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Bedroom = kamar tidur

I paid a lot of attention to my baby’s bedroom

Saya memberikan banyak perhatian terhadap kamar tidur bayi saya

_____ = selimut
My baby hates to wear blanket, he always kicks it out

_____ = Kasur
The baby mattress shouldn’t be too soft nor too hard

_____ = lemari baju

I have repurposed our wardrobe to accommodates’ our child’s

_____ = gantungan baju

There is a mounted cloth hanger behind the door for our baby’s wrapper

_____ = cermin
And a mirror to check our baby’s handsome face
Travel = Berpergian
I can’t wait to go travelling
Saya tidak bisa menunggu untuk berpergian

Vacation = _____
I have long been planning for my vacation

Check-in = _____
I was very excited to check-in in the aiport

Check-out = _____
When going on an airplane we have to check-in but we do not need to check-out

Departure = _____
I search for my departure gate which was written on my boarding pass

Arrival = _____
I have to be careful not to mistaken between departure and arrival gate

_____ = pemeriksaan keamanan

On the security check line, I saw people with many different clothes

_____ = jadwal tur

In the airplane I excitedly checked my tour schedule

_____ = tempat bertemu/berkumpul

In the schedule it is written where the meeting point is for every tourist destination

_____ = pengembalian uang

For a few activities, there is a refund policy when the weather is bad

_____ = pemesanan
I have to remember where to put my booking receipt
Street = Jalan
I am very bad with maneuvering the streets
Saya sangat buruk perihal berkendara di jalanan

Ticket = _____
Luckily, I never get a ticket

Roundabout = _____
I often get confused in the roundabout

Crossroad = _____
And I get nervous crossing the crossroads

Turn around = _____

I am also often get lost so that often I have to turn around

Highway = _____
I am told it is dangerous to drive on a highway because drivers get sleepy

_____ = ambil jalan keluar …

And once we miss to take the exit, it is a very difficult to find our way back

_____ = tempat parkir

I can never seem to find a parking spot

_____ = garasi
But I am an expert at parking in our own garage

_____ = ruang bawah tanah

I find it creepy to park in the basement

_____ = lampu lalu lintas

The most important thing is to never disobey the traffic light

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