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Do you blame Johnny, Ponyboy, Darry, or the Socs for what happens in this Chapter?

I wouldn’t blame Johnny, Ponyboy, or Darry for what happened; I would blame the Socs
for sure. They started, came into the other’s territory, and hurt Johnny and Ponyboy when they
did nothing wrong. They charged both boys while “they were reeling pickled” (Hinton 66)
meaning that they were drunk. So they were illegally driving while drunk and physically
assaulting Ponyboy and Johnny. In these days, they would be immediately at fault and the
murder of one of the socs would be considered self-defense, especially since they almost
drowned Ponyboy. However, back in those days and in their shoes, Ponyboy and Johnny would
definitely be at fault, one because they committed murder, and two because the opposing side
was much more wealthy and higher in class.

After the event, Johnny and Ponyboy flee, is this a good choice? Or should they have turned
themselves in to the authorities? Why or why not?
I think fleeing was the best choice they could make because as greasers, the punishment
would not be the same for them as for others, and they wouldn’t be able to take all of it as well as
others too. Ponyboy said that “They put you in the electric chair for killing people!" (Hinton 69),
and in my opinion, death is the only thing that is big enough to affect greasers. They are not
wealthy enough to look forward to a brighter future and they have a hard time living every
second, so they continue to live with that pain, only holding on to the small things in life. But
when it comes to this big deal of murder where no one would take their side, fleeing is the best
choice since they are better at surviving on these things than on the authorities and judges
deciding their fate.

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