shit: God send preach es who proclaim the gospel so people may heat, believe, end eal Sse Lor Jess fo savaton Pl frat apie hats felevnt to Jews and Gentiles alike, though he applies it particularly torts aire in vv. 16, 18-21 ae A text to support the fourth question is introduced with the familiar words “as ts writen” (ef, 1:17; 2:24; 3:4 10, 4:17; 836, 9:13, 33) Paul's citation from Is 52:7 i closer to the Hebrew oi inal than the LXX in certain respects (li, "How besuiful ae the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things"), though he

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