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20 Questions You Should Absolutely

Never Ask in an Interview | NG Career


“Do you have any questions for me?” is the standard final question you can expect
as your interview nears the end. If you’ve been properly prepping for the big
interview, then you have been researching the company and you have intelligent
and engaging questions ready for the interviewer in response. Remember,
interviews should be a two-way street, a conversation. The company wants to
know about you just as much as you want to know about the company. You’re
both aiming for a win-win situation. Asking great questions can turn even the
most hopeless interview around; conversely, asking bad questions can be a death
sentence for what started as a great interaction. If you want to avoid asking bad
questions, follow these tips:

1. Avoid Personal Questions

In general, it’s best not to ask personal questions or questions relating to any
personal items (desk photographs, marital status, etc.). These can sometimes
create awkward situations. Some examples of personal questions to avoid:

What is the astrological sign of the president/CEO?

Are you single?

Did you adopt your child?

Do you like being a parent?

2. If You Can Easily Google it, Don’t Ask it!

The interview is a crucial opportunity to sell yourself by demonstrating that you

are interested in the job and eager to find the right career match (i.e. the
company for which you are interviewing). Asking questions about information you
should have picked up in your pre-interview research will make you look
unprepared and oblivious. Here are a few examples of obvious questions you
should already know the answers to:

What does your company do?

How many offices do you have?

Do you do business with companies that violate human rights?

See these interview prep tips to discover everything you need to know
before stepping foot in the interview room.

3. Avoid Questions that Demonstrate a Lack of Interest in Work

Your boss is more interested in hiring a hard worker or high achiever than
someone who is looking to simply pay rent and just get by. If you are interviewing
for your goal position, whatever you do, you’ll absolutely want to stay away from
these questions:

What will my salary be?

Will I have to work long hours?

How soon can I take a vacation?

What’s the vacation policy?

Yes, your salary and vacation time are important information, but you’ll want to
save these questions for later in the interview process. These are questions that
Human Resources will typically raise at the appropriate time and before you
receive the offer letter. Be patient.

Do you know how to answer the salary question? Here’s what you need to know
before your interview.

4. Avoid Questions that Demonstrate Self-Entitlement

No one wants to work with an egomaniac. Or the opposite, someone who needs
constant reinforcement. Some questions that will lump you into this category:

When will I be eligible for a raise? A promotion?

Do I get my own office?

What happens if I don’t get along with my boss or colleagues?

I won’t have to work for someone less educated, will I?

How did I do? Did I get the job?

5. Avoid Questions that Point to Drama

When it comes to your future employer, drama queens need not apply. You don’t
want to come across as having a pension for gossip or trouble! These questions
will be sure to set off red flags for your interviewer:

I heard a rumor about the CEO/company/stock. Is it true?

Do you monitor emails and phone calls?

How many warnings do you get before you’re fired?

Is it easy to get away with stuff around here?

Instead, Try This Interview Question Strategy

The best interviews are interactive, so ask open-ended questions that will get the
conversation flowing. Ask Why questions—as they pertain to the goal of the
position. Ask How questions—they will help you do your job if you get hired.
Asking these types of questions will demonstrate to the interviewer that you have
the right motivations and want to be successful in the role.

If you’re looking for more great questions to ask during your interview,
check out this blog post.

Don’t Wait Until the End to Ask Engaging Questions

Walk into an interview with your ears wide open and a receptive attitude. Be
prepared to ask questions during the interview—it shows you’re listening. If you
are really interested in the company and the position, you should naturally have
questions anyway. If necessary, jot down questions before you go to the interview.
You can also jot down questions during the interview as new information is
revealed. These conversations are never predictable, and you don’t know the
interviewer’s state of mind (Energetic? Tired? Excited? Apathetic?), so don’t
expect a set script or plan of action that you can follow. Just use your resume to
answer as many questions as possible and remember why you are there: You are
the best candidate!

Don’t get stumped by these 5 trick interview questions!

Noelle Gross
Founder & CEO, NG Career Strategy

So, who is Noelle Gross and why does she do what she does?

In 2010, she graduated from business school and experienced a very dark period
known as the job search. When she landed a job as an Executive Recruiter, she
learned how little job seekers seem to know about landing a job.

She worked in the career management industry for several years helping senior
executive job seekers navigate the world of executive recruitment and was
amazed to find that even the experienced professionals were confused when it came
to the job search.

Since then, she made a commitment to dedicate her professional life to

helping job seekers land jobs and find happiness using a smarter, more
efficient approach.

Noelle has worked with select clients, spoken in front of groups at all career levels,
and created a simple 3-step system – a series of important steps every job seeker
needs to apply in order to land more job interviews in record time.

To learn more about NG Career Strategy, visit

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