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Question 1:
The purpose of this question is to help students to understand the encoding step in
communication process and make a marketing communication more effective.

1a. What is encoding and discuss methods for encoding a message?

1b. Discuss how these advertisements encode their messages?

1c. Use Foote, Cone & Belding Grid advertising planning strategies, discuss how you could
improve this advertisement?

Question 2:
The purpose of this question is to guide students on how to choose a source for

Use the source attribute as a guide to choose a Vietnamese celebrity to endorse following
2a. Nike shoes.
2b. Nabizam diaper.

Question 3:
3a. The purpose of this question is to help students to set objectives for commincation

Scenario: You want to set communication objectives for a new mobile phone brand in the
market for its launching campaign. The campaign lasts for the period of 6 months.

 To increase brand awareness to 80%

 To achieve 10% market share
 To make positive profit in the 1st year.
 To achive 80% customer satisfaction
 To improve brand preference (50% brand choice)

Are these good objectives set? Explain your answer.

3b. The purpose of this question is to guide students to set budget for commincation

Scenario: You are the organizer of Christmas party for UFM students. You want to attract
students to buy tickets to join the party. Make a budgeting for your marketing
communication program, using objective and task method.
Câu 2a

Tuyên ngôn định vị thương hiệu của Nike là “Dành cho các vận động viên chân chính, Nike
cho họ sự tự tin và những đôi giày hoàn hảo cho mọi môn thể thao”. Thông điệp Just Do It.
Nike đã định vị mình là một thương hiệu cao cấp, bán các sản phẩm được thiết kế tốt và rất
đắt tiền.

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