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CHOOSE 9 out of 15 choices provided.

Number 1 is required and

should be your first entry.

1. “My philosophy in life is…. “

After learning the different philosophical views of the self, can you come up with an original one-
liner thought that serves as basis in living your life? What would it be?

Be inspired with the great thinkers of our time. It is time to memorialize your original idea and
inspire others of that one recurring thought that guides you in valuing and appreciating life!

2. “If I could have the world’s best collection of something, it would be…”

Are you a collector? And by that, I mean, do you allocate a significant amount of money
and time to building a collection of something that has meaning for you? 

Maybe you already collect something — geodes, Star Wars figures, porcelain dolls…. 

Or maybe you don’t. But if you could collect something, what would it be, and why?
What would you willingly surround yourself with? And would you show them off to
everyone who came to visit?

3. “When I was a young, I never told my parents that I…”

Oh, we all have a few of these secrets, don’t we? And some of them would make your
parents flip their lids — even today.

As long as your parents aren’t in the room when telling this secret, it’s sure to provide
some gasps and entertainment for those listening. And you can finally get rid of that
guilty conscience!

4. “One thing I’m very afraid of is…”

What type of horror movie scares you the most? Or what nightmare scenario would
keep you up at night, sitting in the corner with a flashlight and your weapon of choice?

Maybe you have a lifelong fear of spiders and imagine an apocalyptic scenario where
the spawn of Shelob is taking over the planet. That’d do it for me. 

Or maybe you’re afraid of something completely different — and closer to reality. How
would you finish the sentence?
5. “Not many people know this about me, but when I was younger, I…”

When you start a sentence with, “”Not many people know this about me,” you’ve
immediately got the attention of the room. Everyone wants to know something others
don’t know.
What is the secret thing you did when you were younger that gives a glimpse into your
mindset back in the day? Or your mindset now?

6. “I know it’s crazy, but I love to eat…”

Pickled pigs feet? Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches? Pizza for breakfast? If food
happens to be the topic of discussion, throw in one of your favorite but strange food

You may get some cringes, a few laughs, and perhaps someone outdoing you with an
equally weird or disgusting food love.

7. “If I had to be trapped in a movie or a video game for a day, it would


Ever wanted to be part of the cast for Jumanji — or to jump into your favorite video
game or RPG to make things happen? If you had to be stuck in a movie or video game
for a day, which fabricated world appeals to you most?

This would be your reality for a full 24 hours. So, if you could choose, where would you

8. “If I could make anything happen for someone, I would….”

Is there someone in your life who needs help with a difficult problem?

If you could make anything happen for them to instantly improve their life or open a door
for them, what would that be?

And would you want them to know you were behind it?

9. “I’d most like to be remembered for….”

What would you like your loved ones to think of when they remember you?

What do you want to accomplish that will outlast you in its impact?

And whom will it benefit most? What would it say about your priorities or about your
life’s purpose?
10. “If I won the lottery, the first thing I’d buy would be….”

Maybe you need a new car, or maybe you’ll just celebrate with a latté. Or maybe you’d
call the realtor for that house you’ve been sighing over for the past month.

What comes to mind first? And how many people would you tell?

11. “An accomplishment I’m particularly proud of is….”

This doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. Just think of a moment when you felt deep
satisfaction over something you did or a challenge you faced.

Think of something that scared you – until you did it. Is it something you’ve crossed off
your bucket list?

12. “I would love to meet (and even have lunch with)….”

Name a celebrity whom you’d love to meet and even have a conversation with — over
lunch or at least a beverage of choice.

Or maybe you’d like to meet a dream mentor of yours and chat for half an hour or more.
Whose face comes to mind?

13. “Something I’d love to get rich by doing full-time is….”

If you were assured of earning more than enough, no matter what you did full-time, what
would you do?

Why would you do it and how would your life change?

For extra credit, what could you do to earn at least some of your income doing what you

14. “The people I grew up with influenced me by….”

The people you grew up with shaped the person you are today. And if you don’t have
siblings, that shaped you, too.

What personal traits do you attribute to the people with whom you were closest growing
up? What are you most grateful for?
15. “One thing I know I do well (or better than most) is….”

Maybe you already have a superpower (or something like it). And whatever it is, you’re
probably proud of it — if only secretly.

Why not admit you’re good at it? And what do you most enjoy about this ability of
yours? How have you developed it?

16. “One of my favorite things to do is…. “

Whether it’s a hobby or just something you enjoy doing (for yourself or someone else), if
it’s a favorite thing of yours, it says a lot about what matters to you.

Reference: 51 Fun Facts About Yourself That Everyone Wants To Hear

October 25, 2020 by Barrie Davenport

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