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Describe in not less than 3 sentences the different Postural deviation

- Forward Head Posture it the curve neck, like your head thrust forward which is not
right, this kind of posture normally got by the people who often work with their head
- Protracted Shoulder Girdle shoulder is one of the complicated part off our body it’s
muscles play a huge role in our posture. And having a bad posture can a problem to our
neck, shoulder and especially on lower back part of our body.
- Anterior Pelvic Tilt is when the butt is arched high causing a misalignment at our pelvis
and our chest position has an effect to our pelvic position. Seated jobs, faulty abdominal
training and poor muscle balance are one of the causes of it.
2. Identify and describe in not less than 3 sentences the different Posture faults

 poor postural habit—for whatever reason, the individual does not maintain a
correct posture
 psychological factors, especially self-esteem – having these conditions makes us
feel to do not nothing, the feeling that you are lazy to do everything.
 normal developmental and degenerative processes
 pain leading to muscle guarding and avoidance postures – one of the example of
this is when you got to an accident and that accident caused you to not move and
prevents your body to do correct postures.
 muscle imbalance, spasm, or contracture – having these kind of condition makes a
person feel pain when moving.
 joint hypermobility or hypo mobility
 respiratory conditions – Because of this conditions some people having a difficulty
to do some postures correctly like the anterior pelvic tilt.
 general weakness – because of natural weakness some individual does not able to
move and do a correct posture.
 excess weight- having too much weight can make a person to move lesser.
 loss of proprioception—the ability to perceive the position of your body
 over reliance on passive support from a non-ergonomic chair.

How Correct Body Mechanics contribute to the efficiency of the body functions?
- Good body mechanics are important because it helps protect our spine and other parts
of our body. It is the safest way to correct our body postures, having these postures
makes our body better. Example is when we are sleeping there is a correct posture,
when we are walking the alignment off our head to our body is important that’s is why
too much using of phone can cause our body to have incorrect posture. Good Body
Mechanics are made for us to avoid the pain on our body and having a knowledge about
this can change our life especially when we get older.



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