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Resume Writing

 The first impression with 6 sec

o Education / work experience / well-organized / logic
 Clear and simple
 Keywords
o Keywords  job description
o Frequently pop up the keywords on your resume
o Not too wordy for your resume  highlight the most important things
o Show as 2-4 bullet points
o Ensure each of resume can fit the company’s job description
 Modify your resume for each company
 Visa status
o Green Card / Citizen  MUST put on your resume !!  get more chances
 Resume on the job title
Interview Skills
 Research before each interview
o Google research – general info / news
o Glassdoor – positive / negative feedback
 Understanding the company’s recent news
 Checking if this company is worth staying
o LinkedIn – employee
 How long for the existing employee to stay at this company?
o company – why this company?
 Preparing well for the reason why you want to enter this company
 Understanding this company  Why this company is different with other
competitors? How this company can be differentiated with other
 Asking yourself  why you are interested in this company?
o Position – what are you looking for?
 Confidence & Personality
o Right Attitude & mindset
 Conquer that you are a native speaker but you have your professional
 Building up your mindset  People usually love who can talk and be
 Like chatting instead of just introducing yourself
o Show your passion
 Why you are so passionate about this position and company?
o What makes your different
 Your personality & strengths
 Outgoing, team player
o Story telling
 Combine your own experience with the job you want to get  story
 Slightly explain your difficulties while having in the past  turn into your
improvement and strengths (work experience)
 Lead interview
o Don’t read your script (rehearsal over 30 times)
 Academic project
 Work experience
o Prepare showcase to share
 Show them what you’ve got
o Make it like a conversation
 Tip: manifest that your HR/recruiter is your future colleague  chatting
instead of interviewing
o Asking back what you are really interested in about me?
 Answering directly the questions they are interested in
 Be a good listener
o Know when to stop
 Ask whether you should stop or continue
 So far the info about me is enough or should be continued
o Feel the interviewer
 Understanding what they are looking for
 Knowing what they are really want from you
o Synchronize with him/her
 Observe the interviewer  put yourself into their shoes
 Speaking speed is fast or slow  personality
 Salary Negotiation
o Know how much you worth (salary expectation)
 Entry-level in general industry  How much? (range)
 Goals  right fit goal /job, contribution is more important than salary 
be flexible
o Know your bottom line
 I basically know the general salary in this industry but I AM FLEXIBLE !!
o Visa sponsorship?
o Ask about salary structure  enhance your bkg about salary
 Benefits
 Total compensation
o Be flexible
 Ask Good Questions  Never say “I don’t have any question”
o Curiosity to the company / role
 Team structure
 Future forefront about the company
 What does the company really want to hire a person who can work in this
 Short-term / mid-term / long term process
o Immediate challenges
 Where can I be more stand out for this position
o Qualified candidate
 Having additional info about yourself which is matching this position
 Wrapping Up
o How did I do?
 Thanks for your time, how did I do in this interview?
 What else I can improve from this interview?
o Next Stop?
 They will arrange the next interview for you
 I am not sure what is the further step
o Thank you letter
 An old-fashion way but this is still important
* Additional Notes
 No work experience but a lot of academic projects

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