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Market analysis: A market is defined as the sum total of all the buyers and sellers

in the area or region under consideration. A market analysis is the best way to get a third-party
perspective of all of the best options for your marketing campaign, and to ensure that your
marketing dollars are spent in the most effective way possible. OBJECTIVES • Determine
attractiveness of a market. • Find & identify new business opportunities. • Targeting and dividing
the market into niche. • Positioning the products or brands in the mind of customers •
Understand the dynamics of the market.

DIMENSIONS OF MARKET ANALYSIS :1MARKET SIZE • Total annual sales in the market
served. • Current market size and future size. MARKET SEGMENTS MARKET Geography and
location Customer segments a) market in which we a) who buy our sell product b) local market
or b) profile of target international market customer . MARKET TRENDS } Once the segments
of the product's market are determined, the market trends of the product needs to be analysed
from time to time. } Identify the trends in the market segments within which the product fits. } If
the market segment is growing and is projected to continue to grow, then it is an upward trend. }
If the trend is for new products then the company should replace older models, with new ones
and that is called downward trend for the older products.MARKET GROWTH RATE • Keep a
track of the market condition. • Sales growth of complementary products. • Product life cycle
phases can be understood. MARKET PROFITABILITY • Profit potential for a market can be
used as a guideline to determine how difficult it is to make money in the market. INDUSTRY
COST STRUCTURE • Identifying key factors for success. • Porter's value chain model is useful
for determining where value is added and for isolating the costs. • The cost structure also is
helpful for formulating strategies to develop a competitive advantage. DISTRIBUTION
CHANNELS The path through which goods and services travel from the vendor to the
consumer . A distribution channel can be as short as a direct transaction from the vendor to the
consumer, or may include several interconnected intermediaries along the way such as
wholesalers, distributers, agents and retailers. ANALYSING DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL • What
are the alternative distribution channels • the trends, •. TYPES OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS
Existing distribution channels Trends and emerging channels Channel power structure .
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR • The key success factors are those elements that are necessary in
order for the firm to achieve its marketing objectives. • Access to essential unique resources •
Ability to achieve economies of scale • Access to distribution channels • Technological progress.

PERFORMING MARKET ANALYSIS • Identify why a customer would buy your product. •
Define your target market through segmentation. • Conduct market research. • Analyze the
results of your research. • Incorporate your findings into strategic business decisions. MARKET
RESEARCH :Market research can be of two types:- Primary Market research Primary
research is original information gathered through your own efforts to respond to a specific
question or set of questions.This information is normally gathered through surveys, observation,
or experimentation. Secondary market research Secondary research exploits existing
resources like company records, surveys, research studies and books and applies the
information to answer the question at hand. It is normally less time consuming than primary
research, and can be less expensive.

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