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Individuals and interactions Our highest priority is to satisfy Deliver working so!ware
over processes and tools the customer through early and frequently, from a couple of
continuous delivery of valuable weeks to a couple of months,
so!ware. with a preference to the
Working so!ware over shorter timescale.
comprehensive documentation
Continuous attention to technical
Customer collaboration over excellence and good design Working so!ware is the primary
enhances agility. measure of progress.
contract negotiation

Responding to change over At regular intervals, the team The most efficient and effective
following a plan reflects on how to become more method of conveying
effective, then tunes and adjusts its information to and within a
behavior accordingly. development team is face-to-
face conversation.

Simplicity–the art of maximizing the

amount of work not done–is The best architectures, require-
essential. ments, and designs emerge from
self-organizing teams.

Build projects around motivated

individuals. Give them the Business people and developers
environment and support they must work together daily
need, and trust them to get the job through-out the project.

EMPIRICAL PROCESS Welcome changing require-

Agile processes promote ments, even late in development.
sustainable development. The Agile processes harness change
Transparency sponsors, developers, and users for the customer's competitive
should be able to maintain a advantage.
Inspection constant pace indefinitely.




Base unit in Scrum consisting of a Scrum Master, a Product Owner,
and Developers. No sub-teams or hierarchies. Cross-functional and
Self-Managing (Typically 10 or fewer people).

Developers Product Owner Scrum Master

Everyone needed to produce the Maximizes the value of the product. They Accountable for establishing Scrum as
product. They create a plan for the Sprint, create and communicate the Product Goal defined in the Scrum Guide. They are
own quality, modify their plan as needed, and the Product Backlog Items. They order the process expert on the team. They
and hold each other accountable as the Product Backlog items. serve the Scrum Team and the
professionals organization


The Sprint PRODUCT BACKLOG: An emergent, ordered list of what is

needed to improve the product. It is the single source of work
The heartbeat of Scrum. The Sprint contains all the other undertaken by the Scrum Team. The Product Owner has final
events and there is no space between sprints. say on the Product Backlog. Product Backlog refinement is the
! Everyone act of breaking down and further defining Product Backlog
items into smaller more precise items.
" One month or less
# Potentially Shippable Product Increment
COMMITMENT: PRODUCT GOAL: Describes a future state of
the product which can serve as a target for the Scrum Team to
plan against.
Sprint Planning
The first event in the Sprint. The Scrum Team addresses
SPRINT BACKLOG: Composed of the Sprint Goal (why), the set
three topic: Why is this Sprint Valuable? What can be done
of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint (what), as well
in this Sprint? How will the chosen work get done?
as an actionable plan for delivering the Increment (how).
! Scrum Team
" Up to 8 hours for a 1-month sprint COMMITMENT: SPRINT GOAL: The single objective for the
# A Sprint Goal and the Product Backlog Sprint.

INCREMENT: A concrete stepping stone toward the Product

Daily Scrum Goal.
Inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the
Sprint Backlog as necessary. The event is designed for COMMITMENT: DEFINITION OF DONE: A formal description
the Developers and the format is chosen by them. of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality
! Developers, Scrum Master, and Product Owner (optional) measures required for the product.
" Up to 15 minutes
# A plan for the next 24 hours

Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective
Inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future
adaptations. The Scrum Team presents the results of their Plan ways to increase quality and
work to key stakeholders and progress toward the Product effectiveness. The Scrum Team
Goal is discussed. Feedback from customers & stakeholders discusses how the Sprint went and
is provided to the Scrum Team. identifies the most helpful changes
to improve its effectiveness.
! Scrum Team and stakeholders as appropriate
" Up to 4 hours for a 1-month sprint ! Scrum Team
# Updated Product Backlog items based on feedback received " Up to 3 hours for a 1-month sprint

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