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1st Quiz

Name: Jaradal, Jilmar O. Subject: CDI 3 Code: CR--582

Test I. Definition of Based on PNP Investigation Manual Revised 2011 (3 points each)
Define each word in accordance to the above said reference

1.) Abduction:
In criminal law, kidnapping is the unlawful transportation, asportation and confinement of a person against
their will. It can include tying someone up, gagging them, or stuffing them in a box. The asportation and
abduction element is typically but not necessarily conducted by means of force or fear.

2.) Accessory:
An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the
commission of the crime, meaning that the distinction between an accessory and a principal.

3.) Electronic Document:

An electronic document is any electronic media content (other than computer programs or system files) that is
intended to be used in either an electronic form or as printed output. ... However, using electronic documents
for final presentation instead of paper has created the problem of multiple incompatible file formats.

4.) Eminent Domain:

Eminent domain, land acquisition, compulsory purchase/acquisition, resumption, resumption/compulsory
acquisition, or expropriation is the power of a state, provincial, or national government to take private
property for public use.

5.) Evident Premeditation:

The essence of evident premeditation is that the execution of the criminal act must be preceded by cool
thought and reflection upon the resolution to carry out the criminal intent, during the space of time sufficient
to arrive at a calm judgment.

6.) Grave Abuse of Confidence:

Grave abuse of confidence, as an element of theft, must be the result of the relation by reason of dependence,
guardianship, or vigilance, between the accused-appellant and the offended party that might create a high
degree of confidence between them which the accused-appellant abused.

7.) Infringement:
Copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission for a usage where
such permission is required, thereby infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright.

8.) Mala Inse:

Malum in se is a Latin phrase meaning wrong or evil in itself. The phrase is used to refer to conduct assessed
as sinful or inherently wrong by nature, independent of regulations governing the conduct. It is distinguished
from malum prohibitum, which is wrong only because it is prohibited.

9.) Mala Prohibita:

Malum prohibitum is a Latin phrase used in law to refer to conduct that constitutes an unlawful act only by
virtue of statute, as opposed to conduct that is evil in and of itself, or malum in se.

10.) Non-Feasance:
Nonfeasance is a legal concept that refers to the willful failure to execute or perform an act or duty required
by one's position, office, or law whereby.

Test II. Highlight color or underline the letters and/or underline the option that corresponds to the

1.) It is a process of reconstruction of an event, which incorporates logical process of deductive reasoning that
leads to a conclusion based on a specific facts.
a.) Criminal Investigation
b.) Criminal Investigator
c.) a & b
2.) It is the lawful, objective, logical search for people and things useful in reconstructing the circumstances
surrounding the commission of a crime.
a.) Criminal Investigation
b.) Criminal Investigator
c.) a & b

3.) Who?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

4.) What?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

5.) When?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

6.) Where?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

7.) Who?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

8.) Why?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

9.) How?
a.) These question include the complete and correct name of all those involved in the incident such as
the victim/s, complainant/s, witness/es and whoever may be present during the incident
b.) These question are being directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate
the crime or offense committed whether offenses under Revised Penal Code, Special
Laws, Presidential Decrees or Ordinances.
c.) These question have something to do with the geographical location of the crime scene, property or
evidence. Described in detail where the incident exactly took place
d.) The question include the date, time when the felony/offense/infraction took place, discovered,
property found, suspect apprehended
e.) This will provide the reasons or causes why a person or group of person will perpetrate a crime
f.) This refers to the means or manner which the crime has been committed

10.) it is an unprocessed material of every description including those derived from observation,
communications, reports, imagery and other sources. Data gathering by investigators from other persons
including the victim himself
a.) Grapevine Source
b.) Cultivated Source
c.) Regular Source
d.) none of the above
e.) all of the above

Test III. Enumerate the following:

1.) 5 Steps in the Investigation Process

 investigative tasks relate to identifying physical evidence
 gathering information
 evidence collection
 evidence protection
 witness interviewing
 suspect interviewing and interrogation

2.) Consideration in Stating the Problem

It’s a clear and definite statement or expression about your chosen area of concern, a difficulty to eliminate, a
condition to improve, or a troubling problem that exists in theory, literature, and practice. A research problem
indicates a need for its meaningful investigation. It doesn’t state how to do something and a researcher
shouldn’t present a value question or offer a broad research proposal.

3.) Consideration in Forming the Hypothesis

However, there are some important things to consider when building a compelling hypothesis.
1. State the problem that you are trying to solve. Make sure that the hypothesis clearly defines the topic and
the focus of the experiment.
2. Try to write the hypothesis as an if-then statement.
3. Define the variables.

4.) Consideration in Observing & Experimenting

1. Determine your research objective. Understand the objective and goals of your research.
2. Determine questions and create a research guide.
3. Establish your method of gathering data.
4. Observe.
5. Prepare your data.
6. Analyze behaviors in your data.

5.) Consideration in Interpreting the Data

Several key elements must be considered: bias, sample size, question design, margin of error, and
interpretation. Avoiding Bias. In order for data interpretation to be reliable, a number of factors must be in
place. First and perhaps foremost, an unbiased sample must be used.

6.) Consideration in Drawing the Conclusion

When drawing conclusions, readers need to: Consider what they already know from their own experiences.
Gather all of the information that the author has given them (characters' personalities, feelings and
motivations, the time period and place, conflicts, etc.)

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